
God's Cafe

A retired god, Kira, has recently passed on his job to a successful hero and decides to open a cafe for characters from all corners of the multiverse. Heroes, villains, and anything in between are welcome to come hang out, trade, and visit other worlds for missions. ------------------------------------------ My first time writing anything so it's probably gonna be garbage but don't go easy on me. Criticism of all kinds is welcome. I won't make any promises about update consistency, university is hell.

Chaostic · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Silver Wolf

"We went a little too far with this, didn't we?" Ruby says, looking at her status window.

The team had now spent several hours at the Emerald Forest as they quickly got addicted to the feeling of leveling up and becoming more powerful by using their stat points.

After leveling up the first time, they felt confident enough to take on bigger groups of wolves, upping their xp gain rate.

In terms of specialization, Weiss had, of course, picked intelligence. The team had picked up a few skill books along the way, including ice shard, which just launches a sharp piece of ice at the enemy to deal damage, and Grease, which is an AoE spell that makes all enemies in it fall down for a period of time.

Weiss had learned both of these spells that made the fighting for their team a lot easier, Grease especially lowered their damage intake and shortened the time they had to wait to recover their health.

Ruby and Blake had both opted for a speed-related build, putting most of their points into agility and a few into strength to be able to deal a good amount of damage.

Ruby is still equipped with her scythe meant for farming while Blake had picked up an enchanted dagger that she equipped into her main hand while she put the old one into her off-hand.

Yang had wanted to put all her points into strength to hit super hard, but her teammates had convinced her that they needed a tank to draw aggro from the enemies making Yang put her points into constitution and even equip two shields they had picked up into both of her hands dual-wielding shields as if she is a cosplaying a certain blonde vampire.

As they pushed further into the forest, they fought bigger and bigger groups of enemies. Their genius strategy was to give all health potions they picked up to Yang and have her run into the flock of enemies drawing their attention while the other three dealt enough damage to take them out.

[You have killed too many wolves, and the boss of this area has taken notice.]

[Prepare for a fight in 10... 9… 8…]

Seeing the message that suddenly popped up after taking care of a large group of enemies, the team panics.

"Umm… sis, what do we do?" Yang asks, looking around to figure out where the boss could approach from. It is difficult to see very far with the trees blocking their vision.

"Just continue what we have been doing. Yang draw its attention, Blake get up in the trees for a sneak attack, and Weiss try to use Grease to make it fall, Yang be careful not to get crushed under it, we don't know how big the boss is."

After telling everyone what they need to do, Ruby calmly waits for the countdown to finish as they hear a thumping noise approaching from afar. Evidently, the boss is a giant wolf that, unlike all the other gray wolves, is instead a silver color.


[Silver Wolf - Boss]

[Level: 10]


"Hey, it's only two levels higher than us, this should be easy," Yang says, rushing forward only to get pawed by the boss, draining her of half her health as she flies away and is forced to start chugging health potions. "Okay maybe not."

However, this did get the boss's attention locked onto Yang as it charged at her for another attack. Halfway through its charge, Weiss manages to aim the Grease spell right under the boss only to get a notification telling her that the boss is immune to the spell.

Telling the others about this, Ruby tells Weiss to spam Ice Shards at the boss to deal damage and ignore the Grease spell unless the boss somehow has an ability to summon minions, in which case she should focus on them.

Yang manages to block the boss's attack with both her shields taking reduced damage, which she can easily manage. It seems that it was only the first attack that dealt increased damage and knockback.

Seeing that Yang is managing the boss just fine, Ruby goes in with her scythe to attack the boss's legs as Weiss shoots Ice shards at the boss, the two quickly start draining the boss's health. Blake stays on the trees to look out for any possible enemies that could intercept the fight, waiting for Ruby's call to attack the boss.

A few minutes and numerous health and mana potions later, the boss is still focused on Yang as its health reaches critical levels at 15%.

The moment its health reaches red, the boss starts having a glowing orange aura around it, clearly about to go into super saiyan mode. Seeing this team RWBY decide that they need to finish the fight fast before the boss can do something unexpected.

Ruby tells Blake to finally attack, prompting her to jump down from the tree she was on straight onto the back of the Silver Wolf and sink both of her daggers into the back of its neck, taking the boss's health from 15% to a low 3%.

Unfortunately, the enormous amount of damage gets the boss's attention, who now starts ignoring Yang in favor of trying to kill Blake. It decides that the only way to get to the girl is completely rolling over on its back which it does at such a quick speed due to its enraged mode that Blake is not able to react and gets crushed under the weight of the wolf.

"Blaaake!" Yang yells, seeing her partner's health drop to 0 as her body disintegrates into pixels. Enraged, she runs over at the boss, and shield bashes its head, draining its final hp, killing the boss.

Dramatically she kneels over the place where Blake died, mumbling something about bumblebees and not getting to tell her about her real feelings.

"You know she will just respawn, right?" Weiss says, making Yang stand up and dust her clothes off as if nothing had ever happened.

