
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Lucas Breyer

If it wasn't for him bragging and flaunting his adventures, that man could have probably become a powerful individual in the hierarchy of <Haven>.

Sadly, the last thing he heard was that the man was captured by one of the 9 great guilds and was forced to work for them.

As for the rest… well, I'm sure you can guess the poor man's fate

"I'm guessing it was your sister's idea to come over here in the first place," asked Leon

The boy didn't even hesitate before nodding

After hearing this, Leon scratched his chin in thought. He was so deep in thought he even forgot that due to his reincarnation, his treasured beard was now completely gone!

'A pair of talented kids like this…' thought Leon

'If they could just grow a little. If they could just be trained a little and manifest their talents… The thoughts are quite scary even now.'

It was clear to see that these two kids were truly talented. The only question was, is it worth bringing such baggage around with him?

Eventually, after a long internal debate, Leon decided to let them follow.

He didn't mind letting the kids follow him, the sisters innate trait could be of great use if used properly and, in fact, Leon needed to get a group together before he went out to explore the surroundings.

Even with his past knowledge and combat experience, Leon wasn't all mighty.

Even if he could kill countless beasts in one on one combat, if he was swarmed he would still eventually die.

Strength in numbers.

It was a timeless phrase that existed for a reason.

Energy wasn't infinite.

Leon didn't need the extra people to add to his combat power. He just needed some people to act as distractions or possibly even bait to allow him to have an easier time killing some monsters.

If the people that acted as bait got stronger while working for him, then so be it.

But Leon wouldn't waste his time baby sitting some kids just because they were talented.

Great potential was just that.


It was simply worth nothing if they couldn't turn it into strength.

So in the end, Leon decided that he would allow the kids to come with him and even give them a few tips, but if they became burdens or simply couldn't keep up with him, then Leon wouldn't hesitate to stop and leave them behind!

He wouldn't leave them for dead, but he wouldn't drag them around with him

In a world like Haven, before you were truly a powerful person, you simply couldn't afford to carry around any burdens on your back.

Leon had seen it too many times.

Individuals trying to help others before they could even help themselves.

Such a fragile attempt at kindness only ended up hurting both parties.

Leon had been given a second chance at life. He wouldn't be so stupid as to throw it away trying to play hero.

"Listen kid. You can follow me if you want, but just remember one thing.

I'm not gonna be your nanny. In this world you have to learn on your own feet because at the end of the day, the only person you can trust is yourself, you hear me?"

Faced with Leon's words, the boy barely even had a reaction and just nodded plainly.

"Oh, and one more thing," added Leon

"It's about your sister"

Unlike before, as soon as Leon mentioned his sister, the boy's nonchalant attitude quickly changed as the vicious glint that could only be found in a killer finally surfaced in his eyes.

"Don't go around telling people about her innate trait. Well, if you don't want her to go missing, that is."

"People with traits like hers are very important if you get what I'm trying to say. It's to the extent where some people wouldn't mind going to extremes like kidnapping and possibly even worse, so all in all, I think it's best you keep it a secret amongst yourselves."

But surprisingly, even after hearing Leon's warnings, the vigilance of the boy against Leon didn't relax.

Instead, his gaze gradually grew colder and colder as he stared cruelly at Leon.

It was getting to the point where Leon was even beginning to sense a faint trace of killing intent!

"If people like Lucy are so important, then does that mean…"

As the boy spoke, each word was basically spat out with a murderous undertone, as an erratic aura could be sensed forming around him.

Leon even watched as his small bloodied hand tightened around his dagger .

But this didn't faze Leon at all.

Instead, when faced with the killing intent of such a little boy, Leon just sneered.

All in all, he found threats from such a little boy quite comical

"You're quite the clever kid, but you don't have to worry about anything. I'm not interested in taking your sister. You can trust me."

"Besides, look at it like this."

As Leon spoke, he took a step forward and looked down on the boy as a cruel expression appeared on his face

"If I wanted to take your sister, could you even stop me?"

The words were simple, but put everything into perspective for the young boy.


He was too weak.

In front of the truly strong, his strength was nothing.

As soon as Leon said this, the boy clutched at his bloody dagger as a mad look of desperation flared in his eyes!

If this strange man was willing to try something, then he wouldn't hesitate to fight!

He's already killed a goblin, what was adding a human to that list!

Seeing the boy's desperation, Leon decided not to push the kid any further and coldly remarked,

"Stop worrying about things you're too weak to handle and focus on yourself. Become stronger so you would never be placed in this situation again"

"Also, learn to control that murderous tone in your voice before it ends up getting you killed in the future"

But even with Leon's reassurance, the boy wasn't fully convinced.

