
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 42: Awaken, God Of The Omniverse Part 3(Resurrection)

Not long after the interaction, Shade brought both Roulette and Arias's body to the harbor, before placing it in a batch of cement normally used to create anchors.

As Shade was placing the body there, he furrowed his brows and looked in Roulette's direction.

"He's still breathing." He revealed.

To which she just smiled. "Of course he is, the poison is slow acting, it takes at least thirty minutes for someone to die. However it only takes a few minutes for them to slip into a coma."

"So he's essentially getting buried alive, wow. You're one twisted woman." He blew a whistle a tipped his hat before placing the button on a machine with the pointy end of his cane.

It only took moments for a new batch of cement to be made and poured on Arias's body.

"It's just business. Loyalty is for dogs, I put my own interests first."

Roulette commented bluntly just as a block of cement was formed.

'A reminder to stay away from these villainous women.' Shade thought to himself before forming a circular shadow over the block.

The shadow soon engulfed the block and vanished from the scene entirely. Shade then pointed his cane towards the water in the distance before the same circle reappeared and a large block of cement fell from it and into the sea.

"Well that's that. I'll be expecting my payment by soon." Shade gave a small bow while Roulette watched the sea for a bit before nodding in satisfaction.

"Of course, now let's get going. I have a lot of work to get done."

With that short exchange done, the duo left the scene entirely after Shade opened yet another portal to pass through.

Upon arriving back, at the office of the Iceberg Lounge, Roulette gave Shade some parting words.

"It'll probably take some weeks before Arias is reported missing. At that time stick to your story and say he left as he would any other day after talking about how he wanted to sell his property to Lex Luthor."

"On paper, the agreed payment of 1.34 billion dollars will be deposited into his account, remember that figure as it may come up. Luthor will pay us separately of course and once it is declared that he is missing or dead and has no one next in line, the forged agreement to which the mayor will claim he was witness to will come into play and we'll split the profits. Stay out of trouble and work normally until then."

Shade listened to every word carefully while nodding his head every now and then before granting full confirmation at the end. "I understand fully, we should probably get downstairs and fake that cctv footage as well."

The conversation ended there and the duo soon exited Aron's office with victorious grins on their faces.

Unknown to both of them, a wide eyed Barbara who had returned to retrieve her back was hiding behind the door, shocked at what she had heard. 'No way.'

Meanwhile at the deep dark bottom of the water surrounding miller harbor, a solid block of cement was resting on the sea floor.

Although not visible pitch darkness, the block had numerous cracks all over its surface.

The cracks became more and more apparent until the block violently shattered.

A moment later, a hand grasped onto the edge of the harbor and then another hand followed. Soon an Arias pulled himself out of the murky dark water under the moonlight, his entire body drenched with later dripping off his ruined suit.

His cold visage wore a look of anger as he loosened his tie and removed his jacket before tossing it into the water.

[ That was dangerous in your state Ari.] A gentle voice warned within his mind, but he simply shook his head while rolling up his sleeves.

"Although I'm far from pro efficient in my telepathic ability, it's easy to tell when someone has malicious intentions towards me. Besides, I'm only in danger if the death is instantaneous, poison has to first flow to vital organs, the moment it touched my tongue, the abyssal energy rid me of it."

Arias's voice carried anger, thus Àpeiro didn't push the matter further, not wanting to agitate more than he was already.

[ I understand, but until you experience your reconstruction, please don't risk your physical vessel unnecessarily. That's all I ask.]

"I won't. I only did so now so I could learn more about why she did and if anyone was behind her, now I do."

[ You cannot trust lower life forms, if you desire them then you can easily create them once you fully form a proper vessel to act as an extension of the abyss.]

"I don't, letting them think you trust them is how you reveal their true intentions. Some may genuinely be loyal while others not, it doesn't matter, you only need to look out for yourself to be genuinely safe. I've been living with criminals all my life, fake friends, treacherous and betrayals are the norm to me."

[ I will never betray you Ari.] Àpeiro revealed softly, but Arias didn't answer.

Instead he began walking away from the harbor and disappeared with the darkness of the night, leaving behind only a wet trail of foot prints in his wake.

At around the same time, news of his demise reached Gregor, who was now ecstatic.

"Are you sure? Very sure? Haha good, I'll even put it a little something for you after Luthor pays you. If you're ever looking to be secretary again, my doors are open."

[ I appreciate the offer but office work really doesn't suit me. Just have the files ready for signing by morning.]

"Of course, Of course. Goodnight."


After cutting the call, Gregor did a less than pleasing to watch dance within his office in town hall.

"You bit off far more than you can chew boy, in this world, connections mean everything." Gregor spoke aloud while laughing before lighting up a cigar with a grin on his face.


Come morning, the transaction was complete. Although news of it was overshadowed due to the other major events happening, it still made quite some noise in the business sector.

Roulette, Gregor and a representative of Lex Luthor were gathered within the mayor's office, finalizing everything.

"Hm, everything seems in order on our end. Please confirm the payment." The female representative got off a phone call and turned to Roulette, who was beaming with a smile once they said the payment was made.

She quickly opened the laptop on her lap to check and sure enough, Arias's account now had a total value of 1.46 billion dollars within it, bringing an even bigger smile to her face.

However this smile quickly faded when the figure turned to $0.00 in the next moment.

"What's the meaning of this?" She asked while pointing the screen towards the representative who raised a brow in confusion before replying.

"The security of your account isn't our responsibility. You can confirm that we sent the amount with our bank and yours, if you're trying to scam us then I advise you to rethink that." She warned, causing Roulette to frown.

She quickly checked the details of the transactions and saw that a transfer was made from Arias's account to an unnamed offshore account.

Angry at what she was seeing she quickly tried to check the location of where the withdraw was initiated, only to be shocked to see that it was saying that very room.

Meanwhile, in a rundown apartment in Gotham's crime alley. Arias was seated with a small phone in hand, it's screen reading.

"Transfer complete."