
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6 Adventurer Guild

[Achievement unlocked : Enter a human civilization ]

[ Reward : Increased authority ]

" Hey Z, my authority seems to have increased. what are its perks now?" I asked.

[ Norman, you authority has increased so, you can see authority in your status ]

[ Increased authority has various perks but the most prominent ones are - increase in gaining XP and more access to general and exclusive information about the continent and and the world. ]

" Lets first check the status " I said to Z

[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 4240 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 241 ]

[ Norman, before by killing a beast you gained 10% of their life force as XP. so, its purity and amount was low. But now you will gain 15% and purity has increased from 5% to 7% ]

[ Purity doesn't have direct impact in early stages but in the later stages you need certain amount of purity to advance. ]

" So, I need to keep increasing my authority to advance in later stages." I said.

[ Since some people cannot increase their authority to the required Lvl, they use alternate methods like using high grade cultivation scripture or by life or death battles ]

" Oh thare are alternate ways. Need to keep that in mind. " I thought aloud.

At this time I was on my way to the adventurer guild. The onlookers had their tongue wagging looking at me. Maybe they thought I was handsome. Luna always said that I was, am and will the most handsome man ( for her ).

I was walking towards the city center. But since I didn't know the exact location of the guild I asked a passerby, " Where is the location of the adventurer guild ? "

The passerby pointed me a direction and said, " That tall building you are seeing is the hall of the adventurer guild. ". After that the passerby left in a hurry.

I continued my monologue as I continued my journey to the guild. I saw that all the people wear clothes similar to the clothes found on earth well the style is similar but they glow somewhat ( like in a sense of elements ).

I reached the guild and proceeded to enter. The atmosphere inside the guild was different from what I thought. I thought it was similar to the Mercenary Guild of Earth so, they would be organised and it would be silent.

But the atmosphere of the adventurer guild can be summarised in one word — Rowdy.

" I will beat you in one on one match. Do you dare fight me, Butcher?"

" Who is afraid of you? I can defeat within three breaths of time, Alfred!"

" Guys, Alfred and Butcher are going to fight. Come on choose who will win. The ratios are 1:1. Come on, come on, here is your chance to be rich overnight. "

" I choose Butcher, 100 G ( G → Gold coin ). "

" I choose Alfred, 50 G. "

" I choose —

Yep, very rowdy. Well its not bad to be rowdy. Its much better than the Mercenary Guild. Comparing to it, Mercenary Guild feels like monotonous.

I ignored the ongoing battle ( of words ). And found a guy nearby.

I said to that guy, " Hello, May I know where can I sell the body of a beast. "

The guy, Jonas said, " Follow me.". He took me to the receptionist and introduced her to me, " She is Nefie, she is very intelligent. And this is — who are you?"

Nefie said, " You always forget to know other's introduction. "

I smiled and answered , " Hello miss Nefie, I am Norman age - 18 and Bronze Lvl - 10 "

Nefie said, " Wow, you must be talented to have reached Bronze Lvl 10 at 18. By the way why are you wearing that crude clothing? "

I reiterated the situation that I have conceived to the guards.

Nefie : " Oh, this happens lot nowadays. "

I asked showing the cat beast, "Can I sell this beast?"

Nefie : " Oh yes you can, let me check this beast real quick. Oh my its a Feline Feral beast. It is quite notorious and it is no wonder why your bag was snatched and your clothes was torn. "

" Since this beast is Lvl 4 Iron beast. You can get 130 G. If you are okay with this then let me quickly get this done for you. "

I replied that I am okay with this and received 45 G.

I knew G represents Gold coin and there is a bronze coin, so, I asked Nefie, " What is the conversion rate of the currencies here ?"

Nefie : " Well, 1 G = 100 S ( S → Silver coin ) = 10000 Bronze coin "

I also registered for the guild and since it is mandatory to start at the bottom rank. I started from Bronze rank. The ranking system of the guild was similar to the cultivation realms.

The requirements for Iron rank was minimum cultivation level of Bronze and enough contributions.

I then politely exchanged some words and left the guild. I didn't buy any gear as my hands are sufficient for now and my priorities are good clothes and good food.

I then walked to a clothing store. The name of the clothing store was quite unique, All Fashion.

I entered the store. I saw a man with glasses wearing butler type clothes. I walked to him asked him to get me some clothes of my size.

" Hello, My name is Norman. I am looking for clothes."

" What are your sizes and what type of clothing would you like to buy?"

" My sizes are —. and I would like a battle oriented suit?"

" Then I suggest you buy one of these clothing. They perfectly match your requirements." The owner of the store said as he showed me some clothing.

I chose one that I liked but it was pricy. It cost 45 G.

I then bought some food also. The food was surprisingly curry. From these instances I learnt that although this world is different from Earth but it has quite some similarities and and has many advantages.

I found a good inn to live in. The inn is named Blue Sky Inn. The inn has good living conditions and little bit modern. I liked it very much. The bed was soft. The ventilation was good and I was handsome. All was good.

[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 4240 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 241 ]

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