
First simulation

"Gobro, Gobro, wake up quickly, it's time to eat."

Vaguely, Luo Ying heard someone calling him, while his body was shaking violently. Opening his eyes, a three headed monster with a large head, thin limbs, and green skin appeared in front of him. And the surrounding light was dim, as if in a cave.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Luo Ying slowly closed her eyes. Hmm, she hasn't woken up yet, she should still be dreaming now.

"Gobro, why did you close your eyes again when you woke up?"

Gobro, are you calling me? In my dream, my name is Gobro. The monster in front of me can speak, and upon closer inspection, it looks like Goblin. He calls me Gobro, can it be difficult Thinking of this, Luo Ying opened her eyes and lowered her head to look at her hands. She immediately noticed her thin green arms, just like the monster in front of her. Did she dream of becoming Goblin? This dream was quite interesting.

"Gobro, go eat quickly! If it's any late, there won't be any more food to eat," said Goblin, pulling his arm outside in front of him.

There is a slight pain coming from the position of the arm.

Wait a minute? Pain? I just felt that this dream was a bit too real, can you say

Gobro had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly pinched the thigh of the Goblin opposite him, rotating 360 degrees.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

There was a pig like scream coming from the goblin across from him.

"It's so real, it shouldn't be a dream anymore."

Although appearing calm on the surface, Luo Ying's heart stirred up a great uproar. Is there anything else that makes waking up more uncomfortable than becoming a girl.

Now that I have it, I wake up and become Goblin. I used to think my life was not smooth, but now I'm not a person anymore.

Looking at the current situation, it seems like I have traveled through time. It's strange, why can't I remember how I died before traveling? I'm an orphan, no one should be able to browse my phone's browser. I have enabled seamless mode, so there shouldn't be any problem. I hope no one can access my computer's learning materials

While daydreaming, Goblin across from him was already angry and punched him. However, Luo Ying had previously learned combat and reached a professional level. He took a step back to avoid the opponent's attack, and then hit the door with a straight right punch.


This punch directly knocked down the opponent, and when Gobro stood up again, he looked at him with a fearful expression.

"What did you just ask me to do?" said Gobro, without any intention of continuing to take action

Upon hearing Gobro's words, Gobro quickly said, "I'm here to have dinner with you." However, his voice was filled with fear, and it was obvious that he was afraid of being punched by Gobro.

"Do you want to eat? Got it, take me there."


Subsequently, Luo Ying followed behind Goblin. Now that things had happened, he could only accept it. Starting today, he was no longer Luo Ying, but Goblin, an ordinary and ordinary Goblin.

However, on the other hand, since I have traveled through time now, do I have any systems or similar things?

On the way, he tried to call from the bottom of his heart.

[System, is it there? If it is, take a look at the panel.]

The next second, a panel resembling a game interface appeared in front of him. Upon seeing this panel, Gobro breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was a system.

In an instant, a glimmer of hope reignited in his eyes. With a system, it would have been better. Otherwise, it would have been too difficult to survive as a goblin. When watching anime from his past life, those high-level goblins were quite handsome. He hoped to get rid of this weak state and advance to high-level goblins as soon as possible.

As he spoke, he walked and looked at his attribute panel.


Name: Gobro

Race: Goblin

Template: Normal

Level: 1/20 (0%)

Physical strength: 3

Power: 3

Agility: 2

Spirit: 4

Charm: 0

Skill: Critical strike lv.1

Talent: Devouring (a common talent among all monsters, which can earn experience points by eating monsters or human corpses) Magic Language (a talent language for humanoid monsters)

Remaining simulation times: 1 (Free simulation once per natural month. In addition, simulation times can be obtained by consuming magic crystals. As strength increases, the number of magic crystals consumed in each simulation will gradually increase. At the same time, simulation times cannot be accumulated, and can only be obtained once at a time)


The panel data is clear at a glance, indicating that he is really weak now.

As for the number of simulations, he could probably understand it, after all, he had read simulator novels before, and because he was not sure what state his body would be in during the simulation, he did not rashly start the simulation.

"Godbro, don't be in a daze, go quickly, otherwise the meat will be eaten," Godbro reminded cautiously.

But instead, the goblin in front of him said, "I want to poop. You go eat first."

If this word is said in the human world, it will definitely be said by people. Who says this while eating. But when Gobro heard that the intelligence of these goblins was not very high, he was afraid to say something about his stomach pain. These goblins didn't understand what they meant, so he said it very frankly. However, the next time the other person's words were nonsensical, he was greatly shocked.

"What's important about defecation? You can eat and defecate while eating. You can defecate anywhere, but it's just one meal a day. If you don't eat it again, you'll finish it."

Looking at the clear and foolish Goblin across from him, Gobro grinned and said, "I'm going to pull it now, you go first."

"Oh, okay."

Seeing that Gobro insisted on going to poop, he couldn't say anything more and turned around and left here.

After the other party left, Gobro quickly returned to the cave where he had rested before. There was not a single Goblin here, so he probably went to grab food to eat. It should be safe to simulate here.

[System, start your first life simulation.]

[The first Sims has already begun.]

[In the first year, your name is Gobro and you are an ordinary goblin from a small goblin tribe on the outskirts of the Warcraft Forest. Your leader is a troll, and although he has strong strength, he is very lazy himself, so you goblins need to help him with everything. Your main task in daily life is to hunt and seize the opposite sex of other races.]

[As a modern person, your IQ is much higher than other goblins. Even if you work hard, everyone will be allocated the same amount in the end. Therefore, every time you hunt, you rush to the end of the team, and every time you eat, you rush to the front of the team. In private, you constantly practice your skills. Gradually, as you live longer and longer, you eat more and more Warcraft meat, and your strength gradually becomes stronger. However, most of the goblins who work hard die during the hunting process, and a few who survive are severely disabled.]