
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 77

Lin Yazhi was taken aback by my words, there is no one who is not afraid of those unknown and mysterious things, ghosts have always existed in legends or unofficial history, Lin Yazhi is an atheist, not only began to doubt the authenticity of this world at this moment.

If you think about it carefully, the mother and daughter should not be frightened crazy if they encounter a thief or robbery. What exactly is a demon?Lin Yazhi began to get scared.

"Xiaoqiu, I'll listen to you, we'll change places tomorrow!" Lin Yazhi paused and asked, "Then what do you think we should change to?"

I have already calculated the direction of getting rid of evil for them, "Siyou ugly evil east. And this year is the year of Guisi in the lunar calendar. Gui is water, the water is black, and it is snake, so this year is also called the year of the black snake. It is thicker than other years. The east side of where you live is a place of evil spirits, you can move to the south, but you must live in a place where sunlight can shine in, and you must not live in a house with such a dark atmosphere."

Lin Yazhi felt relieved, and nodded: "Xiaoqiu, thank you, Aunt Lin will remember!" My beautiful wife 77

"One more point, because this year is the Year of the Black Snake, people who belong to the pig are in conflict with the Year of the Snake, try to avoid it!" I reminded.

Lin Yazhi was dumbfounded, and said to herself: "No wonder... my neighbor's sister-in-law is a pig!" Aunt Lin believed me even more.

"The talisman paper I gave you last time is still there! It is also used to exorcise evil spirits, and you can stick it under the bed!" I gave their mother Sanyi a piece of talisman paper last time. Those are the town house talismans specially made by the master. Paper.

If others buy it from my master, it will cost at least a thousand yuan a piece.

After eating, I told Lin Yazhi several times before I left. At this time, the lights were on, but the alleys of every rental house on Yuxi Street were dizzy. Although there were street lights, most of them were old incandescent bulbs. Dim light.

I left Zhu Weiwei and came out of the room. I walked up to Lin Yazhi silently, looking at her indifferently.

Lin Yazhi was clearing the dining table and saw her daughter's appearance, she was startled, thought she was bewitched, and said in surprise: "Weiwei, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at mom like that!"

Zhu Weiwei is not a girl who loves to cry. She cried less than many boys since she was a child, but today she hid in her room and cried again and again, and now the tears can't stop flowing out.

"Do you still know that you are my mother?" Zhu Weiwei wiped her tears and said in a hoarse and cold voice.

Lin Yazhi felt that Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. Seeing her daughter crying so sad, she also felt distressed for a while. She walked to Zhu Weiwei and planned to hug her in her arms to comfort her, but Zhu Weiwei didn't give her a chance to get close, and took a step back, coldly She looked at Lin Yazhi and said loudly: "Don't come near me...dirty!"

"Weiwei, what's the matter with you? How can you talk to your mother like this! Can't you talk about it properly?" Lin Yazhi also became a little depressed.

"Heh..." Zhu Weiwei turned her face to the side and gave a sneer, shook her head, turned around and said loudly to Lin Yazhi: "Speak up? The mother slept with the boy my daughter likes, how do you want me to speak up! Don't you Do you feel shameless and dirty?"


Lin Yazhi was struck by a thunderbolt, her eyes went dark, and the bowls and chopsticks in her hands fell to the ground and shattered.

She was so ashamed that she wanted to get into the cracks in the ground!Her face was so red that it was about to bleed, and tears were also dripping down, she knew it!Weiwei actually knew about Ye Qiu and I!Lin Yazhi kept repeating this sentence in her heart.

She didn't know how to explain it, let alone how to face her daughter.

What Lin Yazhi regrets now is not that she had slept with Ye Qiu, but that since she didn't know that her daughter liked Ye Qiu before, she would have never had a relationship with Ye Qiu anyway if she knew that her daughter liked Ye Qiu.

"Weiwei, it's my mother who's sorry for you!" Lin Yazhi pursed her lips and said with difficulty.Now that the marriage no longer exists, her only comfort is that she still has her daughter with her. At the beginning, Weiwei did not choose Zhu Chengshan, who had better conditions, which moved Lin Yazhi for a long time. She really didn't want to lose her daughter.

"I'm sorry? Hehe... You are not sorry for me, you slept with Ye Qiu before you divorced Dad, you are sorry for Dad!" Zhu Weiwei said in a cold voice while crying.This was a big blow to her. She insisted on not giving her body to Ye Qiu because she wanted to wait for him to grow up and be together again, fall in love, marry and have children, and live a happy life.My Beautiful Mistress 77

The divorce of her parents made her understand that women should not give their bodies to men at will!

Lin Yazhi felt that she was sorry for her daughter, but she didn't agree with her words, "Weiwei, I admit that I am sorry for you, but I don't think I am sorry for Zhu Chengshan. He started to be hot and cold to me three years ago. In fact, he was outside at that time. There is a woman, I went to him, and told him to leave that woman, I can pretend it didn't happen, but you know what! He actually hit me!"

"Six months ago until the divorce, I was beaten by him no less than ten times, but I endured it for the sake of this family, but what I got in return was that he got worse. He wished Chengshan to play with young women outside, why can't I sleep with other men! "Lin Yazhi cried and said.

Zhu Weiwei didn't know that her parents had such bizarre and tortuous entanglements before. As a woman, she can understand why her mother slept with Ye Qiu, but she can't forgive her mother!

Lin Yazhi also talked about many conflicts with Zhu Chengshan, which Zhu Weiwei didn't know before, now Zhu Weiwei can't forgive her mother, and hates the woman who took away her father even more.

"I won't tell anyone about this, but you have to promise me that you will never associate with Ye Qiu again, let alone sleep with him. If you meet a man you like and remarry in the future, I will not object." Zhu Weiwei knew No man at my mother's age would be horny and lonely.

Lin Yazhi closed her eyes, tears flowed down her face, she hesitated for a moment but nodded heavily!

Although the mother and daughter are not arguing, there is a gap in their hearts!