
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 8 Azure Bandits

As you might already know, I have already taken my first mission. The mission is -

[ Mission # 498

Bring the fangs of White Lion-headed Tiger

Recommended rank - Iron rank

Reward - 5 G / 1 fang

Limit - 100 fang ]

I first went back to my base. I checked whether anyone or any beast has been to here. I was glad that nobody found this place. But, next time I may not be so lucky.

I need to reinforce my base. I decided to do it next time, when I leave the town. I then continued on my way to the lair of White Lion-headed Tiger.

I rushed to the lair of the Tigers as fast I can. I wanted to finish my missions as quickly as I can.

I ran past the familiar red - dotted trees and also the region where I fought my first White Lion-headed Tigers.

I slowed down as I reached the river that ran through the forest. The lair of White Lion-headed Tiger was upstream of the river.

I went slowly trying not to make any noise as I approached the lair. In the lair the Tigers were lazing around in the sun.

I already know their weaknesses. So, I decided to check whether there is a Purple Gold Tiger in between them and I found one Purple Gold Tiger.

I decided if I waited I would not be able to finish the mission and I cannot lure the Tigers like the first time as the Purple Gold Tiger was alert. I heard that beasts after reaching Silver Skin level gain basic intelligence. The Purple Gold Tiger must have intelligence.

I decided to level up and then return to the town and get some gears. Otherwise I would be just committing suicide and I must live for Luna.

I retreated and went to my base. In my base I had hidden my crude knife like blade. I took that knife and came to the the river. But this time instead of going upstream, I decided to go down stream.

The river changed its path towards left after 200 metres downstream. I followed it but I stopped at a point. I looked towards my right and squinted my eyes. I heard the voices of humans.

I reached the quietly and tried to check them. The ones that I can see are of Iron skin levels. This must ne a hideout of a group of bandits. I decided not to care about and was about to leave when I saw one bandit making one girl work extensively. The girl made me remember Luna.

" Z, What is the average battle power of Silver Skin level?" I asked Z.

[ The average battle power of Silver Skin level is without a battle skill is 840 and with a battle skill is 1140 ]

[ Some battle skills are battle oriented, some are for movement skills and some help in other sectors of a fight. ]

" I know that a fight is not solely dependent on battle power, like my first fight at that time my battle power was close to 0, but as I was decisive and used the terrain to my support I was able to kill it. " I said as I remembered my first fight after coming to this World.

I decided to wipe out the bandit group and take some proofs that they are some kind of bandit group. Well who knows there might be a prize to wiping out these bandits.

The bandits were oblivious that I was near so, they must not have sensed me that I was here. My priority is get the girl out of here, whether by running from here after taking her or taking her from here after killing everybody here.

Looking once more at the innocent face I chose the first option. Such a young girl must not see bloodsheds and even if she has seen bloody sceneries she must not see it anymore.

All the bandits were wearing similar clothes like wearing a uniform. I was sure by now that they were bandits and the girl was a captive of theirs.

The girl was forced to clean all their clothes and her hands was trembling all the time. Just, my opportunity to enter the bandit group came. I saw a masked bandit leave towards the east of the group for peeing, maybe.

I followed him and grabbed hold of him. I kept my crude knife on his neck and asked him, " Who are you people ?"

The bandit was trembling and but after hearing my voice he calmed down. He said, " Oh, its just another young naive brat. Hey, keep the knife away my neck. Brat, this the hideout of Azure Bandits. Try to scratch me and you are dead. You see that girl, She also tried the se thing to one of the members for something about killing her family and now look she is a slave to us."

" Oh I got what needed."

* Slice *

* spurt *

I killed the bandit after knowing all the required information. The guy didn't even know that he was killed and his dead face maintained a look of mockery. I took off his clothes and wore them myself. I knew by now how his voice was.

The voice of the bandit had a deep back noise to it and had a somewhat high pitch. I entered the group of the bandits. They saw and didn't say anything. I walked up to the place where the bandit that I killed was stationed. I didn't try to hastily take the girl and leave here as there might be some other children that are forced to work like this or in some other way.

I opted to stay here for two-three days. I also need to learn many things from them before ending them.



[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 5950 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 275 ]

My battle power was close to 300 and the average battle power of Iron skin level without skills is 250, and with skills is 450. This was said by Z.

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