
Global Awakening: Awakening of the Traveling Beast at the Beginning

Lei Yan's soul transmigrated to the world where all the people were awakened, and merged with himself in another world, and once awakened, he had double extraordinary abilities! Time and Space Department -- Traveling Beasts : Create time and space beasts, travel all over the world, and bring back the treasures of the heavens Emperor series - Dimensional Treasure Tree: Localize the treasures of the heavens, eliminate side effects, and generate extraordinary templates! Absorb shallow hits and generate Zanpakutō templates! Absorb devil fruit and generate treasure tree fruit template! Absorb blood successor limit and generate ninjutsu template! With the strongest power of the emperor system in history, Lei Yan created the strongest force, invincible in the world, and ascended the throne of emperor!

DaoistlYE82W · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

The Twelve Kings and The Twelve Dark Thrones

All of the people that involved in the test were disappointed, but Lei Yan himself was very satisfied with the results of the test.

A -level plant control is already very strong. As his future supernatural ability, it will not attract too much attention, but it belongs to the category of genius. There will be many benefits and remuneration, which is completely in line with his best expectations.

After the test was over, Lei Yan was about to bid farewell to Yun Haichao, but he stopped him:

" It happens to be off work at this point, I'll take you back. "

Lei Yan knew that this was to protect himself, and worried that he would be in danger again.

After all, outsiders don't know his test results yet, and spies from foreign powers might be targeting him

Thinking of this , he couldn't help feeling a little grateful.

" Thank you, uncle, then I'll be impolite. "

In Yun Haichao's car, in order to avoid silence, Lei Yan asked casually:

" By the way, Uncle Yun, when you confronted the spy from the Free Federation, I heard you talking about the titles of Dragon King and Sacred Equipment King ,but I remember that there didn't seem to be any emperors with these two titles among the Twelve Kings? "

" Is there some mystery involved? May I know? "

Yun Haichao smiled while driving: " It's actually not a secret. Since you have become a supernatural being, you will know their existence sooner or later. "

" Everyone knows that the Twelve Kings are all awakened from the Emperor type. They belong to major powers, and some even form their own country. Effectiveness, their existence, has made countless people yearn for the ability of the Emperor system, and has also raised the status of this type of ability to the apex. "

" However, there are actually emperors in this world who are not inferior to their non-emperor-type abilities. Although they have not awakened the emperor-type abilities, they have developed the characteristics of the emperor-type by developing their abilities to the extreme. Then use other means to assist, in order to achieve the purpose of helping others to obtain extraordinary power, and with non-emperor aptitude, do the same thing as the emperor. "

" Coincidentally, there are also twelve emperors who can achieve this step. They are comparable to the twelve kings in terms of strength and power, so they are also honored as the hidden twelve thrones in the supernatural world . "

" The King of Sacred Weapons is one of the Twelve Kings of Darkness. He is also the real ruler who secretly controls more than half of the Freedom Federation. The way to cultivate acquired abilities is to use his own abilities to ' inorganic transformation ' combined with special materials, high-end Military technology, to create a mechanical transformation man like the spy. "

" Don't look at that guy who doesn't seem to be very strong, but he is only a mass-produced young man under the banner of the Saint Armament King. The three strongest reformers under the Saint Armament King are able to compete with our Nine Kingdoms of Xia. The powerhouses that the generals Suppressing The Town can compete with are not their opponents, so don't underestimate them, any emperor is an opponent that even the top powers dare not underestimate. "

" As for the Dragon King, he is also one of the Twelve Dark Kings, and he is also one of the top ranked ones. His ability to awaken Emperor Dragon Genesis Qi is quite special. Although it was not of the Emperor type at the beginning, it has been continuously developed in the follow-up. Among them, he gradually derived some of the characteristics of the emperor's ability. "

" He can implant his own Emperor Dragon Origin Qi into the body of other creatures for cultivation, and combine the characteristics of the creatures to create a supernatural seed called Long Yu. After the Long Yu is absorbed by others, he can practice dragon energy and become acquired awakener. "

" In terms of practical effect and future potential, the power of the dragon domain can be ranked first in the list of the hidden twelve thrones, and it is not even inferior to the extraordinary seeds made by the orthodox emperor system of the twelve kings. "

" The dragon shadow power I used before came from the thousand-year-old Vast Sea Dragon Realm bestowed by the Dragon King. "

" There are many people like me in the Da Xia who have been favored by the Lord Dragon King. It can be said that he has cultivated a lot of vitality for the Da Xia. Even Lord Sikong Ming, the King of Swords, cannot deny this. "

" The reason why Da Xia can become a top power, protect the safety of the people of the whole country to this point, and prevent foreign enemies from invading it is precisely because we have the King of Swords ruling the country on the surface, and the Lord Dragon King who sits in the world to deter all people in the dark. country's sake! "

Lei Yan was overwhelmed when he heard it.

This was something he didn't know before.

He didn't expect to see the magnificence of the world of supernatural powers just after stepping half a foot into the world of supernatural beings.

The hidden twelve thrones corresponding to the twelve kings , when can I be as powerful as them, standing on the top of the world and overlooking all living beings?

Lei Yan teased again :

" Since Uncle Yun possesses the power of the Dragon Domain, does that mean that you are under the Dragon King? "

Yun Haichao glanced at him with a half-smile, and then slowly said in a very formal tone:

" The two kings of Da Xia , Ming and Dark, are closely related, and all the ministries under the banner are naturally connected . Everyone is serving the country, so there is no camp! But if there is a real division, although I work in the official position, it is indeed more biased. A side of the Dragon King faction. "

Lei Yan immediately understood:

So there are still factions.

After all, this matter is quite sensitive, Lei Yan didn't dare to ask more, so he thought of something, and said in a blink of an eye:

" By the way, Uncle Yun, you said just now that Lord Dragon King developed the characteristics of the emperor system later. I don't quite understand this. Can the awakened ability become the ability of other type?"