
God of Velocity

In this riveting tale, an ordinary man finds his life turned upside down when he makes an extraordinary deal with the Speed Force. The agreement? To step into the shoes of Barry Allen, the beloved speedster from the CW series. Thrust into a world of super-speed, time travel, and dangerous villains, our protagonist must navigate the challenges of being The Flash, all while grappling with the reality of his new identity. He's no longer just an average man; he's a hero tasked with safeguarding Central City. As he learns to harness his powers and tackle threats, he also grapples with the complexities of Barry's relationships and the weight of his past decisions. From battling metahumans to mending friendships, every day is a test of his fortitude and resilience. But can an ordinary man truly fill the shoes of an extraordinary hero? Can he uphold the legacy of Barry Allen and keep Central City safe? This gripping narrative explores the journey of an everyday man, transformed by destiny, and his quest to honor a hero's legacy while carving his own path. #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: Blue & Green

In a secluded forest, Barry found solace by washing his face in the cool waters of a tranquil lake.

"No wonder," Barry mused, reflecting on the weight of responsibility he carried.

'The comic Barry must have felt something like this, the constant need to save everyone. But there's one big difference: he can keep smiling through it all, while this reality is just depressing and heartbreaking.

How can he maintain that optimism in the face of so much pain, especially in a place like Gotham City? If this keeps happening, I'll end up feeling as down as the victims.'

Taking a seat by the serene lake, Barry contemplated the soothing ripples dancing across the surface.

"I suppose meditation is the only way to quiet my troubled heart," Barry acknowledged. 'With everything I've witnessed, it's important to find inner peace amidst the disarray.'

Adjusting his mask and crossing his legs, Barry closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Clearing his mind of the distressing scenes he'd encountered, he focused on finding a sense of tranquility, knowing that maintaining his emotional balance was crucial to avoiding becoming something he didn't want to be.

As Barry delved deeper into his meditation, he felt a stronger connection to the Speed Force coursing through him. However, his tranquility was disrupted by a sudden dream or vision.

In his mind's eye appeared a tall, bald, blue-glowing figure with a muscular physique and a symbol resembling a hydrogen atom on his forehead.

[Image Here]

"Barry Allen, or should I say, Barry Allen," the figure addressed him, causing Barry to snap out of his meditative state.

"No way, this can't be real. Dr. Manhattan of all people," Barry muttered in disbelief.

Realization dawned on him. 'He seems to be aware of my transmigration. This complicates things,' Barry thought, placing a hand on his forehead. 'If I've learned anything from comics, it's that when a higher being intervenes, they usually have an ulterior motive.'

Barry pressed on with his mission, determined to bring justice to those in need.

His actions garnered widespread attention and praise across the states. The police and army were mobilized, ready to assist at a moment's notice whenever The Flash called for their aid.

The surge in The Flash's popularity was unprecedented, with people everywhere celebrating as more and more victims were rescued and justice prevailed.

However, there was one country oblivious to The Flash's heroic deeds: North Korea, which sought to keep the news under wraps to avoid giving hope to its people.

Despite Barry's initial reluctance to embrace the role of a hero, he felt a growing sense of responsibility to save everyone in need.

Meanwhile, outside Star Labs, an individual approached, only to meet a sudden and violent end as their head was snapped by an unseen force. The CCTV footage, manipulated by an AI, showed an empty yard, concealing the true events.

"I'm sorry, Farouk, but Barry isn't here," Dr. Wells explained. "He's focused on delivering justice and aiding those in dire situations. His speed has increased significantly during these times, and I can only hope it continues to grow."

Around midnight, Barry finally completed his day-long mission, realizing he hadn't eaten a single meal in his intense focus on helping others.

Hungry and exhausted, he headed to a buffet restaurant, eager to indulge in a well-deserved feast. However, as he ate, he noticed that the news channel didn't cover his heroic deeds, a deliberate omission likely orchestrated to maintain propaganda.

"They're really committed to preserving the status quo," Barry mused with a sigh, understanding the political agenda at play.

After satisfying his hunger, Barry left the restaurant, narrowly avoiding a collision with a familiar face.

