

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

No ticket then go on board by force

Jackson deserves to be the son of luck!

Such a trap was successfully resolved by him.

He successfully landed on the ground with his ex-wife and children using the vehicle.

However, the pilot of the plane was not so lucky. Together with the plane, he fell off the cliff.

The people were sad for a while and gathered together again.

"Ronan, are you Superman? You were so tall just now, you didn't even fall?" Jackson couldn't help asking.

Chen Ye said: "Compared to this, you still think about it, what should you do now!"

Jackson looked at the snowy scenery around and said: "We should have arrived in Tibet, but I don't know where the Ark base is!"

"Ark?" Murong Yuling said in doubt.

Chen Ye explained with a smile: "Actually, the senior leaders of the world's major countries have long known that the end of the world will come. Avoid the disaster that is about to sweep the world."

"Yes! These damn politicians!" Jackson scolded angrily beside him.

Because he is an ordinary person who has been abandoned.

If it were not for his invincible luck, he would not survive now!

547 Murong Yuling looked at Chen Ye with bright eyes, and wanted to ask how Chen Ye knew.

But this involves Shura's privacy, she is smart, naturally not so stupid to ask.

"Why build the Ark in Tibet?" Jackson's ex-wife asked.

"Because, here is the highest mountain in the world. The tsunami will not flood this place for a while. You can buy more time.

Having said this, Chen Ye spoke again, with a little pride in his tone: "In terms of infrastructure, which country in the world is China's opponent? The nickname of'infrastructure madman' is not for nothing!

After hearing this, everyone understood the reason.


Chen Ye's ear moved, and he said: "Mr. Jackson, it's nice to meet you, but it's time for us to part."

"What?" Jackson didn't know why.

Chen Ye didn't bother to talk to him.

Because the son of luck has been used up by him, the next step is to part ways.

He has heard the sound of the helicopter's engine.

In the original plot, the helicopter is official in China and is used to carry precious species, such as elephants, rhinos, giraffes and so on.

The human seed preservation plan needs to be preserved, (chea) is not just human beings.

Some animals have to stay too!

Otherwise, only humans will remain in the world when the time comes, and the ecological chain will be tempered, and it will be difficult for humans to survive.

With Chen Ye's force, it is of course possible to forcibly occupy the helicopter.


Help white people deal with their fellow citizens?

Ha ha!!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Until then.

Everyone saw the helicopter team in the sky in the distance.

"Hi! Here, there are people here."

Upon seeing this, Jackson, the rich and the others yelled immediately, trying to attract the attention of the helicopter.

The helicopter did notice them, and two helicopters chose to land.

Afterwards, from the helicopter, two Chinese soldiers walked down.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The rich man immediately stepped forward and took out the ticket in his hand: "I am a participant of the Human Seed Project. Our plane has an accident. This is the ticket for me and my son!

The leading soldier, seeing the ticket in the hands of the rich man, waved his hand to let the rich man take his two sons by.

The rich man's lover also wanted to follow, but was stopped.

"Sorry, that ferry ticket is for three people. You can't go there unless you take out another ferry ticket."

"What?" the rich mistress said anxiously: "This is impossible, I am his wife Barrick (the rich), hurry up and take me there.

The rich man didn't even turn his head, and took his two sons on the helicopter.

The mistress suddenly looked desperate, and then resented the back of the rich man, and yelled: "Barrick, you bastard, you will be punished.

What a pitiful crooked nut, I can't even say a "fuck"!


Chen Ye brought Murong Yuling forward.

"For the sake of our compatriots, can we pass by?"

He speaks Mandarin.

If the soldiers do not agree, Chen Ye also has a backup plan to use force!!

Of course, at that point, he will be merciful.

The soldiers at the head suddenly became embarrassed when they heard such a pure Mandarin.

He looked at each other with his comrades, then gritted his teeth and waved to let Chen Ye pass.


Chen Ye smiled, took Murong Yuling and boarded the plane.

The remaining people, no matter how they begged, the soldiers remained indifferent.

Soon, the helicopter drove away


If Chen Ye continues to follow Jackson, he can finally reach the Ark base.

As the son of luck, Jackson will experience setbacks, but in the end he will always be put to rest.

It's just too tossing!

Chen Ye didn't want to be so tossed about coming to vacation.

Looking at the three wealthy father and son sitting next to him, Chen Ye smiled coldly: "Mr. Rich, you are really ruthless!"

He was able to snatch the ticket from the rich man just now, but he didn't think it was necessary, and he lost his identity.

The rich dare not speak, he can't afford a ruthless man like Chen Ye

"If you really thought that you could board the Ark with that ticket, you would be very wrong!"

Hearing this, the rich man was taken aback.

But he still dare not ask Chen Ye why.

Chen Ye also stopped talking.

This rich man died in the original plot, and he didn't need to care about so much with a dying person.

Two hours later.

Chen Ye and Murong Yuling successfully arrived at the Ark base.

At the first glance at the Ark base, it feels like one word:


too big!!

The entire Ark base is about the size of 10 large airports combined, and it is very spacious.

You know, this is on the mountain.

To be able to build such a huge project on the mountain in a short period of time is simply a fantasy for other countries.

It is indeed an infrastructure madman!

In the Ark Base, there are a total of ten Arks under construction.

After getting off the helicopter, Chen Ye came to the soldier and asked, "Excuse me, where is the Ark of Eagle Country?"

The soldier was taken aback and said, "It's Ark No. 6.

"Comrade, you don't have a ticket, they will definitely not let you go up!"

"Don't let me go up?" Chen Ye laughed: "Then see if they have that ability!"

When he came, he chose the Eagle Country because he remembered that the original plot mentioned that the Ark of the Eagle Country had avoided disasters smoothly.


The Ark in China is also relatively smooth.

However, Chen Ye does not have a ticket and is ready to embark on the ship by force!

Is it possible to bully compatriots?