
Simulation End, Level Upgrade

[One year later, your level was raised to level 5, and your critical strike level was also raised to lv.3. You became the strongest goblin, one head taller than other goblins, but still with a three headed body. The trolls didn't care about your changes, and you didn't expand because of your strength because you knew that the trolls ate more monster meat than you, and their own strength was also stronger than yours. You are far from his opponent now, so you didn't act rashly.]

[In the second year, you still lived the same life, and your level was raised to level 8. Through practice, your critical strike level was raised to lv.7.]

[In the middle of the second year, the troll inexplicably disappeared for a few days. You felt strange, but did not act rashly. A few days later, the troll returned to the tribe, and you were fortunate that you did not do anything extra during the time the troll left.]

[In the third year... your level has been raised to level 11, and through practice, your critical strike level has been increased to lv. max.]


[In the seventh year... your level has been raised to level 20, and due to your persistent training, your critical strike has evolved to a fatal blow lv.1. At this point, you realize that you can no longer improve your level by devouring Warcraft flesh. You guess this is probably because your template level is too low. If you elevate the template level to elite level, the upper limit of your level will not be limited to level 20.]

[For a while, you didn't have any clue about advancing to the template, but you knew that you couldn't continue to stay in the goblin tribe because the troll's appetite has been increasing recently. He not only eats the food you hunted, but sometimes even treats goblin as a snack. Moreover, his recent gaze at you has been very strange. He has been with the troll for seven years, and you are very clear that it is a look at food.]

[Faced with such a situation, please make your choice]

[Option 1: Leave the Goblin tribe and search for ways to evolve.]

[ Option 2: Continue to stay in the Goblin tribe and live your original life with fear. ]

[Option three, TNND has killed a troll and will become the boss himself.]

I can choose, this troll definitely treats himself as food. As for options one and three, he is a bit indecisive. He is more inclined towards option one in his heart because trolls seem to be more advanced creatures than goblins. Even if he reaches the level now, he is probably not a match for that guy. Of course, if he steals, it is not impossible to defeat the opponent. With his intelligence, it should not be difficult to kill trolls.

After hesitating for a moment, he said to the system.

[System, select option one and leave the goblin tribe.]

[After several considerations, you feel that the goblin tribe is not a place to stay for a long time. If you continue like this, it will eventually become food for trolls. After thinking carefully, you choose to leave the goblin tribe. Because you are the highest ranking person in the entire tribe besides trolls, it is very convenient for you to escape the tribe at night.]

[On the first day of leaving the tribe, you encountered a human adventurer team. After seeing you, the human adventurer team launched an attack on you without any reason. This adventurer team is a new team, although it has strong strength, the team cooperation is not proficient. With far more strength than ordinary goblins and a fatal blow, you completely annihilated this human team, but you were also seriously injured. Before you could bring these corpses to a safe place, a black tiger appeared behind you. You were seriously injured and defeated, and you died.]

[Simulation completed, comprehensive score, 37.]

[For an ordinary goblin, your life can be said to be glorious, but as a traveler, you can be called the shame of a traveler.]

[Please select a reward from the following options.]

[Option 1: Level up by one level, consumption evaluation by 5 points, can be repeatedly selected]

[Option 2: Increase critical strike level by one level, consume 4 points, can be repeatedly selected]

After seeing these two reward options, Gobro could roughly understand that the reward he chose could only be what he obtained in his own simulation life, and it seemed that he did not have the option of life perception. Forget it, this is also a pure way to improve his strength.

After some thought, he said.

[System, level increased by four levels, critical strike level increased by four levels.]

[Consumption evaluation score 36, rewards have been issued.]

After speaking, a strong sense of power spread throughout his body, and Gobro felt that he could now beat his former self ten times. At the same time, his body size had also increased slightly, by two heads higher than before, and his height had increased from 1.2 meters to 1.6 meters.

Immediately after, his brain felt a piercing sensation of being pricked by a needle, and a large amount of information flowed into his mind. When he regained his senses, his critical strike level also increased to lv.5.

He wasn't particularly afraid of these changes in himself, because on his way to dinner, he saw several tall goblins, all of whom were similar in size to himself. He shouldn't be particularly conspicuous in the goblin group.

His attributes have also undergone certain changes.


Name: Gobro

Race: Goblin

Template: Normal

Level: 5/20 (4%)

Physical strength: 7

Power: 11

Agility: 6

Spirit: 8

Charm: 0

Skill: Critical strike lv.5


For every level increase, except for charm, all other four-dimensional attributes are increased by 1 point, as well as 1 point of freedom attribute. Without any hesitation, he directly added all four attribute points to his strength, breaking through ten thousand spells with one force, and walking is a way of proving strength.

In this simulation, he was somewhat curious about where the trolls had gone in the middle of their second year and why the system had to speak up separately.

After checking his attributes, he left the cave and planned to take a stroll outside. After seeing the scenery outside, his mind slowly recalled memories of his predecessor, who had just been born a week ago. He was a newborn goblin, and the guy he had invited to eat with before was called gobla, who was older than him.

Glancing around, he frowned slightly as the campsite was filled with goblin's feces, which had a bad odor. However, he didn't feel too uncomfortable either. Perhaps his body had become accustomed to the smell, and within a few steps, he arrived at the dining spot.

He saw more than fifty goblins gnawing around two leftover wild boar corpses, and before he could react, these two corpses were completely devoured.

"Gollum." My stomach protested.

Seeing the scene of goblins eating raw meat, he didn't feel nauseous, but instead aroused a strong appetite. However, now that the food has been eaten, he can only go hunting on his own if he wants to eat.

After finishing his meal, Goblin walked towards him and saw Goblin's appearance. Goblin was surprised and said, "Are you Goblin? How did you grow so big? What did you eat? Did you eat all that shit?"