
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Two-headed Ogre!

But just when everyone thought that it was over for Leon, The ogre suddenly froze and raised its other arm to its neck with what could only be described as fear in its eyes.

As Leon saw this, a victorious smirk slowly appeared on his face.

'It's about time.' Thought Leon.

Whilst an ogre's vitality was ridiculous, it was still called an ogre, not a troll.

A mortal wound to the neck was not something it could simply recover from, so whilst it would take longer for it to die compared to regular creatures, death was still its final destination.

Under Leon's disdainful gaze, the ogre dropped to its knees before slowly falling face first into the ground.

Stumbling to his feet, Leon weakly stood up as he stared at the dead ogre with a proud smile on his face.

"Cough! Cough!"

As Leon looked down at his hands, he saw a dark red stain.

'Blood?' Thought Leon in surprise.

It seems like the fight wasn't as easy it seemed. In his joy at defeating the ogre, Leon hadn't even realised the true extent of his internal injuries

With a frown on his face, Leon quickly downed a healing potion

After the death of the ogre, a loud notification soon sounded in the ears of everybody present.


[congratulations warriors on defending the temple from its vicious enemies]

[Contribution Rewards]

1. Leon El'Jonson (100%)- good quality healing potion x5, High Quality mana potion x15, Rare Ogreskin Vambrace (Grey Stone)

In front of everyone's eyes, a set of glowing vambraces appeared before Leon. After spending a short amount of time feeling them out, Leonhe quickly put them on

Name: Ogreskin Vambraces

Rank: Grey Stone

Quality: Rare

Classification: Armour

Durability: 500/500

Effect: Strength +10

Note: A set of Vambraces crafted from the Hide of a famous Grassland Ogre.

As soon as Leon put on the Vambraces, he could feel a warm sensation over his body as the increase of his strength stat was felt throughout his body.

Suddenly, there was a new notification

[Ding !]

[Congratulations warriors on completing the first stage of the tutorial, please enter the temple to be taken to the next stage]

The moment this notification sounded, it was as if an explosion had gone off in their minds

Completing the first stage?

For those who had been randomly transported to this bloody murderous this was the best thing they'd could have hoped to hear!

Finally! They were finally free from the clutches of this twisted place.

They didn't know where the next stage would be, but surely it wouldn't be any worse than where they currently were.

The people didn't even have any more time or curiosity left to look at Leon and stare at his rewards. For everyone, the most important thing was to enter the temple and leave this damned place as soon as possible!

They quickly turned around and scrambled towards the temple, each person trying to enter just that bit faster.

With such shocking news being told to everyone, Leon's team couldn't remain unaffected.

Seeing Leon standing aimlessly beside the Ogre corpse, they slowly approached him.

"Leon, you heard that notification as well! We'll soon be able to finally leave this place!"

As Jessica spoke, the excitement in her voice couldn't be concealed. Although she fared better than most, the past few days spent in the tutorial had really affected her.

In just a short period of time she went from a regular university student with a bit of archery experience to someone who she would have described as superhuman in their past world.

Her strength was greater than that of many weightlifters and her speed surpassing that of even Olympic sprinters. But these benefits still came at a cost.

She was constantly surrounded by death and battle. She'd seen more people die in these free days than she'd seen in all her life, and each death was a gruesome, unwilling one. Such things had left a mark on the young woman, even if she didn't say it. So she was just as excited to hear the news as anyone else.

But as Leon heard Jessica's voice, he just nodded absentmindedly as he stared off into the distance, seemingly focused on something else.

Jessica was also quick to notice Leon's strange state and couldn't help but ask,

"Leon, are you going to the temple?"

"Yeah, I'm going." Responded Leon.

"I just need to deal with the corpse of the ogre and get my rewards. You guys can go ahead of me. I'll catch up with you soon."

As soon as they heard Leon's words, Jessica and the two siblings turned to look at each other with suspicious looks on each other's faces.

They could clearly feel something wrong with the words aghast Leon spoke, but they didn't read too much into it.

Leaving Leon behind, they quickly entered the temple after the others,leaving Leon behind.

Like Leon said before, he soon began to pick apart the ogre and retrieved his attribute crystals.

In the end, he was left with a +15 constitution crystal

A +7 strength crystal

A +5 mana crystal

And A + 3 perception crystal.

After inspecting these crystals for a short while, Leon quickly placed them inside his space pouch.

After that, he continued to stay beside the corpse as he looked into the distance. It was then that he received the notification that he had been waiting for


[ The recent battle with an ogre has alarmed the nearby ogre camp as the ogre camp has realised one of their warriors has gone missing…]

[Furious at this disappearance, the ogre chieftain has taken some guards and personally set out to find out the reason for this disappearance]

[Warning! Due to the current weakness of the warrior's realm, suggestion is made to escape as soon as possible!]

