
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 25: Next Plan

Vaness with Elsa and Shin arrived in front of the gate where humans gather near this Wasteland. Or it can be said a border between the Wasteland and another territory of Humans.

The gate in front of the gate stopped three of them, "Wait, who are you? I have never seen you three before. And what are you doing in here?"

Vaness looks at the guard who stands in front of the gate, "Hello, sir, three of us is an adventure that accidentally got lost at the Wasteland. Then, finally found a way to go back because of the kind blond man there. As for the reason that you never see us because we get into the wasteland through a different border."

Vaness said while pointing in a far direction where the blond man was.

The guard looked in the direction where Vaness pointed, 'Hmm... that direction where Richard went to. I see, so it was Richard who show the way here, then I guess his statement can be trusted.'

"Alright, no problem with that, can you show me the identity card that shows you are an adventurer.", said the guard again.

"Sorry, sir. But our card got lost when we got attacked by a monster at the Wasteland.", Vaness explained again.

"I see, the wasteland is a very dangerous place, be careful next time adventurers.", said the guard while nodding his head in understanding. After all, it is not common for people will lose their identity cards in pursuit of monsters, especially in the wasteland.

The guard let Vaness and the others get in after that questioning.

Elsa looked at the surrounding, "So this is what towns in another world look like."

Shin also said, "Hmm, for so many years Human Town doesn't have much improvement at all."

"Well, this is a human town same just like in the mainstream anime I watch before.", Vaness said quietly while looking at the surrounding buildings.

'But just like I thought humans in this world are so beautiful and handsome!! Although, I already know about it from anime I watch in my previous life but still, the second dimension and the third dimension is a different thing. Haiss, What a sinful goddess.', Vaness said in his heart.

"I think, this is already late how about we find a place to stay first and discuss next thing tomorrow?", Vaness proposed after the three of them walk around this town for a while.

"Yeah, I also got a little bit tired from fighting before. Let's go, Vaness.", Elsa said.

"Okay, Master.", Shin also followed, after all his master told so and she is also thinking it is a good idea.

Just like that Vaness, Elsa, and Shin take a walk to the Inn.

When Vaness, Elsa, and Shin arrived at the Inn, they forgot they didn't have money to rent the room, so Vaness take initiative to exchange a few nights for life potions.

Life potions are quite precious in this world. No, It can be said Life potions are precious things in many worlds. After all, Life potions can save someone's life when they are dying.

Fortunately, it worked, as they take the key, they immediately headed to the room. To make movement and safety more convenient in this other world Vaness, Shin, and Elsa stay in one room with three beds that are specially prepared for them by the people of the Inn.

Because they didn't stay in this world for too long. It is good enough to relax and complete some side mission if they got it.

So, with that, they take a rest first in the Inn and do what decide to do tomorrow.


In the morning, three of them wake up from their sleep, as they decided yesterday. They gonna act separately to achieve the maximum benefit in this world.

As for Shin and Elsa's safety, Vaness didn't really worry about it. After all, one of them is an ice queen that can change the surrounding terrain to ice while the other one is a strong dragon that already has a name in this world.

But just in case Vaness decided to let Shin and Elsa act together. Because if two of them are in danger, Shin who has contracted with him can send a distress message and location so Vaness can rush over to help them.

Of course, it is just temporary, because later, after his Guild upgrade to Lv1, he can open Guild Chat so they can communicate through it if there is something happen when separated.

"Okay, you two be careful. We will be separated from here.", Vaness said to two of them.

"Yeah, you are also careful, Vaness.", Elsa said although reluctant, she really does not reject it, after all, they are still on the mission and their guild is still in its infancy period. It is good to make rapid progress to collect resources as much as possible.

Vaness takes a walk, after thinking for a while. He decided to go to the Adventurer's Guild to collect some information.

As Vaness come, he immediately sits down on the chair and observes the surrounding while hearing their discussion.

After staying still, and hearing for a while, he is finally hearing something interesting.

"Hey, did you know the delivery goods at the southern wasteland got attacked again?", said one unknown adventurer.

"Yeah, I know about that. I heard it got attacked by the Black Spider of Calamity.", one of the adventurers replied.

"Yes, it is so scary. All goods are gone and some of the people were heavily injured because of it.", said the female adventurer in fear.

"Well, we are talking about the Black Spider of Calamity here. So I think there is nothing surprising about that monster destroying and eating things. Even if people die I will not in awe.", said the man adventurer carelessly.

"Yeah, I think you are right.", said the female adventurer.

Vaness hearing this smiled, "I almost forgot that there is another member I can recruit in this world."