"Patty Spivot? What's she doing here?" Barry wondered, recognizing the woman from his past.

"It's okay, I should've been more careful," he replied, bowing slightly before continuing on his way, leaving Patty perplexed by their chance encounter.

"I feel like I know him from somewhere. Isn't that Barry Allen, the forensic scientist?" Patty pondered. "What's he doing here? Must be work-related. I should transfer departments as soon as possible."

Arriving home, Barry wasted no time in collapsing into bed, finally allowing himself the rest he so desperately needed.

The next day,

Barry woke up with an exhausted expression, haunted by the images of the previous day's horrors that kept him awake through the night.

"I'm heading to the woods this time," Barry resolved, determined to continue his search.

After cleaning himself up, he transformed into The Flash and set out to scour the state's wooded areas.

Running tirelessly, Barry scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of life or clues that could lead him to someone in need. Despite his weariness, he pressed on, driven by a sense of duty and responsibility.

Halfway through his search, Cisco's voice came through his earpiece. "Barry, there's a bank robbery in progress."

"Roger that," Barry acknowledged, quickly pinpointing the location through his visor. He redirected his course toward the scene of the crime, ready to intervene.

Amidst the chaos of the bank robbery, Barry sprang into action, swiftly subduing the brawling individuals to prevent any further harm.

As he searched the building, his keen eyes caught sight of a man attempting to flee with a bag of stolen money. Without hesitation, Barry intercepted him, forcefully bringing him to the ground and incapacitating him.

Securing the unconscious perpetrator in the center of the bank, Barry hurried back to Star Labs to retrieve the Meta-human cuffs before returning to the scene.

"Barry, where are you headed?" Cisco inquired as Barry prepared to depart once more.

"I'm heading back to the woods to continue my search," Barry replied.

"Search? For what?" Cisco pressed for clarification.

"Whether it's cult members, missing persons, or any other potential dangers lurking in the forest," Barry explained.

Cisco's surprise was evident, but he nodded in understanding. "Got it."

Barry then made the decision to disconnect his earpiece, opting to focus solely on his mission without distractions.

"Barry, wait! Why are you..." Cisco's voice trailed off as Barry cut off the communication, leaving Cisco baffled by his sudden decision.

"Barry, come on, answer me," Cisco muttered, realizing Barry had truly disconnected. He sighed, resigned to the fact that Barry was determined to carry out his mission alone.

"Dr. Wells, Cisco," Caitlin spoke, holding Ronnie's hand. "We'll be heading out now."

"Take care," Ronnie added with a smile.

Dr. Wells offered a warm smile in return, while Cisco embraced the departing couple. "I'll miss you both," he said.

"It's not goodbye forever," Ronnie reassured, his tone hopeful.

"Yeah, we'll make sure to catch up when we can," Caitlin chimed in, echoing Ronnie's sentiment.

Meanwhile, Barry found himself face-to-face with a towering green creature with glowing red eyes.

[Image Here]

"What brings you here...human?" the creature questioned.

"I'm just searching for missing or lost people. You're Swamp Thing, the avatar of The Green, right?" Barry inquired.

"Yes, I am," Swamp Thing confirmed. "But how do you possess such knowledge?....You're not a magician or any magical being...yet you seem connected to otherworldly energies."

"I'm Barry Allen, user of the Speed Force. Nice to meet you," Barry replied, offering his hand for a shake.

Swamp Thing, puzzled by the human's demeanor, cautiously accepted the handshake. "Why do you trust me...when most humans flee at the sight of me?" he wondered aloud.

"Because you're the avatar of The Green," Barry explained confidently, his trust in Swamp Thing unwavering.

Swamp Thing was surprised by Barry's unwavering faith in him, a sentiment he hadn't encountered from humans before.

Barry pulled his mask back over his face and addressed Swamp Thing. "Swamp Thing, I may need your assistance in the future. Will you lend me your help if the world is in danger?"

Swamp Thing gazed at Barry for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Barry grinned and gave a thumbs up. "Thanks," he said before turning and running off to continue his mission.

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