"Oh, yeah. I totally didn't forget this was a game for a bit there." Yang picks up the items the boss dropped. There is a book and a weird token.

The trio gather around to inspect the book first.

[Skill Book - Blink]


[Blink - Active] (Level 1 - 1%)

[Cost - 50 MP] [Cooldown - 10 minutes]

[Description - Allows to user to teleport a maximum distance of 1 meter instantaneously.]


"What should we do with this one? I think Ruby and Blake could use it the best." Weiss says, looking at the description.

"Let's wait until we meet up with Blake before we decide. Just keep it in your backpack for now." Ruby says, looking at the token next.

[Gacha Token - Take this outside the simulation to pull the gacha once.]

The group decided to keep this item for now and decide who gets it later when they quit the simulation.


The trio makes their way back to the village, dealing with almost no wolves along the way. On the edge of the village, they meet up with Blake, who gets a strong hug from Yang.

"I had to pay 25 CC to be revived." Blake sulks. "I lost no xp or items, but the system told me if I run out of CC, I wouldn't be able to revive until I get more."

The team showed Blake the drops they got from the boss, and Blake surrendered the skill book to Ruby, seeing as she already got the enchanted dagger earlier.

As for the Gacha token, they orchestrated a rock, paper, scissors tournament, which Yang won, getting the token for herself. With the drops sorted, they head to the village chief to turn in their quest.

Handing the 20 wolf fangs over to the village chief, they get a notification along with enough experience for all of them to reach level 9.


Quest Completed - Hungry Wolves

Description - Wolves are coming out of the nearby Emerald Forest to eat the village's animals. Kill 20 of them and bring their fangs to the village chief as proof.

Reward - 30 XP, 25 CC, A new quest


"Well, at least that makes up for the CC I lost," Blake says, putting all the points she gained from leveling up into agility.

The village chief gives them a deep bow, "I thank you, adventurers, for taking care of the wolves eating our livestock. Unfortunately, there is a bigger problem on the horizon."

"What sort of problem?" Weiss asks the village chief, trying to get access to the follow-up quest.

"There have been sightings of a giant silver-colored wolf deep in the forest that commands all other wolves. If that wolf is not taken care of soon, the wolves might become brave enough to attack the village." As the village chief says this, a new quest pops up.


New Quest - Silver Wolf

Description - A mysterious Silver Wolf is leading the wolves of Emerald Forest. Hunt enough wolves to draw it out and kill it to safeguard the village.

Reward - +1 Level, Access to Dungeon Floor 2.


"The Silver wolf we already killed?" Yang asks, getting another notification about the quest they just received being completed. All four of them reach level 10.

"Thank you for taking care of the menace in the forest adventurers. I wish you all the best wherever you go in the future." The village chief says before retreating to his house, not saying another word.

"Hey, we can pick classes now that we have reached level 10," Blake says, opening up her status window and looking through the list of possible classes.

"Maybe let's leave that for later. We have already spent hours in the simulation. I want to go back and pull my gacha." Yang says. The rest agree with her, and they all log out of the simulation.


[God's Cafe, Kira POV]

I installed some TVs in the cafe, so I and other visitors could spectate those in the simulation and have been watching team RWBY hunting wolves together with Hestia, Loki, and Hephaestus.

Freya had gone back to her own world since there was no work to be done for her right now. I can call her back at any time when there is work for her. The other three also have this option, but so far, they have chosen to hang out at the cafe for most of the time.

Hephaestus has been practicing smithing here since the smithy is a lot better than the one she has at home, while Loki has found a loophole that she can cook whatever she wants as long as it's for 'practice' and then just eat it.

Seeing the four log out from the simulation, Hestia steps in to help them out of the chairs.

"Wow, I feel so much faster!" Ruby says, running circles around the cafe, leaving rose petals behind her. Yang, of course, goes straight to the gacha machine to use her token.

Everyone gathers around her to see what she will get.

Pulling the lever, many powers pass by on the screen before finally landing on…

[Intangible - Turn your whole body intangible to anything you want, letting you pass through solid objects and enemy attacks. Can only be used for 3 minutes every day, does not have to be used continuously.]

"Hey, that is really good!" Yang says, delighted with what she got. "I want to test this out, Kira give me a good hit."

She turns on her ability, everyone can still see her put she is slightly see-through. I just flick her forehead with my fingers making her hold her head. "Ow, I did activate it, right?"

"You did, but you forgot I am the one who made the powers. Obviously, I can just bypass it."

"That's cheating." She says, pointing at me before turning her attention to the front door that just opened.

Through it, a man in an orange jumpsuit is pushed in, looking confused and slightly scared at the sight.


Note: My second fanfic is coming along nicely. I have most things planned out and the first 10 chapters already done. I think I will start putting them up starting 29th December.

Who do you think is the man in the orange jumpsuit?

Also somehow this is my longest chapter so far at 2000 words.

Chaosticcreators' thoughts