

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Training with Lia

After their little session, Lia disappeared. She later appeared in her training clothes which were black. She had two katanas.

"It would be a waste if you only focus on reading don't you think so." She said.

Karl smiled and closed his book. He couldn't wait to try out his abilities though he had to be cautious. He couldn't let his guard down in this place. She snapped her fingers and two katanas appeared on the floor.

"Show me what you have and don't hold back, I want to see how far you can go." She said though it appeared as if she was mocking him. This motivated him more to defeat her.

He walked towards the katanas and picked them up. They were light but very sharp. All the entire time his gaze never left her figure in chase of a surprise attack. He disappeared.

Swoosh Swoosh

He slashed forward with all his mighty but she swiftly blocked and counterattacked with a kick. It left a blur. Karl immediately jumped back and evaded the kick. A web formed on the ground which slightly shocked him. Did she really plan to kill him or something.

Lightning cracked and his figure disappeared. Everything around him was very slow. He slashed horizontally but to his surprise Lia followed his movements skillfully though his speed was beyond normal. This made him realise just how broken Vampire speed is.

He kicked blocked slashed punched but couldn't land an attack on her. The ground cracked but was rapidly restored as the runes on the walls lit up. Lia observed his every move and acted accordingly but she had to admit. He was very strong for those at his level. His speed was insane.

What she did mainly was to block and rarely attacked. This spar was to gauge his strength and limits. Their speed couldn't be followed by naked eyes. Sparks flew everywhere. All the time he mainly focused on brute strength and speed. He didn't feel right to use his abilities as he might blow things up literally.

The more they exchanged the more happy she became. She didn't know why but it was quite refreshing. It was her first time to stay with an opposite gender this long. Most of the time she wasn't interested. He was really handsome with a high charm.

His movements became one fluid with time. He concentrated mainly on his opponent. But however much he pushed himself, she didn't seem pressured at all. They went on for three hours straight.

Karl could be seen on the ground. He looked at the ceiling like a broken doll. He was completely drained with no energy left in him. There were holes on his clothes though the wounds had regenerated. Lia was back to her seat. She calmly looked at him her thoughts unknown.

"Hey why don't you be a good lady and help me up. I can't really believe you are that heartless. And heartless, do Vampires really have hearts." He asked honestly confused.

"They do have but our hearts beat at a slow rate. Now I can roughly sum up, your really good at combat but I don't know about your abilities though. At your rank am sure no one can defeat you in one on one combat but there are always variables. So you have to be careful." Lia said seriously. There was one thing which led to one's downfall, underestimating the opponent. She clapped once and a maid entered. She had black hair and her maid outfit clung tightly on her body enhancing her curves.

Being a Vampire her beauty was above mortal standards as she was very beautiful. She immediately bowed towards Lia quietly waiting for orders. She didn't say anything as she looked on with a neutral expression.

"He is my guest and you have to treat him like one. You will provide him with everything he needs for as long as he stays here." Lia said with a neutral expression. She wasn't bothered at all but Karl's head was racing with imaginations. Every youth's dream was to...no no..He took a deep breath to calm down. "Anyway I will be gone for a while, so feel free to show him around." She walked out of the room. She seemed to be in a hurry so Karl just left her be.

He had already sensed the change in the atmosphere the moment he was teleported here. This area was rich with cosmic energy. He turned his gaze towards the black haired beauty. Vampires were really gifted with eternal youth. And most importantly they were immortal if not killed.

"Am Karl Ainsworth, who could you be." Karl asked her. He knew she was way older than him though she appeared to be in her 20s. It was at this that she looked at him since she entered. Her eyes were bright red.