

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Shura boss, invincible

"Is this the Ark?"

Murong Yuling couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the row of huge arks that were huge and even bigger than the aircraft carrier.


"Can it help us avoid disaster?"

"Yes, we will live here in the next period of time!"

Murong Yuling nodded, with big beautiful eyes, looking at Shura deeply.

To be honest, the two tasks she did with Shura were very easy, almost lying down to win!!

This man, always able to see things that others can't see, is really mysterious!


The entrance to the Ark Base is already crowded!

Countless elites holding boat tickets shouted to board the boat.

However, the Ark is not ready yet, so it is forbidden to allow people to board the Ark.

after an hour.

A sirens suddenly sounded throughout the base.

"Attention, all staff, leave the Ark immediately!"

The huge broadcasting sound resounded through the entire Ark base.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ye knew that the plot still followed the original course.

In the original plot, the tsunami appeared a day earlier than expected.

The Vice President of the Sam Empire immediately persuaded the leaders of other countries to prepare to launch the Ark in advance.

As for those social elites who have not yet boarded the ship, they will naturally be ruthlessly abandoned.

Of course, the last important supporting actor stood up, persuaded other leaders, and let others board the Ark.

However, many people died due to disputes and panic.

Chen Ye didn't want to wait any longer.

Seeing Fang Zhou was about to start, he immediately said to Murong Yuling, "Come with me!"

When the voice fell, Chen Ye immediately strode forward.

Murong Yuling quickly followed.

The entrance was naturally blocked by security personnel.

"Sir, please go back! Can't board the Ark now!"

Chen Ye didn't bother to pay attention to him, waved his hand, stopped the middle-aged bald head in front of him, and flew out.

Mind power is activated!


The bald head fell far away and let out a scream.

Such a big movement immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Countless security guards blocking the entrance pulled out their guns and aimed at Chen Ye.

"Sir, stop your footsteps immediately, and we will shoot further ahead!"

Chen Ye's expression was calm and his footsteps didn't stop at all.

Ignore the gun threat!!

The leader of the security personnel seemed to have received some order in the headset, and immediately ordered: "Kill him!"


The huge gunfire appeared extremely loud in the empty base.

When the gunshots appeared, all ordinary people crawled on the ground in fright. Many women and children screamed.


next moment.

The whole scene fell into silence again!

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the bullet that was frozen in midair.

A bullet out of the chamber flies at breaking sound speed, but suddenly brakes, and violates the rules of physics, freezes in mid-air, motionless

Such a weird scene makes countless people unbelievable.

"Da! Da! Da!"

Throughout the scene, only the footsteps of Chen Ye and Murong Yuling sounded.


Chen Ye waved his hand and the bullet flew back and hit the security chief's forehead!


The security chief did not even have time to scream, so he fell softly.

"Fire and kill him!"

I don't know who ordered it.

Upon hearing the order, those security personnel immediately pulled the trigger.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Countless bullets, like raindrops, shot at Chen Ye and Murong Yuling.

Seeing so many bullets, Murong Yuling's face faded.

But out of trust in Chen Ye, she still followed Chen Ye closely.

The strange phenomenon appeared again.

Chen Ye raised his hand slightly, all the bullets froze, and stood still in mid-air against common sense.

It's densely packed, and there are hundreds of bullets, let alone!

If everyone still didn't see the bullet just now, then there are so many bullets now that everyone can see clearly.

"Oh, God! What did I see?"

"Damn it, is this guy the devil?

"What kind of ability is this? God, it's amazing!"

"Devil, he is a devil!" a certain rich man said in horror.

"In this world, is there really a superman in Jingran?

There was a lot of discussion and doubts.

Chen Ye doesn't care what others think and talk about him!

Having reached this point, he didn't need to go any further. With his strength, he could do whatever he wanted.

Wave your hand gently

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Countless bullets shot back immediately.

If you dare to shoot at him, you must be prepared to be killed!

Of course, due to too many bullets, Chen Ye can't control it precisely with his current mental power.

.....Look for flowers…0

So this wave of bullets was shot randomly.


Suddenly, among the security personnel on the opposite side, some fell directly, some were hit in a non-fatal place, and kept screaming.

Chen Ye waved his hand again, and a powerful thought force shock wave appeared, dispersing all the security personnel blocking the road in front of him.

He has enough power to deal with these ordinary people.

Deterrence is also strong enough!

That's right, Chen Ye is so high-profile that he wants to stand up and make those leaders afraid of him!

Because he did not have a ticket, even if he finally boarded the ship, he would definitely be crowded with many civilians.

If you say you come to travel, how can you wrong yourself?

He wants to live in the best room and enjoy the best resources!

Chen Ye strode forward, followed by Murong Yuling.

"Quickly, stop him! Stop the monster!!" A certain leader shouted in horror.

The real soldiers were mobilized and surrounded Chen Ye.

Countless guns were aimed at Chen Ye, including large-caliber rifles.

Chen Ye finally stopped.

As we all know, large-caliber guns have very high kinetic energy, and their lethality is far from that of ordinary pistols. Even with Chen Ye's current mental power, it may not be able to receive them.

Of course, Chen Ye can also do it without thinking force, let the thinking force affect the trajectory of the bullet, and achieve the goal of shooting off. It should be no problem.

However, this requires precise control, and the deterrence is much smaller.

He is armed and domineering, and it's okay to be shot.

The main possibility is to accidentally hurt Murong Yuling.

Just when Chen Ye decided whether to use a weapon to go in and kill, suddenly, a palm was pressed against his back.

Immediately afterwards, a group of gentle energy was transmitted into Chen Ye's body through the palm of the hand.

Chen Ye immediately felt that his body was full of strength, and his mental strength was greatly increased.

He looked at Murong Yuling in surprise.

Murong smiled and said, "This is the auxiliary fighting ability I got when I opened the Silver Treasure Box yesterday: Increase! It can increase the combat effectiveness of my teammates, but I can't increase the ability of my teammates. I have to thank you!"

"Nice ability, hold on to me, I'm going to show off!"

The voice fell off.


A terrifying storm of thought power suddenly appeared and swept the entire army!!