
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 9: Coronation Day

Vaness follows Elsa all the way to the balcony to see her people.

"Conceal. Don't Feel. Don't let them know.", Elsa murmured quietly to let go of her nervousness.

Vaness who sees this just comforts her with words from behind, "It's okay, Elsa."

"Thank you, Vaness.", Elsa replied after hearing my words.

Vaness looks at Elsa quietly from behind, 'This Elsa... her fear of her power is truly too much.'.

Even the training that he gives to Elsa in these three days is literally almost useless because she can't control her fear.

After she greet her people below, Elsa got led by her servants to go to the church to take a Coronation as a queen.

Of course, Vaness followed her all the way even standing at the front when she got Coronation along with her sister.

At this time, when I see Anna greet Prince Hans, I know the plot is going as it was supposed to be.

But the difference is this time she didn't freeze two items that she hold on her Coronation.

Then time goes by, and Vaness basically follows Elsa all the way where she goes, even I got introduced as Black Knight of Arendelle by Elsa itself on her Coronation before.

But what makes him strange is, somehow this little princess Anna looked at him fiercely after I got the title of Black Knight of Arendelle.

I think she must be seen me before so she looked at me so intently. Fortunately, she didn't make a fuss at all.

The Night has come when noble people start gathering at the ballroom hall and start dancing in a pair.

The servant starts calling Elsa, Anna, and me to stand at the front as the host this time, "Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Princess Anna of Arendelle. Black Knight Vaness of Arendelle."

The three of us come to the front, as Elsa and Anna stand side by side while I stand behind Elsa's left side.

From behind, I look at them communicating with each other nervously, especially Anna who looks panicky when she talks to Elsa.

Then suddenly, Duke from Weselton comes in front of Elsa to invite her to dance. But when I see his covered bald hair, I almost laugh out loud but I bear it.

"Thank you. Only, I don't dance, but my sister does.", Elsa replied politely.

"What!? No, I don't think s--", before Anna finish her words her hands got pulled by the Duke to go to the center of the Ballroom.

"Sorry.", Elsa apologize quietly.

Looking at this, I think Elsa can be mischievous too. Then I slowly come to her from behind.

I come in front of her and sent an invitation to her while bowing my body standard of a gentleman with my hand reaching out to her, "Then if you don't mind your highness, will you have a dance with me as your knight?"

Elsa who smiled at her sister suddenly got stunned when she see Vaness come in front of her and sent her an invitation to dance but she quickly calmed down and said, "Then my knight, let me see how your dance is."

Elsa took Vaness's hand and start dancing with him.

Her sister Anna who saw this got a little angry when seeing Elsa dance with a young man and not with an old man like her.

As she looked at Elsa her footstep got distracted so she accidentally fall.

Fortunately, before she falls to the floor, there is a pair of hands who catch her. Well, you didn't have to ask, this must be Hans.

Then, they also start to dance like everyone else.

After a while, Vaness and Elsa finish dancing.

"Well, your dance is quite good my knight.", Elsa said to Vaness who stand in front of him with a flushed face because of dancing.

"As long as you are happy your highness. Your Highness, May I leave for a while to the bathroom first?", Vaness said while taking a step back and bowing his body to her.

"Sure, go ahead.", Elsa replied.

"Then, excuse me, your highness.", with that Vaness left the ballroom and go to the toilet inside the castle.

Of course, this is just a disguise, after all, soon Elsa's secret that can use ice will be exposed to the public, so he didn't want to exploit this moment.

"I am sorry Elsa. This is all for your growth," Vaness murmured as he walked to the shadow of the castle and disappeared.

At this time, in the ballroom hall, Anna who goes back with Hans after their night date on the span of music comes to Elsa's side, announcing their marriage.

Vaness who floats in the sky sees this scene speechlessly, honestly, Anna in this world is so pitiful because of the loneliness that haunts her from a child and makes her eager for love.

But that also makes her heart and head become a little stupid, especially in the terms of feeling like love. Even, until now I didn't understand, how can a person decide to marry someone that she just meet in a couple of hours just because of sweet talks or similar interests they have. It is very unlogical for me.

As Vaness thinks about Anna's ridiculousness in the sky, Elsa and Anna start to have a conflict then Elsa subconsciously uses her power in front of everyone.

Elsa gets out of the castle and shows her magic in front of her people which makes them afraid. Looking at fear in their eyes, Elsa decided to run away from her own kingdom and makes Arendelle covered with ice.

Vaness who sees this from above just shakes his head gently and then floats slowly following Elsa's step.

But suddenly he sees something incredible, the notification.

[Notification: The Reincarnation already finish the Main Task (4/4)!]

There are actually still four people left in this dungeon including himself.

Looks like these three reincarnations got lucky and triggered some Sub Task that prolong their time limit until today. Although, there is an item called Time Limit Expansion Card, but this card is so precious, and not many people or guilds willingly use this card unless necessary.

The effect of this card itself is to expand the time limit for people to stay in the dungeon world for 1 day and it can be staked until 10 cards.