
Magic Crystal

As soon as Gobro spoke, he restrained him and almost didn't tense up.

"I didn't eat shit, it's just that I suddenly grew so big. Without saying that, I'll ask you, are you full?"

"I'm not full." Cobra shook his head honestly and then wanted to ask Cobra how he grew so big if he didn't eat shit.

But Gobro didn't give him a chance to speak up.

"If you're not full, come with me and do as I say."

"Oh, good." Because of the military prowess displayed by Gobro before, he still feels a bit afraid of him now, so he obediently listens to his words.

"Don't talk, come with me." After speaking, Gobro turned around and left.

Upon hearing Gobro's words, Gobro followed behind him honestly, wanting to ask what to do, but then thought of what the other party had said. Now that Gobro is so big, he should be even more unable to defeat him. It's better to listen to him honestly.

Not long after, Gobro found several thicker wooden sticks on the road and then handed one of them to Gobro. He plans to go hunting alone, but it will be difficult for him to finish all the meat of a Warcraft before it completely rots. Therefore, he plans to cultivate and cultivate Goblins, after all, this kid knows how to make himself eat.

The two of them came to the usual hunting ground.

"The two of us on this hunt, don't tell any goblins or trolls, you know!"

"Got it." Although Goblin didn't know why Goblin brought him hunting or why he couldn't talk to other Goblins, he still knew that he couldn't beat Goblin now and if he didn't listen, he would be beaten.

Quickly, Gobro spotted a wild boar in the distance, and then he said to Gobro, "You stay here and watch. I will drive the wild boar over later. As soon as the boar reaches the area within your reach, you can use the wooden stick in your hand to smash it hard. Do you know?"

"Okay, okay." Gobra nodded quickly.

After speaking, Gobro followed Gobro's instructions and honestly hid behind the big tree.

And Gobro took the opportunity to sneak up to the position behind the wild boar.

It seems that something unusual has been noticed. The wild boar, who was originally bowing its head to eat grass roots, looked up cautiously and looked around. Although it did not notice anything unusual, its footsteps still moved a bit.

Seeing that the wild boar seemed ready to escape, Gobro suddenly jumped out of the grass and let out a strange cry. Due to its size being one circle larger than a normal Goblin, and the sudden appearance, this one meter long little wild boar instinctively ran in the opposite direction.

Gobro chased after him fiercely, and it was obvious that Gobro's speed was faster than this little wild boar. If this continued, he would eventually be able to catch the other party.


Not long after, the little wild boar was passing by a big tree when a thick wooden stick suddenly appeared from behind. One stick did not hit the wild boar's head, but it hit his body.

Due to this obstruction, the little wild boar suffered from pain and became sluggish, slowing down its speed. However, after hitting the first stick, Gobra's wooden stick flew out due to the huge impact force and was unable to hit the second stick.

When the little wild boar regained its speed, Gobro had already come to its side, picked up a wooden stick, and a lv.5 critical hit hit hit the little wild boar fiercely.


The sound this time was different from before. Gobro's attack was just to make the little wild boar feel pain. Gobro's stick directly splashed the little wild boar's flesh and blood, and Gobro's stick broke in two. The little wild boar immediately let out a scream.

But with just one scream, a broken wooden stick plunged directly into its throat, and the screams came to an abrupt end. With a fierce heart, Gobro pushed the stick in with force.

"Pu Tong."

The wild boar fell heavily to the ground, unable to rise.

Gobra looked at the body of the little wild boar lying on the ground with a shocked expression on his face. How could it be so easy to succeed? Previously, every time I hunted a wild boar, I had to chase it for a long time. Now, with just the two of them, I succeeded. Gobra felt like he was dreaming.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Gobro hesitated for a moment, but still didn't choose to roast it to eat. After all, the roasted meat had a strong aroma, and he was afraid of bringing the trolls over.

Gobler watched as the wild boar under Gobler swallowed its saliva, and instinctively wanted to drag the boar back.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to drag this wild boar back."

"What a drag! I didn't tell you before. Let's go hunting. Don't let any goblins or trolls know that this is our thing, we'll eat it here!" After speaking, he forcefully tore off a thigh from the little wild boar and handed it to goblins.

Seeing the thigh handed over by Gobro, Gobro hesitated for a second before immediately snatching it from Gobro's hand and eating it in large gulps.

"Anyway, it was Bro Bro who asked me to eat it. It should be okay, right?" Gobra thinks so.

Seeing Gobro's snatching action, Gobro frowned and snatched it directly from the opponent's hand. The meat in his mouth was suddenly snatched away, and Gobro glared fiercely at him.


Immediately after, Gobro slapped him and woke him up.

Then he looked at Gobro in fear, not understanding what it meant. It was clear that Gobro had asked him to eat it, but now he had to snatch it back.

"Take it slowly from my hand, don't use it for grabbing." Since he has decided to gather Gobra, he naturally wants to teach him well from now on, so as not to cause trouble for himself. Of course, he doesn't want to use such a rough way, but he doesn't have time now, so that's all he can do.

Upon hearing Gobro's words, Gobro hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached out and took the thigh meat from Gobro's hand, occasionally peeking at him with his spare light.

"Let's eat," said Gobro.

Subsequently, Gobra began to nibble heavily, and he didn't correct Gobra's eating habits, so it didn't matter.

Then he dug on the wild boar, and soon a black crystal appeared in front of him.

This is Magic Crystal.

[Item Name: First Order Magic Crystal]

[Function: Can be used to equip weapons, formations... Spending ten first-order magic crystals can lead to the next simulation]

"Can only simulate once with ten magic crystals? That's not too much, right? At this speed, it won't take much time to get ten first-order magic crystals."

After checking the magic crystal, he held onto the corpse of the wild boar and began to nibble on it. Due to his larger size, his appetite was much larger than that of a normal goblin. However, even so, he did not eat a whole wild boar at once. When he was full, he found that goblin was still staring at the unfinished wild boar corpse in his hand in a daze.