
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 Black Wind Town

( Third person pov )

On top of a hill there was a teen who was panting as he counted his sit ups. As all of you know he is our MC, Norman. Norman was doing his Saitama 10x training.

The training was tough. Even after training for more than a week and adjusting to its intensity. It was still strenuous.

Norman woke up at 4 am and completed his training by 7:05 am. He then ate something and decided to continue levelling up.

Norman made it his routine to hunt beasts everyday and made his best efforts to level up quickly. He continued this routine for a month. By the end of the month, he reached level 10 and was on the verge of breaking through to Iron skin level.

His current stats are -

[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 1940 / 10000

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 241 ]

Norman was thinking to go to the town when he reached Iron skin level. But it seems reaching Iron skin level will take a few more days. Thinking its best to visit the town now then later. He begins his preparations.

( MC pov )

I had not much things to take with me to the town so, I just thought to take a body of a beast with me. Iron level ones would suffice.

I also have to buy clothes for me to wear. If I find some battle oriented clothes it would be best. I asked Z, " What is the language they spoke? I don't know what they spoke so can you tell me a way to break this language barrier. "

[ Norman you don't need to worry about that. All the subsidiary system has a basic function to translate a language they don't know to a language they know. Its pretty efficient. ]

Onwards to the town. From the time I saw the first humans, I have been searching the path to the town. It hasn't been long since I found it.

It was south east of my base and there is not much strong beasts along the way. I had already marked the trees with an unique symbol. I followed the path through carved trees.

On the way to the town I met many beasts. I captured one. It was like a feline animal but bigger. What you thought it would be a hybrid of dog and cat. Psssh, no way.

This month I met many new beasts. Some of the beasts are :-

Blue scaled panther, Yellow greater Bird, Platinum headed Beast, Red Willow Snake, Purple Gold Tiger, Fire Lizard.

Of these, Blue scaled panther is the evolved form of Iron Scaled panther and Purple Gold Tiger is the evolved form of White Lion-headed Tiger.

I reached the edge of the forest by 12 pm. I waited there as people went in and out of the town. I finally decided on how to enter the town.

I had thought of two plans. One to enter the town by pretending to be a mercenary and tell that I have lost all my belongings in the forest and my clothes were torn by a beast, the cat beast, which I killed.

If the first plan doesn't work I will just rob some clothes and some money somebody on their way out of the town.

Let's put the first plan to the test.

I began walking towards the gate of the town. On the gate there was two guards who were checking ID's and took some money in the form of bronze coins. Maybe it is the main currency of this world.

I walked up to the guards and said, " Hello guards, my name is Norman and I am a mercenary. I lost my belongings and my clothes were torn by a beast as I was travelling. I had to make do with these clothes "

The left guard looked up at me suspiciously and said, " Norman, is it? Where did you meet the beast and how did you survive from getting killed? "

"I killed the beast but it managed to tear my clothes as I underestimated it. But before it could harm me I killed it. Here is the carcass." I said as I showed him the carcass of the cat beast I killed on the way.

By the way the cat beast is not low levelled. It is Lvl - 14 which corresponds to Iron skin level. It gave me 360 XP.

The guard smiled after I showed him the carcass and said, " Welcome to the Black Wind Town. As you have no money and ID from losing your belongings I will need you tell me your name, age and level."

I told him my age name and level. When I said my level, a flash of surprise passed through his face, which made me understand that although killing beasts above a persons level is tough but not so rare.

I was then asked to place my hand on a crystal ball which glowed green on coming into contact with my hands.

I asked the guard, " What is this crystal balls function?"

The guard looked shocked but then made face of understanding like he understood something. He said, " This ball's function is to determine whether a person has committed crime or not. And if I may ask this must be your first time coming out of your village. "

I smiled awkwardly and said, " That is the case."

The guard said, " Anyways, My name is Justin and he is Derik" pointing towards the other guard, who was busy handling the people who were entering the town.

I also asked him, " where is the best place to sell the carcass ?" as I saw that day the people took the carcass with them and treated it as though it is very precious.

Justin : " There is a adventurer guild in the town that deals in the town. There you can sell any carcass and I recommend you to join the guild. There are many benefits."

I then thanked him and entered the town. The first thing I noticed when I entered the town was bustling people walking in the streets. Although it could not match the traffic of Mumbai. It was amazing considering it is a town.

Just then --


[ Achievement unlocked]



[ Name – Norman

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 4240 / 10000

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 241 ]

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