
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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Chapter 132: Choose Your Enemies Wisely Part 1

The day came to an end with no major events occurring for Arias. He just spent his time glossing over the knowledge he had taken from Luthor.

The more he found out the more he realized just how ambitious Luthor was. Just the sheer amount of operations he had a hand in were plenty.

Unfortunately, most wouldn't benefit him much unless he was trying to take over the country in a more political and accurate way… which wasn't happening.

However, there was equally some projects he found a little intriguing. But now wasn't the time to bother with them.

Rather, it was time for him to focus on building his own foundation, feeling it was enough for the moment.

So when he got back to his residential tower, he planned on bettering the hold he had over his… "residences"

Once there though, he found that he didn't need to do much.

The newest resident, Terra, had wanted to do something nice for both Arias and Slade so she had a sort of grand meal prepared and served into a large dining area.

Harley didn't any convincing to attend while Diana was curious as to how this custom played out. Rose was the only hesitant one but she too could only join.

Arias and Slade arrived and found the trio seated already and awaiting them.

"You girls seem to be having fun." Arias commented upon entering the room, while Slade just scoffed while looking towards Rose. "You mean to say, you girls and boy with a vagina."

Rose could clearly see that her father was directing the comment at her so she immediately narrowed her gaze towards him, yelling, "Fuck off!"

Slade just shook his head while giving Arias an appealing look. "Should we really allow rabid animals at the table? I mean just look at those crazy eyes… sorry… eye."

Arias stepped away from the bickering father and daughter pair without commenting on either side.

He approached the table and found Terra smiling a lot. It seemed she was settling in fine and for some reason found both Harley and Diana fun.

Terra looked up at Arias and quickly stood up to pull out his seat for him before muttering. "I just wanted to say thanks somehow for… everything."

Arias had lost count of how many times she thanked him already, but it would seem she was very keen on doing so and showing it.

'Well at least I won't have to worry about her showing gratitude in the future.' He thought while returning a smile to Terra. "I appreciate it."

After taking a seat, Harley did much of the talking, mostly about what she and Terra got up to when Arias left.

Diana joined in as well by talking about all the strange encounters she had today.

"Can you believe it! Right there in the open for all to see, your people are more bold than I give them credit for."

This topic attracted the attention of Harley who eagerly joined in. "Ouu, did he have a big dick? How was he pounding her?"

Diana just shook her head as disappointed. "Sadly I didn't stay long enough to measure or ask. It is rude to stare, even though I'm sure they didn't mind."

Hearing this conversation, Slade, who had finely decided to stop arguing with Rose, also made a comment. "Wow, you've been here for less than two months and you already have more live sexual experience than her." He commented while pointing a fork towards Rose.

Rose frowned and quickly defended herself. "You know most fathers don't want their young daughter getting dicked down you sick old bastard."

The insults didn't faze Slade and he just shrugged. "Well good thing I just have a really feminine son."

Terra was both entertained and made to feel awkward by what was being discussed, but overall it showed that she was enjoying herself.

As for Arias, this was quickly becoming the norm. Still, he wasn't the type to mingle more than necessary so he decided to subtract himself from this little get together.

"Well, this was nice but I'll be going to relax in the bath for a bit, it's been a long day." He said whilst preparing to leave.

Immediately he did so though, Diana also stood up and announced, "I shall join you then, you still have more to teach me."

Although Diana spoke in a literal sense, it came out far bold than she realized. Sparking a mischievous smile to appear on the face of Harley. "Ou, can I join the lesson."

Terra was surprised by what she was hearing but she didn't immediately show it and just continued to smile awkwardly.

Arias though was still in the process of taking Harley and sadly… threesomes were not the way to do it.

Visibly disappointed, Arias shook his head at Harley. "Your lesson will come later Harley. Be ready."

Knowing she wouldn't give up otherwise, Arias satisfied her with the promise of a vague lesson, letting her imagine go wild… and it did.

Without wasting time, she left the table to go prepare… for what? No one knew. And it was better that way.

Seeing Arias walk away, Slade couldn't miss the chance to strike one final jab at Rose. "Not gonna ask for a lesson too?"

As Arias and Diana left, Rose's distant curses grew fainter and fainter until they got into an elevator to head up to Arias's suite.

Once there though, Arias who was having light conversation with Diana came to an abrupt stop immediately upon entering the room.

"Is something the matter?" Diana asked while showing a bit of confusion.

Arias just smiled and looked towards his open balcony window. "It seems we have a guest."

As soon as Arias said this, a figure emerged from a dark corner, hovering silently in the air. Diana immediately recognized the figure and spoke up first. "Superman?"

"So it seems." Arias added while looking at Superman with an unfazed gaze.

"What are you doing here? If this is about rejoining the league I've already said I'm not interested." Diana crossed her arms and revealed but Superman shook his head and looked toward Arias.

"I'm here for him. I've got some questions to ask." He said in a plain voice.

Arias though had no interest in taking part in these games and so he refused flatly. "I have no interest in whatever you're trying to do."

Superman hovered closer and wore a serious expression. "Well like it or not, you will tell me what role you played in the death of Lex Luthor."

As Superman hovered closer, Diana stepped forward and stood between him and Arias, her sword unsheathed and pointed towards the man of steel. "I don't understand your meaning by doing this but if you continue then I will act." Diana warned.

Superman glanced at Diana and then the smug Arias before leaving in the blink of an eye.

Once gone, Diana looked at Arias with worry. "It seems they've fed him lies the same way they tried to do to with me. Deep down I know his intentions are good." She revealed while sighing in resignation.

Arias observed his open balcony door for a moment before shaking his head.

"Good or not, since he wants to be enemies… then I'll give him a valid reason to despise me." Arias's voice turned cold and his expression became serious, visibly irritated by the uncalled for visit.

A/N: Webnovel didn't save the draft I wrote so I had to redo it… fuck. Anyway I'll still a bonus later if the stoning continues. I also know some of you are hoarding those stones, just know, I will find you. Anyway enjoy, feel free to comment some arcs you'd like to see and some heroes or villains you'd enjoy seeing. Dc is huge so I might overlook some things.