

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The Great God of Asura, an unexplored prophet

There was silence in the cabin.

Seeing this scene of ruining the world with my own eyes made everyone feel a little shocked.

The power of nature is terrible!

Only Chen Ye, with a strong heart, seemed indifferent.

A few hours later.

When the plane landed at Los Angeles Airport, it was completely dark.

Through the window, you can see the Los Angeles Airport, which is completely messed up at this moment!

too many people!!

The Yellowstone Park volcano is one of the largest volcanoes in the world.

Its outbreak indicates that the end of the world is not a rumor!

Even if there is no end of the world, the consequences of the eruption of the Yellowstone Park volcano will slowly turn the entire territory of the Sam Empire into a barren land.

Because the volcanic ash after the eruption will continue to surging with the atmospheric circulation. These thick volcanic ash may block the sunlight and cannot disperse in a short time, which means that many plants on the ground will die because of the inability to photosynthesize!!

This is basic common sense!

Some smart people naturally think of finding a way out for themselves, wanting to escape from Sam's empire as soon as possible.

Therefore, it created a situation of overcrowding at Los Angeles Airport.

Seeing so many people at Los Angeles 27 Airport, the face of the rich is a little ugly.

But he was even more worried that the "robbers" in front of him would not want to let them go.

"Sir, you have arrived at Los Angeles Airport, you said you would let us go

"Of course! I've always talked and counted!" Chen Ye smiled.

"Thank God…" The rich woman whispered.

Hearing the sound, the rich couldn't help but glared at his woman.

Now that the robber hasn't left, there is the possibility of changing his mind at any time

Chen Ye didn't bother to pay attention to the rich man's careful thoughts. He pointed to the drinks and food on the plane and said: "Mr.Rich man, I will take all the food and drink. Would you mind?"

"Oh! Of course no problem, you can take as much as you like!" said the rich man hastily.

"thanks for your cooperation!"

Chen Ye said with a smile and nodded to Murong Yuling.

Murong Yuling immediately moved and began to raid the food reserves in the airport.

Stored on the plane are all top-notch ingredients, such as filet mignon, Lafite wine, Almas caviar, etc., even the mineral water you drink is Salve mineral water, a small bottle costs hundreds of dollars!

Seeing Murong Yuling swept away the things on the plane, but there was no bag on his body, the rich and the others were all dumbfounded.

What about things?

Where is hiding?

"Wow, what a cool trick!"

The richest son couldn't help but speak.

"Jamie, shut up!"

The rich couldn't help but reprimand.

Of course he knew that the two robbers in front of him were extremely mysterious, and it was impossible for them to be magic just now.

Chen Ye ignored the careful thoughts of the rich and the others, and said: "Goodbye, everyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ye took Murong Chuuxue and left the plane.

It wasn't until the two "robbers" walked away that the rich and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

The bodyguard stepped forward and asked, "Sir, do we need to call the police?"

"Call the police? NO! They won't live long, we quickly continue our previous plan and go to China as soon as possible!"

The rich man shouted loudly and began to order everyone to pack up.

He himself sneaked into the lounge and found three tickets hidden in the cabinet!

These three tickets are not simple, they are proofs to enter the Ark! It cost the rich one billion euros and they are specially prepared for him and his two sons.

As for the others on the plane?

Feel sorry

"Sura, where are we going now?"

Chen Ye glanced around and saw a supermarket in the airport, and then ordered: "Yuling, go to the supermarket to collect some supplies, mainly food and water, I am waiting for you here!"

Upon hearing this, Murong Yuling nodded and left.

She believes that Chen Ye will not harm her, let alone leave her to escape.

The reason why Chen Ye didn't go with Murong Yuling was because he wanted to stare at the rich man and his family.

This rich man is an important figure in the plot.

In addition, the son of luck (the protagonist) will also come to meet later, Chen Ye intends to continue to follow them.

Since he knows the plot, of course he must make good use of all plot-related information.

If you have good luck, you don't want to go there, and you have to go to Tibet in China alone?

Is your brain broken?

It didn't take long.

When Murong Yuling returned, seeing Shura still waiting on the spot, he was immediately happy.

"Big Brother Shura," Murong Yuling couldn't help but shouted.

Chen Ye smiled and asked, "Is everything full?"

"Yeah!" Murong Yuling nodded.

"follow me!


Chen Ye took Murong Yuling towards the last plane at the airport.

The reason why the plane did not take off is because the cause of the malfunction has been eliminated.

After getting on the plane, Chen Ye found a place and sat down.

This is a cargo airplane, and the cabin is full of luxury cars and other items.

"Yuling, come, sit down and take a break."

Murong Yuling couldn't help asking, "Sura, don't we start the plane?"

"Can you drive?" Chen Ye asked rhetorically.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yuling's face blushed, and he said simply: "No!"

She thought that Shura would open 547.

Chen Ye said solemnly: "Neither can I!"

Murong Yuling was stunned, as if he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

She wanted to ask, since no one knows how to fly a plane, why did she run up?

"Don't worry, the driver will be here soon!" Chen Ye explained Murong Yuling's mind.

Murong Yuling was taken aback, full of doubts, and finally endured it.

After a while.

The cabin door opened.

The rich man walked into the plane with several people.

Like the original plot, the true son of luck (the protagonist) is also in it.

"Hello, Mr. Regal, we meet again!" Chen Ye greeted with a smile.

When the rich and the others saw the two "robbers", their expressions suddenly changed.

It's really Yuanjialuzhai, so you can come across it like this?

"Sir, it's a coincidence. We didn't expect this plane to be yours, so let's get down here." The rich man said with a bitter face.

"Go down now? It's too late!" Chen Ye said: "The disaster is about to spread here, and there are no other planes at the airport. You should let your pilots drive this plane and go!"

When Murong Yuling saw this scene, her pretty face was full of surprise.

She feels that Shura is like an unknown prophet