

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Escape? No Let’s go on vacation

The background of the movie "2012" is the end of the world!

All human beings around the world have to survive under the apocalypse, and in the end only a very small number of people survived

The core of this movie is about human nature.

In the face of death and disaster, what choice will a person make?


Suddenly, the ground shook.

Chen Ye and others sitting in the plane felt the shock.

Many people were shocked.

The rich urged the captain again and again to start the plane and leave.

Only Chen Ye remained calm.

"Five-four-seven" since the system has given five hours, it means that the disaster will not come.

"Yuling, stop standing, sit down!" Chen Ye smiled.

After getting on the plane, Murong Yuling stood behind Chen Ye, apparently positioning herself as a girl attendant.

Hearing what Chen Ye said, Murong Yuling sat down on the sofa.

The aircraft's engine made a huge roar and began to run through the runway, slowly getting faster and faster, and then took off smoothly

Murong Yuling breathed a sigh of relief when the plane took to the high altitude smoothly.

"Don't be so nervous, come, have a glass of wine to suppress your surprise!"

While smiling, Chen Ye poured a glass of wine for Murong Yuling.

Makes him the owner of the plane!

The rich man next to him, he dare not speak up!

Because of Chen Ye's casual killing performance before, it really scared him.

"thanks "

Murong Yuling wanted to say that he didn't know how to drink, but when the words came to his lips, he changed to thank you, then picked up the wine, and took a sip in silence despite the discomfort.

This is the wine poured by the Lord Shura himself.

She was afraid that not drinking it would make Shura unhappy.

"Cough cough"

-Mouth of whiskey entered his throat, Murong Yuling coughed visibly.

Chen Ye finally knew that this girl could not drink, he turned his eyes to the rich man: "Are there any drinks?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The rich man quickly took out two bottles of juice from the refrigerator.

Chen Ye grabbed the wine glass in Murong Yuling's hand and passed the juice over:

"Don't drink the wine, drink this!"


Murong Yuling smiled happily, she thought the god Asura was quite considerate.

Seeing the rich family is very frightened, Chen Ye smiled: "Don't be so nervous, I also want to escape, as long as you cooperate, I will not hurt you."

The rich man nodded immediately, and the fat on his face trembled.

"No problem, sir, you can use everything on this plane at will. If you want money, I can also give it to you, I just hope you don't hurt us."

"Very well, I hope our journey will be more enjoyable next."

Chen Ye smiled and said, then pointed to the bodyguard and said, "Who, can you come and dispose of your companion's body? The smell of blood will scare the child!"

You didn't get the smell of blood yet?

The bodyguard complained in his heart, but on the surface there was no dissatisfaction. He immediately walked over and dragged the corpse to the storage room.

"Xura Murong Yuling suddenly said weakly: "Can I ask, what is our plan next? -Shall we run for our lives? Should we prepare some supplies?"


Chen Ye shook his head and smiled: "To be precise, it's a vacation!"

"However, this holiday is a bit long, and some supplies do need to be prepared, but it is not convenient to carry.

In the original plot, so many people finally got on the Ark, and it will definitely cause food shortages.

"Sura, I have special items and can carry supplies.

As soon as Murong Yuling's voice fell, there was a small bag in his hand.

"It's called the Qiankun Bag. It was given to me by my sister. It can store ordinary things. Don't you have any Shura? If you don't, I can give you my copy when I leave the copy!"

Chen Ye was taken aback, but he didn't expect that there would be something like a Qiankun bag.

You don't need to guess that items like the Qiankun Bag must come from a mythical copy world.

"How many things can it hold?" Chen Ye asked curiously.

"There is not much space inside. It is not as big as a personal warehouse. The total volume is about 8 cubic meters. If it is only for storing food, it should be able to hold several tons of food.

Chen Ye nodded and said with a smile: "It's a very good thing. As for giving it to me, you don't need it. You can't give it to me. It hasn't been three years since you got it, right?

The trading rules for special items in the reincarnation space, after one transaction, it takes three years before the second transaction can be made.

"I forgot…" Murong Yuling said.

"Since there is such a thing, you really have to collect some supplies. The things on this plane are pretty good. Pack them when you get off the plane, don't waste it!" Chen Ye said.


The two communicated in Mandarin, and the rich and the others looked confused.

"Please note, there are still the last 10 minutes, disaster is coming."

The prompt of the system appeared in the ears of Murong Yuling and Chen Ye at the same time.

"Mr. Regal, can you turn on the TV for me?"

This is a luxury private jet, with radio and TV of course.

The rich man heard the words, found the remote control, and turned on the TV in the airport.

Seeing the two "robbers" were watching TV earnestly, he felt a little inexplicable and followed TV.

TV is a news channel.

On the screen, politicians are still fooling the public, saying that there can be no global disaster, and the end of the world will never come.

Some bricks are called beasts, and they are also analyzing various unreliable data like jumping 4.0 beam clowns.

Ten minutes later.

Suddenly, the TV broadcast was paused, and the host appeared with a shocked look: "Interrupted in an emergency message. Three minutes ago, the Yellowstone Park volcano erupted. Affected by the volcano, all nearby towns sank…

On the screen, the sinking of Salt Lake City appeared.

I saw the ground cracking, and all the high-rise buildings fell, it was like a world turned upside down!

The rich and the others were all stunned.

Although he knew in advance that the end of the world would come back, seeing such a huge disaster with his own eyes still made him feel scared instinctively.

Even Murong Yuling was pretty pale.

If you don't leave in time, in such a disaster, no one can get it.