
God of Valyria

A Chad Grandpa died and found himself in the body of a son of Zeus, fated to overthrow the Heavens and take the throne for himself, ushering Ancient Greece into a new age. ~ Mc is the progenitor of Valyria. He will create his own kingdom and destroy everyone on his path to glory leaving destruction in its fullest wake. ~ AU Crossover. You will love it regardless.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Nymph Mothers and Sisters(2)**

"Slrrrrp...." I sucked some random nymph's pussy, in between rubbing her hymen with my tongue.

"Ahn~!" She moaned in delight, squatting even more and her boobs jiggled for everyone else around to see.

Thetis continued to suck along with all the others who were doing something or the other. Thetis was horny as fuck, anyone could see that.

She has refused her nymph nature for too long especially after taking care of a God and becoming a queen of the forest making her one of the most prominent creatures in Ancient Greece.

Many minor gods too did not dare to offend her even a few Gods of Olympus. After all, she was the very dearly loved adoptive mother of Hephaestus, the greatest forger to ever exist.

The works he crafted were directly blessed in heaven's delight and then drowned in beauty to make the best out of a particular material, a genius would be an obvious understatement.

Thetis frowned, she knew her skills had not rusted in this long while. Why was Mex not cumming? She could not understand.

Was her mouth not good enough?

Meanwhile, the lady on my face was cumming a lot, a little too much as well. If not for the fact that the love juice of nymphs tastes like vanilla essence, I would have long since gotten up.

Elsewhere I could feel a nymph's mouth on my armpits as she started to lick them. Another nymph that was on my chest, touched my nipple.

A cold wind passed and my face grimaces. It seemed as if someone had caught my erogenous zone.

Soon she started to rub my cute, pink nipples that looked more beautiful than the God of Beauty's Aphrodite's face itself.

Then she sucked them. I released a breath of air, my heartbeat quickened instantly as I felt euphoria passing through my veins, melting the ice stuck in them.


I released a load full of cum, it was unending not stopping. I slapped the arse of the person on my face to make her get up solely to see the expression adorning Thetis's visage.

Upon seeing her, I smiled. Albeit a little cruel.

White sticky cum filled with billions of sperms filled with my lust inside, stuck onto her face overflowing from her mouth and my dick.

I stood up tall, unmoving like a mountain as the woman below me panted. The other nymphs rushed gradually back off from my body however with hearts still in their eyes.

I ordered. My voice was not too dominating nor too submissive. It was a mix of calm and amusement.

"Lick it off my cock."

Thetis nodded, she firstly wiped her cum filled mouth and swallowed everything then licked her fingers clean.

Next she glared at my cock as if her very enemy yet best friend before pouncing on it like a dog for a bone.

I think I may have heard an 'arf' too.


Her tongue wrapped around my cock, and her mouth did not take it in... instead she started to lick it as a child does to her favorite ice cream.

Every drop of my never-ending cum, went on the tip of her tongue. Love juices flowed from her pussy as a deep odor of vanilla with slight caramel overflowed the surroundings.

Nymphs by race are a species are a race that enjoys sweets, more than humans since their taste buds can are more sensitive to sugar.

Hence I savored the smell even more. It made me pretty horny. Back in the old days, I remember I did not enjoy sugar much because of my heavy workout regime.

Even after I got old, I always stayed in shape despite drinking alcohol and smoking ganja every night.

Thetis's pinkish-red tongue licked my cock clean of all cum. At that moment, as if a trigger of a gun was being pulled, I squirted another shot of cum on her.

My cum in this life was stronger compared to the previous. It was inhumane and abnormal, scarily powerful.

A huge strand of milkish white flowed from Thetis's face to between her boobs and eventually dripped into her wet vagina.

At the same time, I glanced at all the other women before snapping my fingers. As if overjoyed all of them jumped in happiness.

They rushed towards my mother pushing her away and began licking the leaked cum on the ground which was almost a huge pool at the moment.

They drank cheerfully with smiles and laughter, filling up their stomach with the divine milk. In no time, the entire mini pond had its liquid extinguished.

All the females turned toward me. Their eyes were bloodshot with hearts, now that it was night, the eyes looked like the red eyes of beasts.


A few nymphs pounced on me, licking my balls. It seemed as if they instinctively wanted to serve me and satisfy me to bring the best orgasm of my life.

My dick elongated erect more and more. The veins on it pumped with blood, completely visible while the tip looked as if a sharp sword.

One, pounced on my back, her arms around my neck as she dug into the nape while the others worshipped me from below.

I looked at Thetis in front and a few other women who had bent their bodies forward, their pussy open for a bare view as they used their hands to stretch their ass.

One sat underneath her and another sat over. The same for all the women lined up. I shrugged and inserted in a single thrust.

*Squelch!- Squelch... Squelch!!*

Sounds of peaches clapping against each other could be heard. My dick moved back in and out, parallel in motion.

A finger in the woman above and a toe in the woman below while my cock in the woman between.

It was a grand fuck.

*Squelch!- Squelch...*

*...Squelch~ Squelch!!*

Then I released cum into my sister or my mother I did not even bother to see the faces. Feeling the warm atmosphere against my cock, I felt a nostalgic feeling come over me.

Oh, how I wished I could go back home... in the vagina but I guess this is all I can do to get back in the vagina.

I circled my dick in a circulating motion and released my semen flow inside as if a tornado.

The lust reached into my head as I hopped giddily at the thought of making them pregnant. I was not one to shy away from issues of that.

If I did ever have children, I would tame them well. I have absolute confidence. My own son turned out beautiful in my previous life.

As for them being threats... that is not even a chance. I am the Big Daddy after all.

As I did the same to all the other women, they collapsed to the ground one by one. Either weak in the knees due to pain or pleasure.

Finally, it was the chance of Thetis who now had regained complete consciousness. I neared her as horror etched her face.

She shook her head as if rejecting.

"N-no. We should not do t-this. We are mother and child."

I raised an eyebrow. My dick touched her soft cheeks that gave shivers down my nipples. It made me want to slap-


Oh, I did. It seems my body reacted faster than my mind and I cockslapped her.

Thetis looked at me in shock, her body half laying on the grass. A sigh escaped my mouth as I spoke.

"Now we have already come so far... we are far beyond the relationship of a mother and child. Do not forget it was you who willingly did everything."

The nymph queen gulped her saliva. She knew I was not wrong. Her eyes turned misty, I knew she could still feel my semen in the back of her throat.

The mistiness took over her mind as her eyes turned deep purple with a gigantic pink heart resounding in them.

She stood up on her feet and instantly hugged my nape that was filled with hickeys. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I pressed her body against an oak tree.

Her vagina was dripping wet, I inserted my finger deep in making the milf whimper in pleasure.


Nodding slightly. I smiled. She was good for the plucking and instead my cock in one go.