

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Destroy the reincarnation team [bonus chapter]

"They are not mutants!"

Professor X looked solemn and looked at Chen Ye: "Chen, these people are humans from the same place as you, right?"

Chen Ye nodded: "Yes!"

Since he is not a mutant, he has power and abilities far beyond ordinary people, and he is hunting mutants

Then Chen Ye knows the identities of these people without guessing.


Only the reincarnation meets this standard.

Seeing these reincarnations, Chen Ye's eyes flashed brightly.

For the reincarnations in the C region, Chen Ye came in alone, so these people in front of me are naturally reincarnations in other countries and regions.

And it looked like it was still a team, running to hunt down mutants such as "Iceman" and "Steelman".

I don't know how these people found here.

Wolverine became even more angry when Chen Ye admitted.

"Damn it! Boy, who are you guys?"

Chen Ye said indifferently: "You have the leisure to ask me here. Why don't you support your friends! Their current situation is not so good!"

This is not Chen Ye's alarmist talk.

Judging from the current situation of the 680, those mutants are indeed not the opponents of reincarnation.

Although the combat effectiveness of Iceman and Fireman is very strong, those who can mix to the 15th floor are not weak! What's more, those who reach this level will have strange special items more or less.

For example, right now, the mutant who could breathe fire was dragged by a reincarnation with a shield.

The shield in the opponent's hand is very strange, and it can absorb heat!

The fire man's flame attack was all absorbed and left.

As for the "Phantom Cat", the key figure in this plan, he was chased and killed by several reincarnations and fled everywhere, in danger.

Seeing this scene, Wolverine's expression changed drastically!

The phantom cat is very important, she has the ability to cross all obstacles, and can also send people's consciousness back to the body of the past!

The "reverse the future" plan this time requires the Phantom Cat to return the consciousness of Wolverine to the body of the 1970s, and then prevent the birth of the sentry robot and change the world.

Therefore, the Phantom Cat must not be lost!

Wolverine roared anxiously: "They need support! Storm, land the plane quickly!!

Don't need Wolverine's reminder, Storm Girl had already been controlling the plane and landing quickly.


at this time.

The reincarnations on the ground seem to have also discovered the X-Men fighters. One of the reincarnations actually took out a single-man missile, resisted it on the shoulder, aimed at the fighter, and pulled the trigger.


The missile dragged a long tail flame, broke through the air, and quickly attacked the fighter plane.

At the critical moment, the old man is still able to directly control the flying missile and tow the missile to another direction.

Seeing that the missile flew away almost against the fighter plane, Wolverine and Storm Girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Storm Girl, the black face just turned white.

She does not have the "immortality" of Wolverine, once the plane is detonated, she will definitely be blown to ashes

Chen Ye's face is calm!

Even if the plane exploded, it wouldn't kill him.


These reincarnations almost destroyed the various materials that Professor X gave him!

Moreover, these guys are actually hunting down mutants under his nose, which is too shameful for him!

"Open the hatch!"

Before the plane landed, Chen Ye spoke.

The Storm Girl didn't ask much, and immediately opened the hatch.


In the surprised eyes of Wolverine and Magneto, Chen Ye jumped down and jumped directly out of the cabin.

You know, the fighter plane at this time is at least hundreds of meters high from the ground.

At this height, even if Wolverine Logan fell down, (Chea) could still fall into a meatloaf, making him unable to recover for a long time.

"The X-Men are here, don't read the war, let's retreat!"

As soon as Chen Ye landed, he heard a reincarnation on the opposite side and shouted these words out loud.

The other party speaks English!

Chen Ye smiled slightly and waved his hand slightly. Several flying blades appeared out of nowhere, and under the control of the power of mind, they strangled towards the reincarnation.

Seeing the flying blade attack, the other party's face changed, and he hurriedly pushed his hands toward the front.

An invisible force appeared from the opponent's hand, like a shock wave, across the ground.

The few flying blades controlled by Chen Ye were all pushed apart by this force.


Chen Ye was a little surprised, this kind of ability seemed a bit familiar!

at this time.

The flying blade that had just been blown away suddenly flew up again, killing the reincarnation with ferocious patterns.

This time it was not Chen Ye's mind control.

Chen Ye immediately turned his head and saw Lao Wan floating in the air, waving his right hand.

Obviously, Magneto is controlling Chen Ye's flying blade to kill.

Compared with Chen Ye's mental power, Lao Wan's power to control metal is obviously much stronger. The metal flying blade, in Lao Wan's hands, is simply handy and surprisingly powerful.

The reincarnation just parried a few times before being pierced by a flying blade, his eyes widened, and he slowly fell down.

Don't look down!


Chen Ye couldn't help but secretly said.

In terms of control alone, there is still a huge gap between his power of thought and the power of Magneto to control metals!


Chen Ye is more than just thinking!

On the contrary, the power of mind is now among Chen Ye's many abilities and is not strong. Chen Ye has always used it as an auxiliary, rather than as a main attack method.


Lao Wan took the shot himself, using his ability to control the metal, and beat these reincarnations to the ground.

Magneto, who has metal to assist in combat, is very powerful!

Even Chen Ye must be cautious when encountering this kind of power. Those who reincarnate naturally cannot be opponents.

Wolverine and Storm Girl also assisted.

Chen Ye also had no mercy, and killed a few reincarnations.

The battle presents a one-sided trend.

In the blink of an eye, this group of reincarnations were all defeated and died here one after another.

However, when cleaning the battlefield, something changed.

The important character "Phantom Cat" was seriously injured!

Although he is not dead, he has already lost too much blood, and it is impossible to use his abilities for a long time.

And her injury, it seems that within a few months of effort, it will not heal at all.

Time is running out!

How can everyone have a few months to wait?