Leon had just made a threat. He knew too much!

The boy slowly raised his dagger and prepared to attack. That was until he felt a small tug at his shirt.

Turning to his side, he could see his sister looking at him with her bright blue eyes and slightly shaking her head.

Instantly, the cruel look in his eyes softened.

Seeing this sight, Leon just laughed in his mind.

'So much for a killer. It turns out you're just a big softy!'

But even though he thought this, Leon didn't say it out loud.

He still had a heart at the end of the day. He couldn't stoop so low as to make fun of a kid.

Well, not out loud anyway. Whatever happened in his mind was fair game.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Leon finally spoke

"Anyway kid, let's stop wasting time here. If you want to follow me I'm still going to be heading out to explore the area."

"Explore?" asked the boy curiously

"What? Don't tell me you're scared?"

"Humph! Of course not."

Seeing the kid's baseless confidence, Leon couldn't help but shake his head.

It was then that he remembered that he didn't even know the boy's name.

"So what's your name, kid?"

"Me?" asked the boy in surprise

"My name is Lucas, Lucas Breyer"

As the boy spoke, he kept the cold expression on his face

"Well, my name is Leon."

"Now that introductions are done we best get moving"


Shortly after his meeting with Lucas, Leon headed towards the rest of the people that had been brought here with him.

As he arrived, it was clear to see that people here were still recovering from that goblin encounter.

Including Leon, 75 had come to Haven but now only 60 remained.

Although the loss of 15 lives seemed tragic, only Leon could appreciate how many people had survived this time.

In his past life, barely even half of them had been alive after the first day. So if you considered the fact that only 15 people had died this time, then it could be seen as a huge improvement.

As Leon was observing the people, they were also observing him.

They were all intrigued by this crazy killer that had been brought here with them. But even with the budding curiosity around Leon, no one dared to approach him.

For a man to be prepared to kill so easily and not only kill, but even seeming excited by his killings, it could only mean one thing.

Something wasn't right in his head!

The fact that Leon could be a potential lunatic outweighed any curiosity they could have felt towards him more than 10 fold.

But even with the fear they felt, they also knew that they couldn't afford to ostracise someone as strong as Leon.

The world had changed.

Strength was the only truth here.

And despite how much they wanted to deny it, the only way to survive was to either become strong yourself or attach yourself to someone stronger.

As Leon was assessing the crowd, he suddenly saw a man start to approach him.

He was quite tall, with a well-developed physique with short black hair and an inquisitive pair of black eyes

The man approached with a smile as he asked,

"Mr Leon I presume" said the man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Andrew Wakefield"

As the man spoke, he reached out his hand for a handshake.

After looking the man up and down, Leon put on a small smile of his own and returned the greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr Wakefield"

Now, having done the meaningless pleasantries, Andrew didn't waste any more time talking and got down to the important facts.

"The reason I have come to you now is that I think we need to come together. This place is unknown and very dangerous, so us staying as a group can allow us to defend the place better…"

But before Andrew could continue on, Leon quickly jumped in and cut him off

"I agree with what you say but I'm actually planning on going out to explore the surroundings"

"What? You want to go out there!" shouted Andrew in disbelief.

The loud outburst even caused the rest of the people to turn to look towards them.

"Mr El'Jonson. I know you are quite strong, but this really isn't the time to go recklessly exploring. What we really need to do is actually stay together. This world is unpredictable, so-"

"You might have that opinion And I respect that. But I certainly won't be staying here," responded Leon..

"You've seen the monsters and the game-like nature of this world. Do you honestly think that they would only stay at this level? Forget about the monsters. What about other people? Do you really think everyone else will be waiting passively?"

Faced with Leon's questions, Andrew was left speechless.

But Dante wouldn't wait for him to give an answer and continued on

"Of course they won't! The only way to have any sense of security isn't to huddle around and try to play house. It's to take every chance you have to get stronger!"

"Every second you waste hiding, somebody else is using to get stronger!"

As Leon was saying this, he turned away from Andrew and looked towards the rest of the crowd and spoke.

"I can't guarantee your safety out there, but in this world, nobody can. The only thing I can say is that if you want to become stronger, then fighting and killing is the only way!" said Leon.

"To do that, you must risk something and take chances.

I won't force anyone to come with me, but if you want to get stronger, if you want to be ahead of the other people in this world, your only option is to take your chances!"