
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 7 First Mission

In some corner of Black Wind Town, in an inn there was a man who was exercising. He was doing push ups as he counted.

" 451, 452, ..., 757, 758, 759, ..., 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000" . Yep this is Norman.

I wiped my sweats as I said, " I completed 1000 push ups in just 7 minutes. "

I continued my routine. I finished my routine by 6:55 am. Day by day, I am getting proficient in my training. Now that I think about it I need some One on one with a skilled personnel.

But, I thought of taking a mission first. After completing my running I returned to the inn to get breakfast.

* tling - tring *

" Miss Efie, I want to have bacon with milk please "

By the way, Efie is the daughter of the — yeah you are right, the owner. She is very clever and honest. This is the first time I saw these characteristics in a single person.

I walked up and sat on an empty table. Well, Eating after exercise is very satisfying, that is after you get used to it.

It didn't take long for a waiter to bring my orders to my table. I had my breakfast and went out to travel in the town. I had my own motives to stroll in the town.

I wanted to gather info. You see to be a good mercenary you need to be capable of gathering information and one tips of gathering efficient information is to be manipulative and subtle while asking questions.

I strolled and didn't gather much info but it did increase my common sense of Origin World. In this case Z couldn't help me as she doesn't have it.

Well, I am thinking of teaching her common sense so, it would be good. I can train her to be my Personal Assistant. Hmm, That is a nice idea.

" Hey Z, Want to be my personal assistant? As you are already helping in giving me as much information that I need. Why don't you be my full time PA. Another benefit of being my PA is that you will get more screen time. So, what do you say?" I said to Z.

[ Norman, first of all, this is the first time you have talked since coming to this world. Secondly, I have accepted your offer to be your PA or whatever. ]

" Great, Then please try to be proactive and listen to my conversations and be ready to record it ." I said to Z.

" Now that I think about it. I didn't buy any casual clothes yesterday. Lets go buy some "

Maybe its because I recovered somewhat or that I found a way to reach Luna I feel relieved and happy. So, that's why I am talking so much.

I then navigated my way to All Fashion and entered.

" Hello Sir, I need some casual clothing for me to wear my sizes are — "

The butler dressed guy was present and was sitting behind the counter. He looked upto me and simply nodded.

Like last time he took out some clothes for me to see and asked me, " Which one do you like?"

I checked all of it and asked Z to make decision, " Z choose the one that will make me look handsome. "

[ Norman choose the black T-shirt with blue and white stripes and blue flexible trousers. ]

" Sir, Pack the black T-shirt with blue and white stripes and blue flexible trousers ." I said the the butler dressed guy, " And if you don't, care to tell me your name ?"

" I will pack these for you and the name is Zoan " The butler dressed guy, Zoan replied and went on to pack my clothings.

I didn't change my clothings into the casual wears because I decided to take my first mission. I also decided on my criterias for selecting a mission.

The mission must have short duration and it must pay well. My main focus is fighting beasts.

I then went to the adventurer guild. When I entered I saw less people compared to yesterday. I didn't think much as I madey way to the receptionist.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the receptionist was not Nefie. I asked her politely, " Miss what is your name? "

" Oh you must be the new guy, Nefie told me yesterday. You look okay. Your body is well defined. Your looks are quite handsome too. No wonder, mutter mutter" The receptionist kept on saying.

I re asked her the same question with another question, " When does Nefie work?"

This time she maybe realised something so she didn't mutter and politely replied, " My name is Niya and Nefie works during the evening hours. "

I then said, " Well, I wanted to take my first mission. "

Niya said as she pointed me a board with papers pinned on it, " There is the mission board, you can look upto which mission you want. "

I looked through all the mission and two missions caught my eye.

[ Mission #579

Find and kill a evil cultivator inside the town.

Recommended rank - Iron rank

Reward - 300 G ]

[ Mission # 498

Bring the fangs of White Lion-headed Tiger

Recommended rank - Iron rank

Reward - 5 G / 1 fang

Limit - 100 fang ]

I contemplated which mission to take. Finally decided on Mission #498. As finding the robber might take too long and I know the area where most White Lion-headed Tiger lurks.

I took this mission and went to the receptionist and said , " Miss Niya, I want to take this mission. Could you please register it under my badge. "

Niya looked through the mission and a look of surprise appeared on her face. She looked upto me and said, " Do you really want to take this mission? I recommend you to change your mission. The level of these beasts ranges from Lvl - 1 Dark Iron rank to Lvl 5 Dark Iron rank. "

I knew she would say this but I was adamant on taking this mission. So, she finally had to relent.

[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 4240 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 267 ]

Maybe I will finally reach Iron rank this time.

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