
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Two children

Strength was everything.

It doesn't matter what you do or where your strength comes from, just as long as you're strong.

But the problem was that by the time Leon realised this and would truly be willing to risk everything, it was already too late.

Humanity had already been forced into a small region of the world by its enemies and for a small soldier like Leon to try and adventure outside would be nothing short of suicide.

So Leon was forced to live in regret at what could have been up until the day he died.

But Leon's goals for this life didn't just end at becoming strong.

Maybe it's because of the years he spent in the Last legion and its ideology wearing off on him, but Leon didn't want to just standby and watch the fall of humanity.

If getting strong because of survival and as his only goal, then Leon wouldn't have to worry.

All he would have to do is sell himself in servitude to one of the higher races Like the many did in his past life.


What Leon wanted to do was save humanity!

But if Leon was being honest, he didn't know where to even start.

When it came down to it, what did humanity truly need?

It definitely wasn't a hero or else the countless heroes of his past life would have been enough to change the fate of humanity

Besides, Leon knew he could never be a hero.

Although he held great respect for the heroes and what they did, he had witnessed the countless times they forgave and let free enemies that would come back and slaughter his fellow soldiers.

Although this didn't apply to all the heroes, the naivety of some of them was truly astounding.

As Leon was thinking all this, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a strange sight.

What he saw when he looked up were two people standing in front of him

Two children to be exact.

One boy and one girl.

The boy couldn't be older than 10 and the girl appeared to be even younger

The boy was wearing a plain shirt with grey jeans, whilst the girl was wearing a pink dress and clutching at a teddy bear but by far the most distinct feature of the pair was the shining blonde hair on both of them.

Suddenly, as Leon was assessing these strange children, the boy spoke up.

"Mister, I and my sister would like to follow you."

Seeing the cold eyes on the young boy, Leon couldn't help but take the kid a little seriously.

So For the first time, Leon took a proper look at the boy and that's when he finally noticed something strange.

Aside from the hand that was clutching onto the hand of his sister, the other hand was holding a short dagger that was completely soaked in red blood!

Now that Leon took a closer look at the boy, he could even see a few cuts running and grazes running across his entire body.

"You… "said Leon in disbelief

"You killed a goblin didn't you."

Even as Leon was saying this, he still almost couldn't believe it.

For a normal human, killing a goblin was nothing to be surprised about.

An adult was almost double a goblin's size, so with proper training, such things would be easily accomplishable.

But for such a kid to fight a goblin that was the same size as him and also kill it was simply unheard of.

Simply disregarding the physical effort required to complete the task. The fact that he could so easily kill something, so easily take the life of something so humanoid with such ease and composure...

Suddenly Leon thought of something as he turned to the boy and asked,

"You wouldn't happen to have an innate trait would you?."

But when faced with this question, the boy didn't react how Leon had expected and just stared back at him with a confused expression.

It was only after the girl beside him whispered in his ear that a look of realisation flashed across his face and he replied in a cold, emotionless voice.

"No. I don't have an innate trait, but my sister does if that counts for anything."

After hearing that the boy lacked an innate trait, Leon wasn't disappointed.

In fact, after hearing such news, Leon was all the more impressed!

If the boy truly didn't have an innate trait, then that would mean he really killed a goblin by himself with no help from the system.

Even though Leon had seen many ridiculous things in his life, such a thing still managed to catch his attention.

With such an impressive brother, Leon couldn't help but look at the sister as well to see if anything was special about her.

As soon as Leon looked at her, she quickly took a step behind her brother.

Seeing the girl's unease, Leon put on a smile as he asked,

"What's your innate trait then girl."

But unlike Leon had expected, his efforts to appear approachable did nothing as the girl simply refused to reply and instead just turned away from Leon hiding behind her brother

Puzzled at the reaction, Leon just turned towards the brother

"What's up with your sister? Can't she talk? "asked Leon

"Lucy can speak." Replied the boy coldly

"She just doesn't like talking to strangers."

Faced with the strange behaviour of the little girl and the boy, Leon just shrugged and continued asking.

"So what's her innate trait called" asked Leon

"Lucy's innate trait is called <Keen intuition>" replied the boy

"Interesting..." muttered Leon in thought.

<Keen intuition>

Leon had heard of a similar sounding trait to this in his past life.

It was called <Instinct>.

The owner of that trait had actually managed to head into dangerous areas and regions and even come out with rare treasures and rewards.

If it wasn't for him bragging and flaunting his adventures, that man could have probably become a strong individual in the hierarchy of <Haven>.