From the moment Leon heard this notification, Leon knew the true meaning.

This was a warning!

A warning from the system to obediently enter into the next level!

The Purpose of these ogres was never to actually fight.

They were meant to force the warriors to enter into the next level. So, for this purpose, they were designed to be far beyond anything that could be fought at this level. Leon knew that even the strongest heroes and guild masters in his previous life didn't dare to fight the ogre chieftain and his warriors at this stage. The gap in strength between the two wasn't something that a simple hidden class could fix.

If anyone was stupid enough to stay behind and refuse to follow the systems ordered what they would be met with was a swift death.

Yet despite still knowing the hidden truth, when Leon was faced with this notification, he still remained unmoved and continued staring off into the distance with a plain expression on his face.

At some point, the stone golem eventually appeared behind Leon

Suddenly, a devastating symphony of roars erupted from the forest as loud, thunderous footsteps shook the floor.

Soon, three ogres, each one just as large as the one Leon had just fought, appeared within his field of view.

Leon even managed to notice a strange thing amongst the new ogres. There was one that stood a few feet higher than the rest, but that wasn't even its most shocking feature. No, the truly alarming thing was the head of the creature, or more accurately, heads.

Yes, this new ogre had multiple heads, it was a legendary Two-Headed ogre!

But instead of panic , As soon as Leon saw this sight a slight smile appeared on his face.

'You finally showed up.'

These were Leon's true aim for the boss today.

From the very start he never put the fight with the ogre seriously, from the start he was always aiming to fight these ogres!

While it might seem suicidal for others, Leon had faith in himself or, more accurately, his golem.

Although he wasn't 100% certain he could pull it off, it was definitely worth the risk.

Whilst the system was a cruel and bloody overlord, it was still somewhat fair. All achievements would come with a corresponding reward, so if he could pull off something so ridiculous, the rewards would also be just as an unbelievable.

It's just that the people in the temple didn't see it this way.

In their opinion, Leon had gone mad.

They were there to see how much he struggled in fighting just one Ogre but now there were three!

To make matters worse, one ogre was a complete, giant monstrosity that stood taller than the others with two heads.

Normally this wouldn't be enough to scare them, after al,l it was Leon who was fighting not them.

What truly scared them was the notification that appeared alongside the three ogres.


[Warning! Warriors have been instructed to move onto the next stage! If the temple doors are not closed before the Ogres get within range, this will be seen as a refusal to follow the system instructions will be seen as accepting to fight the ogre chieftain and his warriors.]

[If the challenge is accepted, the warrior would not be allowed to move onto the next stage unless all enemies are defeated!]

As soon as the others in the temple heard this notification, they all began to panic.

They'd seen the brutal power of just one ogre. A casual swing was enough to crush a handful of warriors. All of them together didn't have the confidence to face one ogre, much less three!

If they were forced to fight three ogres, it would be suicide!

If Leon wanted to fight to the death, that was fine, but there was no way in hell they would allow him to drag them down with him.

As the crowd was panicking and discussing amongst themselves, there was a loud cry as a handsome figure could be seen stepping out from the crowd.

It was actually Andrew Wakefield.

Ever since he had objected to Leon going out to explore with Leon, he had been busy consolidating his power and influence within the group.

Leon and his people weren't interested in playing around with other people and as the strongest person outside of Leon's entourage, he had become the de facto leader of the group of people

"Damn! I'm closing the doors. You people can sit here and wait for death, but I'm not going to be joining you."

Hearing these words, one person couldn't remain quiet and quickly commented,

"But there's still someone outside!"

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at who spoke just now.

Feeling everyone's eyes on him, Martin shrunk back a little but still continued to speak

"If we close the doors, we can move onto the next stage, but we still don't know what will happen to the people left outside. For all we know, this could be the only way to leave so if we close the door they might be stuck here forever.."

As Andrew heard this, a frown appeared on his face.

"So you are willing to sacrifice your own life and that of all the others for one man"

"No.. I.. erm.."

As soon as Martin heard Andrew's words, he started stuttering as broke out into a nervous sweat.

The words Andrew spoke just were too poisonous.

Wasn't he pushing him straight into a pit?

If he agreed to what Andrew said, wouldn't that mean he was trying to kill everyone here?

Martin could still feel the cold gazes of everyone present on his back.

It had to be remembered that these weren't regular people anymore.

After a week of fighting and killing to survive, these people could be regarded as fledgling warriors. They had learned that to survive, you had to fight hard and sometimes even kill.

If Martin insisted on being a nuisance, then he couldn't blame them when they were forced to act ruthlessly.