

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

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707 Chs

Other reincarnations appear [bonus chapter]

In the cabin.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

Except for the storm girl who was driving, the other three people stared at Chen Ye without blinking.

"I said, everyone, is there a flower on my face?" Chen Ye said helplessly.

Wolverine asked, "Boy, who are you?"

"I come from another world"

Chen Ye did not force himself to the mutant head.

Because Professor X has telepathic ability and can clearly distinguish the difference between humans and mutants.

It is very ridiculous to pretend to be a mutant in front of Professor X.

Hearing what Chen Ye said, Professor X and others were all taken aback.

"Alien?" Wolverine asked.

"No, I am also a human being. Chen Ye flicked: "I wonder if you have heard of the theory of parallel universes? I come from the earth of parallel universes!"

Professor X and his old friend Magneto looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

They are also well-informed people, but facing this statement, they still find it a little weird.

"So, young man, what is your purpose in coming to this world?" Magneto asked.

Professor X did not speak.

He was dubious about Chen Ye's statement.

The half believe it is because in Professor X's "vision", Chen Ye is indeed a human being, without the genes of mutants.

It is obviously unreasonable for a human being to possess such a powerful force.


Chen Ye laughed.

If you tell the true purpose, you still have to frighten these people?

"No purpose, I and some other people accidentally came into this world!"

Speaking of this, Chen Ye said again: "But speaking of it, your development here doesn't seem to be very good! Humanity is about to be extinct."

"Since you are not a mutant, why would those sentry robots attack you~?" Wolverine was a little confused.

"how could I know?"

"Young man." Professor X said, "You said, there are other people who come from the same place as you? They have also arrived in our world?"

"Yes!" Chen Ye nodded and said: "However, everyone, I have to remind you that if you encounter those people, you must be careful, they did not come with kindness!'

Hearing this, the faces of everyone suddenly became serious.

The sentinel robots have almost pushed them to the limit, and now there are more enemies of unknown forces? Wouldn't it be even worse.

Wolverine asked in a deep voice, "Boy, what about you?"

Chen Ye looked at Wolverine, and said lightly: "From the time I got on the plane, you have been asking me to find out that you invited me to come up, but your attitude towards me is lack of politeness! Mr. Wolverine, you don't seem to know how to respect people? I know you very well? Before talking to me, you'd better use honorifics to me!"

"Wei! The temper is really not small."

An angry look appeared on Wolverine's face.

"Logan!" Professor X quickly stopped Wolverine from losing his temper: "Calm down!

Wolverine glared at Chen Ye when he heard the words, and said nothing.

Chen Ye ignored Wolverine and looked at Professor X indifferently: "You invited me to come up, not just to ask me these questions? If so, find a place and let me go!"

"Young man, don't be angry."

Professor X smiled kindly: "I apologize to you for our rude behavior."

Chen Ye nodded, noncommittal.

"Actually, we want to ask you for help!"

Professor X said: "You have also seen that in our world, there are invincible enemies. They are numerous and omnipotent. In order to save our world, we intend to go back to the past and change our destiny!

"This plan is very risky and requires a fixed place, and once we stay in a certain place for too long, the sentry robot will come to the door."

"So, young man, we need your help!"

Chen Ye smiled faintly: "Help you? What benefits can I get?"

Hearing this, Professor X gave a wry smile: "The world has become such a mess, and money has lost its role. We don't know what benefits should be given to you. If you have any needs, you can tell me about it."


Chen Ye snapped his fingers: "I want to return to my world, so I have to make a machine that can help me go back. Can you provide me with materials?"

Professor X was taken aback, and tentatively asked: "I have a laboratory with a lot of metal materials stored in it. I don't know what you want?"

Chen Ye took out a piece of paper like a magic trick.

It was written with a list of materials he needed!

Professor X took the list, just glanced at it, and frowned slightly.

*""There are many rare metals in the materials on this, but I don't have them in my laboratory, but I know where to find them!"

"very good!"

Chen Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to Professor X: "Then, happy cooperation!"

Professor X was taken aback, then smiled, and shook hands with Chen Ye: "Happy cooperation!"

"Now, can you tell me where we are going?

"Go to Xia Guo, there are our partners there!"

Professor X first asked Stormgirl to drive the fighter plane, went back to his laboratory, got the materials needed by Chen Ye, and then went to Xia Country.

The fighter aircraft has a very high technological content, and its flying speed is extremely fast. The top speed can reach Mach 7 (7 times the speed of sound), far exceeding the F-22 Raptor fighter that was blown into the sky on the earth before.

In just two hours, the fighter plane flew from North America, across the Pacific, to somewhere in Xia Country.

(Wang Qian's) This is a building full of antiquity.

When the fighters approached, the Storm Girl suddenly said loudly: "Oops, they are under attack!!"

Everyone in the cabin was taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately came to the cockpit, looking down at the valley through the glass of the cockpit.

The battle below is in a fierce state.

The flames are soaring, and the ice is splashing!

To Chen Ye's surprise, it was not the sentry robot that was fighting the mutants.

But a group of powerful humans!!

Seeing the friendly forces fall into the wind and even suffered casualties, Wolverine's face changed and couldn't help cursing: "Damn! Where did this group of mutants come from? Why did they attack Katie (Phantom Cat)?"

"They are not mutants!

Professor X said solemnly.