
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 69: Feels Good To Be A Boss Part 1

After Arias was done with his time on stand, the other representatives were given a chance to speak as well.

It became very clear at that point that they had been greatly influenced by his words since the majority either outright agreed with what he had said or just phrased it differently to try and gain a little political clout.

His impact was so large, even powerhouses couldn't argue against him because it would damage their image, especially if they didn't present a point strong enough to go against his.

By the time it was time for the thirty-minute afternoon break, Arias had achieved results well beyond what he had planned. This made the rest of the debate irrelevant but he still remained, ready to defend or attack against any points made against him or Diana.

But no such thing happened, the rest of the time after the thirty minute break was spent discussing ideal countermeasures that would benefit everyone.

Things like emergency bunkers in every city that citizens could evacuate to, recruiting superhuman police officers, educating the public on what to do in dangerous situations and many more boring topics.

Some representatives did debate against one another still on occasion but none dared to question Arias's point after the damage it did to Lex Luthor, who now just remained quiet.

His arrogance and cockiness had caused him to make a fatal error, but that would happen again. Now that he was aware of what Arias was capable of, he would take appropriate measures in the future… but so would Arias.

At 5pm on the dot, the conference was brought to an end after another long-winded speech by the speaker and host.

On his way out, Arias met up with Diana but needed to get through numerous other representatives who tried starting a conversation with him there and then.

They were smart enough to recognize a good ally when they saw one so they were quick to make moves. Others though simply wanted to make him work under them, thinking he was intelligent and cunning, but still weak overall.

It didn't get any better when Arias, exited the building as many reporters called his name asking for him to give a statement. Thankfully the police barrier kept them far away, with only the flashing cameras proving to be a nuisance.

Right now, was too early for Arias to give any statement, now he needed to listen to what offers the other representatives would bring his way.

He needed to see those willing to work under him and those that still thought he could be controlled.

Once in the car, he let out and exasperated sigh and said to Slade, who was in the driver's seat. "Back to the hotel, this day has been a headache."

Slade relayed the orders to the other armored vehicles that made up Arias's security detail and stepped on the gas while grinning widely. "I never pegged someone like you to be a good speaker, if you ever think of running for president, you have my vote."

"That title will lose meaning in the near future Slade." Arias spoke vaguely but confidently, it made Slade all the more excited to see just what it was Arias was brewing.

'Never thought being a bodyguard could be this entertaining.' He thought to himself but said nothing more and just focused on his duties. After the stunt Arias pulled, it wouldn't be strange if someone tried to kill him.

Whatever Arias was planning, Slade knew it was huge and had the potential to make him very rich. He had nothing to lose by making sure Arias was kept safe and well long enough for that to happen.

Thankfully, no moves were made against Arias as he made his way back to the hotel with Diana. She was also in a very good mood after seeing so many obese leaders get angered by her words during the debate.

As to the two made their way up to their rooms, she couldn't stop talking about her time on the stand.

"Oh, and do you remember that man with a funny haircut and woman's name? Hah! He actually thought we Amazonians need a man to lead us, the audacity! Had I been allowed to bring my sword, I would have gladly dueled him to show is superior one! Oh and…!"

Like an excited child, Diana just continued to speak while Arias loosened the tie to his suit and pretended like he was listening. Rose, who was acting as their escort, just leaned back and sighed as if the elevator ride couldn't get any more unbearable.

Finally, they reached the top floor and Rose looked the most relieved. She wanted nothing more than to satisfy her craving for a smoke.

Lucky for her, Arias had also had enough of Diana's hyper energy for one day. "Well Diana, I still have some work to prepare for us, we have one more day before this three-day event comes to an end. In the meantime, why don't you get better acquainted with my secretary? She can teach you about some things regarding our culture."

Although Harley was far from the ideal teacher, she was as much of a free spirit as Diana, making it much easier for the two to get along.

"Hmm she is a strange but lively woman, reminds of a certain energetic sister of mine back home. Alright, then if you need me, I shall be in the company of Harley Quinn."

Diana had no reason to refuse so she gladly accepted spending time with Harley. As she walked, she murmured under her breath. "I wonder if she'll be willing to spar…"

Arias could only sigh at this but he wasn't worried, he had already sent Harley a list of instructions to follow regarding Diana. In order to make her fall much quicker to his control, he needed the assistance of an external female influence.

Diana was naturally more comfortable around women, so Arias wanted to take advantage of that and have Harley put certain ideas in her mind and make her not only more minded but more trusting of him than others.

A loyal Harley was more eager to carry out the task, though Arias did need to make it very clear that she should not go too far, saying he had no intention of sharing her or Diana.

That answer appealed greatly to Harley who found possessives to be a huge turn on, she wanted to be owned, controlled, and made to feel all types of emotions, be it pain or pleasure…

With Diana gone, Arias returned to his room with Rose in toll. Slade asked her to be by his side until he could finish making sure the building was as secure as it could be.

Once inside, Arias took off his blazer, tossed it on the couch and placed his phone on the table.

Rose looked at him with a brow raised. "Did you also just want her gone because her stories made you tired?"

Arias showed a smile and shook his hand. "Not exactly, I just can't start my work until people begin calling. By being called first, you have the advantage already. So, until someone call, I intend to relax. Is that a problem? You don't seem particularly happy about being on guard duty."

He wasn't wrong and Rose didn't try to deny it. She simply shrugged and sat on the sofa's armrest. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer being in a hot tub with a smoke or just killing someone. No offense, guarding just isn't my thing."

Arias sat upright from the couch and looked her way with a smile. "Neither is politics for me but we do what we must. Though, it's not impossible for you to enjoy guarding, I have a jacuzzi, drinks and cigars, it'd be shame not use them."

Always good with his words, Arias cast Rose a hard to refuse offer. Being a killer for hire, someone like her likely had very few chances to relax and was also quite open minded.

The life of a killer was short, so more often than not, they tended to be quite easy. Arias's gamble paid off and Rose looked at him with a grin while biting a lower lip.

"I take it back, maybe guarding is my thing. I just never got the chance of having such a kind, handsome boss. Well, then I'm ready whenever you are…"

Arias's invitation was as clear as day to Rose. She didn't hesitate to loosen her clothes and begin stripping. He eyed as she did so while thinking to himself.

'Feels good to be the boss.'

A/N: So, like I mentioned before, characters we'll be closely tied to how they are originally supposed to be. Characters that would likely take longer to get intimate with will require more buildup that characters that don't. Development and corruption will continue all the same for all as the plot progresses. Also due to popular demand, I'll start posting advance chapters on p@treon, along with parody chapters. Since I don't plan on including certain fetishes in the main story like Gangbang, Trap, Genderbending, Double Penetration, Exhibition, you get the point. I'll likely start by the end of the week, lemme know your thoughts. Oh and don't worry, Parodies eventually become public and will be posted on discord, you just wait longer.