

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Live in first class, who object

Murong Yuling's increasing ability can increase by about 60%.

The effect is very good!

Under the increase, Chen Ye's strength has greatly increased!


A terrifying storm of thought power swept the audience.

Even ordinary people on the periphery can clearly feel the strong wind coming on the surface.

And the soldiers who participated in the siege of Chen Ye at the scene were miserable!

Da da da!

The gunfire continued.

But no bullet can get close to Chen Ye's side.

next moment!

Next to Chen Ye, ten flying blades appeared out of thin air.

With a thought, these flying blades immediately flew out, strangling the army!

Puff! Puff!

Wherever the flying blade passed, blood was splashing, and the stumped limbs flew around!

It's so cruel!

It's almost like an ultra-powered meat grinder, harvesting lives in "Five-Five Zero".

Murong Yuling, who was standing next to Chen Ye, turned pale with fright.

She is a reincarnation, and she can't stand it a bit, let alone others?

Those around who saw this scene were completely frightened!

Between a few breaths.

A rigorously trained army would all fall to the ground, dying, maimed, and suffering extremely heavy losses.

The audience is quiet, and the needle can be heard!


No one dared to attack Chen Ye anymore.

No one dares to give this order!

"Shura, the increase is only half an hour!" Murong Yuling reminded in a low voice behind Chen Ye.

Chen Ye nodded, looking at the frightened leaders.

next moment.

The powerful thought force recoiled to the ground, and his whole person floated.

It seems that Chen Ye is completely "flying"!


With Murong Yuling's increase, Chen Ye can barely make a short flight!

one person.

Flying in the air!

And did not rely on external forces at all.

The shock of this move is no less than the bloody massacre just now.

Because many people associate Chen Ye with the gods

Since ancient times, only legendary gods can fly.

Some people of faith can't help but kneel down towards Chen Ye

Ignoring others, Chen Ye flew directly to the high platform and landed steadily.

Then, with a stroke of his hand, Murong Yuling also "flyed" under the control of his mind and was brought to his side.

Looking at the opposing heads of state, Chen Ye asked loudly: "Who is the queen of the Eagle Country?"

Several heads of state looked at each other, and finally looked at an elderly woman.

Feeling helpless, the old woman bit her head and stood up.

If you don't stand up, you can't do it. The killer has already named the name, so many people are watching, if she pretends to be a tortoise, how will she see people in the future?

"Honorable sir, I don't know what you want to do with me?"

The old woman really didn't know what to call Chen Ye, so she was called "Your Excellency".

In the Eagle Dog country, you are also a respectable name, and the degree of respectfulness is even higher than that of Chinese. Generally, only people with a very high status will be honored as you.

Seeing the old woman's uneasy look, Chen Ye suddenly smiled.

"Actually, I don't mean anything else. I just want to board the Ark and provide me with a better room. For example, the Queen's room should be very good."

When the heads of state heard this, their expressions were astonished!


With you killing so many people and making such a big movement, just to get on the boat?

Damn it!!

You said it earlier!

Countless people complained in their hearts, but on the surface they were respectful and dared not to be the slightest strange.

"I just killed so many people, I didn't mean it, they wanted to stop me, I was actually a good person!" Chen Ye said again.

What a good person!

If you are a "good guy", there will probably be no bad guys in this world!

"If you feel that I am guilty, you can continue to send troops. It happens that my hands are itchy, so I can play with you!"

When the voice fell, Chen Ye suddenly punched and blasted at the crane next to him.


The crane weighing several thousand catties was actually blasted by him with a punch! It smashed the iron plate into a huge hole!

Everyone: ".


Chen Ye is a blatant threat!!


Seeing such terrifying power of Chen Ye, no one dared to say anything.

If the nuclear weapons were still there, these heads of state would still have a hard time.

But now everyone is flooded with tsunamis. All they can get is some troops. How can they fight monsters like Chen Ye?

Say something not exaggerated

If Chen Ye initiates a ruthless attack, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire base, Chen Ye will be able to slaughter them clean!

Seeing that no one was speaking, Chen Ye looked at the queen again and asked faintly: "Queen, give me your room, do you have any objections?"

The queen's old face twitched, and she barely smiled and said: ""Your Excellency can come to Ark No.6, it is the honor of the Great Eagle Dog Country. I represent the Eagle Dog Country, and welcome your Excellency!"

As expected of a woman who can be a queen, the thickness of her skin is very unusual.

Chen Ye smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, just take your attitude, I will not mess around on Ark No. 6, if you encounter any danger, you can also come to me to take action!"

"Yuling, let's go!"

When the voice fell, Chen Ye strode towards Ark No. 6.

Murong Yuling followed Chen Ye and looked at Chen Ye deeply.

Just now, Chen Ye was really awe-inspiring, threatening the capitals of various countries too much.

Such a domineering man has a strong attraction to women

Chen Ye swaggered on board No. 6 Ark, and then under the guidance of the staff, lived in the most luxurious suite on the Ark!

That is, the suite that should belong to the queen of the Eagle Country!

The suite is designed according to the standard of the presidential suite.

A living room, a spacious room, bathroom, technological screen wall, etc. 4.0

Inside the room, you can find everything you need, such as high-end furniture, leather sofas, famous oil paintings, etc.

Therefore, no matter what point human beings have reached, classes have always existed.

Even if ordinary people are dead, high-level people will still not reduce their enjoyment!

Of course, Chen Ye didn't bother to take care of these messy things.

He just wanted to have a "vacation" with peace of mind.


Here comes a new question!

There is only one person in the room in the suite, but Chen Ye and Murong Yuling are two people. Who sleeps at night?

"How about I ask them for another room?"

Chen Ye looked at Murong Yuling and spoke.

Murong Yuling shook his head and said: "No need for Shura, there are so many people outside who haven't boarded the Ark, the room is definitely not enough.