
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 18: Shopping

After Elsa dispels all ice on Vaness and the lobby, she keeps apologizing to Vaness and even cried in his arms so that he needs to coax her.

"It's fine, Elsa. It's just an accident we can use this as a lesson so next time we find a good place to do something like awaken power like this.", Vaness said while stroking Elsa's hair. Vaness also looks at the two skills that he got from an accident before.

Cold Resistance - Small, and Freeze Resistance - Small

'Not bad, but if it is not because of my high VIT maybe I will die first before getting these two skills.'

"Sob sob, I am sorry, Vaness.", Elsa still crying.

After coaxing Elsa for a while, she finally calm a little bit.

"Alright, we also already open all treasure chests and our harvest this time. Now, let's go shopping, Elsa.", Vaness took Elsa's hand and drag her to get out of Guild Building to do some shopping. This is also what he does to cheer her up.

Just like Vaness thought the moment Elsa hear that they went to go shopping her mood immediately up a little bit.

Vaness takes Elsa to the teleportation pillar to transfer to the other city. After all, this reincarnation city that he has chosen is still not developed yet, and there are not so many shops selling some decoration in this city.

Besides that, the guild needs to upgrade to Lv3 and pay a certain amount of money to get a license and open the shop. This is hard and not cheap to achieve, but Vaness just needs some time to get them later.

"Wow, this is a teleportation pillar, so beautiful.", Elsa looking at the blue crystal teleportation pillar that floating in the middle of the city.

"Yeah, I thought so.", Vaness also nodded his head as he agree with Elsa's statement. After all, this is also his first time seeing this Teleportation pillar directly as before he usually looks at it from the newspaper.

Vaness and Elsa come to the teleportation Pillar and choose Reincarnation City No. 777 with the cost of 10.000 R Coins once teleport per person.

Yeah, it is not cheap for most people to pay 10.000 R coins every turn their go to the other city and another 10.000 R coins go back to their original city again. Of course, for Vaness, this little amount of money is not a big deal thing.

Although, he must still save some money for emergencies or something like that.

Vaness takes Elsa's hands and touches this teleportation pillar then the list of cities appears, after clicking on Reincarnation city No.777. Two of them got illuminated by light and teleported to Reincarnation City No.777.

[-20.000 R Coins.]

Many lights appear surrounding the teleportation pillar of Reincarnation City No.777. After all, Reincarnation City No.777 is very famous for its market, so it is not a surprise there will be many people who come here to buy some supplies or resources.

Two light despite, Elsa and Vaness figures appear at the same time near the teleportation pillar of Reincarnation City No.777.

"Wahh, so this is Reincarnation City No. 777. So awesome and the buildings are very tall.", Elsa said in awe looking at her surroundings curiosity.

"Yeah, this is so awesome.", Vaness also looked at this modern city model like in the real world, although this city is more advanced because he sees flying vehicles roaming in this city.

This city is also known as the most advanced city among the other reincarnation city because this place is mainly used as a marketplace, so more advanced, more comfortable, and more secure this city.

After looking at the scenery in this city for a while Vaness and Elsa take a detour to buy things that they need to decorate their guild.

Several hours later...

"Huhahuha, I-is t-this a-all, Elsa?", Vaness with difficulty while holding so many boxes and bags on his body, even his storage full of them.

"Hmmm, I think that's all, let's go back Vaness.", Elsa said with a hippie smile hanging on her face.

"Huuuh, f-finally, let's go home, m-my legs feel wants to break.", Vaness said.

"Hehehe, please bear with it, Vaness. After we decorate our guild, I will give your a special reward.", Elsa said while making a mysterious smile on her face.

"Special reward? Hey, why don't you tell me earlier? Let's go, let's go home.", Vaness become excited in an instant and walked towards the teleportation pillar hastily.

Elsa smiled and didn't say anything, following him from behind.

After a while, Vaness and Elsa finally go back to their guild building. On this trip, he spent about 300.000 R Coins including for shopping and teleportation costs.

Vaness let Elsa do a transaction to avoid his name appearing on the surface. After all, when you trade, you need both parties to agree to make the trade successful. And the names will appear on both sides.

Vaness know that his name is famous in this Reincarnation Dimension from consecutive gorgeous rating. Trying to make his name stay mysterious at least until his guild is powerful enough, although he is very tough and difficult to die but not necessary for other members like Elsa, if members often die, he is afraid there are not enough resources to resurrect them all, so it is better to hide it for a while as long as you can.

Besides that, Elsa's name is quite common in this reincarnation dimension than Vaness drag which is odd and rare.

"Finally, we arrive," Vaness said while putting all boxes and bags on the floor and himself directly lying on the floor.

Elsa looking at this smiled and take out a bottle of water and give it to Vaness.

"Thank you,", Vaness takes a bottle, opens it, and drinks it all at once. Then he looks at Elsa who is still energic and takes out the items one by one from the boxes and bags they bought before.

'Women's stamina, when shopping is truly scary. Even my high VIT can't bear it.', Vaness thought.