
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 35: Broken Beliefs Part 1

After leaving the Iceberg Lounge, Barbara felt some relief concerning her situation. She still had concerns over someone knowing her identity but this wasn't something she could fix. For now she only hoped Arias remained uninterested and left her alone.

As Barbara began to make her way home, she was completely unaware that she was being observed by none other than those she trusted most.

Inside the batcave, Robin was seated in front of many large monitors with Alfred the butler by his side. Both had relaxed looks on there faces as they observed a moving red dot on a real time 3d map being displayed on screen.

"It seems master Bruce was right to show concern regarding miss Barbara. To think her identity was exposed."

Alfred observed the screen with his hands behind his back, not showing a very readable expression whereas Robin on the other hand looked visibly upset.

"I knew she was acting strange but to think it was this serious. She should have come to us with this, I don't know what Markovic's game is but we should count ourselves lucky he didn't force her to reveal anything."

Robin furrowed his brows but Alfred remained rather calm about the entire situation. "Yes, it is quite an odd thing to do. He's quite the tricky man to anticipate but we should be glad that he hasn't shown signs of being dangerous, for the moment he resembles an ambitious politician more than anything. We should keep a close eye on miss Barbara and continue to act unaware like master Bruce suggested, if Arias Markovic is planning something, then it's better to let him think he has an advantage."

Upon hearing Alfred's remark, Robin stood up in anger. "That's like using her as bait! What happens if she gets hurt?"

Alfred sighed and placed an arm on Robin's shoulder in an attempt to calm him but he angrily brushed it aside instead before standing from the seat.

"I understand your concerns master Dick but rest assured that if anything even remotely dangerous is to occur, we shall be the first to know."

Robin gave Alfred a doubtful look before walking away. "I hope you're right."


Meanwhile back at the Iceberg Lounge, Arias was still in his office when a knock resounded on his door.


The door quickly opened and revealed a worried looking Gregor Ivanov who slowly walked into the room. This was the person Arias was truly expecting today, Barbara was merely a detour.

"No need to look so nervous Gregor, you're not in trouble. In fact, I need you and your office to do something for me so listen well…"

Arias proceeded to explain the task he now had for Gregor, who could only listen and nod fearfully when asked something, the trauma of being beaten silly still fresh in his mind.

The conversation lasted just over an hour before everything that needed to be to said was said and Gregor understood.

"But for a change that big a vote needs to be held among the various governing figures of the city, the police commissioner, district attorney and councilors all need to have a say."

Gregor had some concerns regarding the matter but Arias maintained a stern look of confidence.

"The clear benefits far outweigh the disadvantages Gregor, not to mention the substantial rise in value Gotham will experience as a whole. Don't worry about needing majority votes, all you need to do is what politicians do best. Sell the idea to the public and garner support, I expect results within a week."

"A week?! But that's-"

"A week Gregor, now leave. I'm sure your schedule just got a whole lot more packed."

Gregor could only lower his head in defeat and nod in reply before leaving, Arias gave him no room to argue even when the task clearly required some time to properly prepare. The poor fool just needed to work himself harder to meet the go.


Days began to pass without Arias making any moves that called for suspicion or worry. This didn't sit well with robin who had began to monitor both him and his establishments more keenly, pretty much ignoring all other potentially dangerous individuals.

However, after exactly seven days, just one day after Bruce Wayne officially returned to Gotham to comment publicly on the supposed criminal background of his late parents, a new headline appeared that took all attention from him.

[ Gotham to become to first city to officially cooperate with superhuman individuals.]

Although most cities and communities had become less hostile towards vigilante heroes after the near invasion by Darkseid, no formal agreement was ever reached between a government body and a hero or party of heroes.

For Gotham, that changed because certain individuals could now be recognized under the law as helpers to society, rather than menaces.

The commissioner of police was perhaps the most reluctant to accept this but even he could see the benefit of having such individuals help in situations where regular humans aren't enough. So in Gotham, situations that couldn't be handled by regular emergency services would now be handled with the help of specialized individuals recognized and approved by the Gotham PD, Gotham FD, Gotham MD and Gotham LD.

The shock however didn't end here, because the only groups formally recognized by the city were the ones under Arias's organization, composed of former criminals and offenders.

When asked about this at a press conference, the mayoreplied…

"Arias Markovic is a benefactor to the city that has proven he can be trusted in helping secure a better future for the residents. He volunteered to have the former criminals who currently work under him to become Gotham's first superhuman task force, this is a way in which they can give back to the city and atone for their wrongdoings in a manner that benefits the people. Like Arias once said, letting criminals back on the street with nowhere to go is just a recipe that will lead to more crime. However, with this, not only do they have employment but they can also repay the city for the wrongs they committed by making it safer and more secure."

"This new project will not affect the amount of taxes citizens need to pay. In fact, since Arias Markovic isn't demanding payment from the mayoral office and will simply be providing this service to the city for free, expect taxes to reduce within the coming week!"

"Gone are the days where Gotham needs to rely on unknown vigilantes! From now on, any form of vigilante action taken by an individual or individuals not formerly recognized by the city will face serious criminal charges! Thank you, Gotham, you can rest well knowing you are in the safe hands of Gregor Ivanov, securing your future and your-"


Arias turned his tv off and tossed the remote onto the sofa of the living room as walked over to the balcony where he overlooked the city with a smile.

"Now then, let's see how the various remaining react to this new change."