
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 163: A Gift

Arias's plane took off shortly after Rose came back, the second time in just a few days she shot down the man of steel himself.

As they sat in the plane, she had many questions she wanted to ask but just stopped herself from doing so.

Arias noticed these questioning gazes she gave him and turned to face her, a smirk decorating his face as he spoke. "You seem stressed, craving release so soon?" He teased.

Rose turned away from him and immediately denied the accusations. "Of course not! I'm just thinking and… stuff. You're the one who wants to get hot and heavy with his bodyguard."

Her words caused Arias to look at her at an angle, his smile still present. "I'm quite sure you'll enjoy the experience as well, why don't you-"

Before Arias could say anymore, his satellite phone buzzed once again and he sighed before picking up. Meanwhile Rose looked both relieved and disappointed.

"Hello?" He nonchalantly answered, curious as to who was calling him now.

[ Uh, Mr. Markovic?]

"Barbara?" Arias asked with brow raised in confusion, of all the people he suspected would call, she wasn't even on the list.

[ Uhm, yea. I'm sorry for using the Leviathan network to track you but I had no other way of reaching you.] Barbara explained in a somewhat worried tone.

"It's fine, I assume you had a good reason to call and didn't just miss me?" Arias leaned back into his seat and teased the girl.

[ I didn't miss you, like that you know, like normally the whole city misses you and argh, we're getting off track. I wanted to tell you that I think some of the students here are spies from other organizations or countries, here to either recruit or something else.] She revealed, with urgency in her voice.

Arias pondered the situation for a moment before replying in a calm tone. "That's always been within the realm of possibility. But I suppose with my absence, some people may choose to become bolder. Alright, then consider this your assignment, I want a list of all the double agents in the academy and who they work for."

[ Whaa? You mean me? Alone? I mean I can, like it's manageable but just asking to be sure…]

"Yes, you. You're free to incorporate any help you might need. I trust you can do this?" He questioned in a doubting tone.

This made Barbara agree all the more enthusiastically. [ Of course I can. I could have that list in a week.]

"A week it is then." Arias replied and cut the call before looking back at Rose. She looked back at him but narrowed her gaze and looked worried.

Without saying a word, Arias stood up and began walking towards her.

"What? Oh come on… wait, I swear I'm on my period… look the pilot will hear us, okay at least let me freshen up, I'm still sweaty. Aw geez…."


Meanwhile back at airport in Markovia, after Bruce heard from the other group that Superman flew toward the airport, he and the other league members rushed over and what they found shook them… well some of them.

"Again? That's twice in one week." Green Lantern commented while hovering in the air scanning for enemies.

Batman walked over and checked his breathing and sighed before turning to Martian Manhunter. "Get him into the jet, good thing we prepared for this after last time."

The Flash the speed onto the scene after scouting the entire interior of the airport. "Inside's clear. Wow, he got shot again? I know the bullet's dangerous but can't he like… y'know?" Flash asked while zooming his head left and right at an immense speed.

Green Lantern nodded in agreement. "That's a good point actually, maybe he was just caught off guard."

"With super hearing and x-ray vision? Not a chance." Green Arrow shook his head and walked over to Batman and asked. "What aren't you telling us?"

Batman kept a stoic expression and just walked over to the Jet. "Nothing important." He answered in a distant tone.

This made Green Arrow angry but Flash just zoomed in front of him. "Easy there greenie, don't let bats get to you, he's uh… what's the word?"

As if on que, kid flash quickly answered. "Edgy?"

To which the flash nodded. "Yea edgy, you know, dark, brooding and serious, minus the makeup…"

Batman looked back at flash with a narrowed gaze, causing him to just frown and feign ignorance. "What?"

Batman said nothing and just boarded along with the other members present. All while flash still just shrug in confusion, "Why are you guys ignoring me, you know I'm right."

At the same time in a the mountainous headquarters of the league of assassins, Ra's al Ghul was seated on a lone throne with a tablet in his hands, on it was a video of what transpired at the airport and even the feed of the league retrieving Superman's body.

The feed soon ended and was replaced by Vandal Savage's stern expression as he spoke. "Arias Markovic's plan was a success, his daughter Terra is the only direct descendant left and will ascend the throne in the coming months, by then, the light will control much of the meta-human population. All other members have since expressed their support, except you, you did so even before this, that is unlike you Ra's. What do you know?"

Ra's wasn't intimidated in the least by Vandal Savage and just shook his head. "What I know is of no benefit to you or the light. Unless you're worried he is more suited to lead the light's operations than you?"

Vandal Savage quickly dismissed this notion. "Of course not, I made the light what it is today, without me, there is no light."

"Maybe so. It's too early to judge one based on one performance alone, for now I'll continue to observe." He replied before cutting the call.

He then slouched back and sighed, his daughter Talia soon walking to his side with worry. "Father, we must move to the new home, Lady Shiva tells me it is nearing completion and the Lazarus pit is ready." She urged.

However Ra's shook his head. "I know my body best, I'm still more than well enough. More importantly…" he trailed off while looking toward Talia who nodded and looked into the distance of the seemingly empty hall before speaking. "Chesire."

In the next moment, a figure appeared from the shadows above and landed near the throne, kneeling before Ra's and Talia.

The figure was a young female assassin with a slender build, wearing a dark green colored kimono with shreds and rips along it. The kimono is tied around her waist, where its length just above her knees, with black knee-high boots below.

Her face was hidden behind a white mask, resembling a cat's head with red stripes and a wide grin. "You called?" She respectfully asked while bowing her head.

Ra's gave a subtle nod and spoke. "Yes, you have been chosen you to be the bearer of a gift I wish to send to new ally. This person is very dangerous and cunning, better to have as a friend than foe, which makes this task I am granting you all the more important."

Chesire kept her head lowered and passed agreement. "I will carry out the wishes of the Demon's Head. What gift must I deliver."

Ra's maintained his unfeeling demeanor and answered.

"Yourself. You will accept and respect him as your new master, in mind, body and soul. Should my predictions prove correct, then this is for the future of the league."

Chesire went silent for a moment and once again agreed but somewhat hesitantly. "I will carry out the wishes of the Demon Head."

Ra's could see the doubts lingering in her mind mind and spoke clearly. "If you are to accept him as your master, his words are absolute and mine are obsolete. Should you refuse this, then by failure to comply to your oath, you will be slain but will die as my disciple. Choose your destiny."

Chesire once again went silent for a moment as if in thought, before asking. "What is the name of my new master?"

Ra's nodded toward Talia who handed over a tablet to Chesire with an image on it before revealing.

"His name is Arias Markovic."

A/N: I'm currently hoarding a bonus chapter cause I was in such a good mood. Man's girlfriend returned to her apartment, feels good man. So send those stones, and join the patron, advance chapters have started there. As usual enjoy and have good non-simp days.