
God's Cafe

A retired god, Kira, has recently passed on his job to a successful hero and decides to open a cafe for characters from all corners of the multiverse. Heroes, villains, and anything in between are welcome to come hang out, trade, and visit other worlds for missions. ------------------------------------------ My first time writing anything so it's probably gonna be garbage but don't go easy on me. Criticism of all kinds is welcome. I won't make any promises about update consistency, university is hell.

Chaostic · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Konoha Crush


[New Mission: Konoha Crush]

[Participants: Ruby, Ozpin, Wolverine, Poison Ivy]

[Description: The Hidden Village, Konohagakure, is about to come under attack. Stop the threat before the village is destroyed.]

[Main Mission - Repel the invasion.]

[Bonus Mission 1: Traitor - Kill Orochimaru]

[Bonus Mission 2: God of Shinobi - Save Hiruzen Sarutobi's life]

[Bonus Mission 3: (Insert mission name later, definitely don't forget) - Seal away the One-Tailed Beast]


The four participants find themselves standing in the center of a bustling city. The mission log may call this a village, but its scale is much bigger than that.

The four who had all been at the cafe when the mission was issued had already talked over their immediate plans on how to deal with the objectives.

Giving a slight nod to the other three, Pamela summons a plant from the ground and stands on it before shooting up into the sky as the vine grows taller. Her objective is to scout out anything suspicious relevant to the invasion and the bonus missions.

They already know an invasion is about to happen but have no clue from where or when. Also, the bonus missions are a complete mystery as they have no clue who any of the people mentioned are. All they can do is look out for significant activity and go to that.

On the ground, some guards hurriedly run to the group of three who are waiting for Pamela to come back down. "Hey, what the hell are you all doing! You are destroying public property here."

"You all seem to be on edge today, eh?" Ruby says, appearing right in front of the guards almost instantaneously, not even Ozpin can see her movements anymore. "We will fix the road after. Our friend is just doing some sightseeing, you know."

The guard is taken aback by Ruby suddenly appearing inches from his face. Taking a step back he says "Sightseeing? Well, I guess you all do look like you aren't from around these parts… argh, whatever you are a suspicious group breaking our laws, please follow us peacefully, and we won't have to…"

The guard never gets to finish his sentence as a loud explosion sounds out at the large wall surrounding the village.

Everyone turned their eyes toward the direction where the explosion sounded from, only for the guards to panic and start running with their weapons out. The wall has been shattered in one strong attack by a three-headed hydra.

"Well, I guess there is our invasion," Wolverine says, brandishing his claws.

Ozpin nods to that. "That isn't the only point of attack either, it seems. I am detecting magic from two other points, the large arena over in the distance as well as somewhere deeper in the village." He points in the direction from where he can detect magic being used, though, for him, the magic feels a lot different than what the maidens use over in Remnant.

Pamela descends back to the ground on her plant. "You won't need my report to know the invasion has already begun, I assume. An entire army of people flooding in through the breach in the wall."

Once Pamela is done with her short report, she quiets down as Ruby, Wolverine, and Pamela all turn to Ozpin, quietly staring at him as if waiting for something.

"Hm? What are you all looking at me for?" Ozpin asks, drinking coffee from a cup he didn't have in hand a few seconds ago.

The three look at each other for a second before Pamela explains, "Well, you seem like the wise old man type that knows what to do, so go ahead and tell us what our plan should be and where did you get that cup from? We cant access our inventory outside the game, right?"

"Oh, I see, Logan could you go check out the activity over at the arena I pointed out earlier? I'm kind of suspicious of what is happening there." Ozpin says, and Wolverine leaves without any complaints.

The two of them got along surprisingly well in the cafe despite their wildly different personalities as Wolverine felt like he was taking therapy every time he talked to the old man. Of course, finding out about his past and meeting Captain America had also mellowed him out a bit.

"Ruby and Pamela, go to the other point where I detected magic from. I'm still sensing some powerful people fighting there now." Ozpin orders taking another swig from his cup of mysterious origins.

The two agree, Pamela having even seen the fight from high up in the sky, knows exactly where to go.

"And what about you, headmaster?" Ruby asks Ozpin curiously.

Ozpin throws away his now empty cup and takes out his cane as he casually starts walking toward the broken wall where the enemies are invading from. "I will go take care of the rest of the forces."



Yo, I finished Persona 5 finally, so I'm back to writing. My dumb ass forgot to get Chihaya to rank 7 asap, so I didn't get Haru maxed out on my first playthrough and had to speedrun new game+ just to get her to rank 10.

Anyways, new chapters Sunday and Wednesday, probably?