
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 76

"Come on, let's eat first! Sister Weiwei may be really tired after walking with me too much today!" Lin Yazhi served me a bowl of rice and said lightly.

Halfway through my meal, I suddenly remembered the purpose of this, and asked, "Aunt Lin, I heard sister Weiwei say that your neighbors and your mother and daughter were injured, what is going on?"

I want to make sure that the mother and daughter that Mrs. Jingyi mentioned are Lin Yazhi's neighbors. If it is true, then Sister Weiwei and Aunt Lin are too dangerous, and they must be persuaded to leave here.

"Hey, I get upset when I mention this. We live next door to a mother and daughter, who were also abandoned by a man. It may be because of the same illness. I have a good relationship with that sister-in-law, so we only moved in two days. Like sisters." Lin Yazhi sighed, and said: "But after Weiwei and I went to her grandmother's house yesterday, the mother and daughter were targeted by a female thief, and they even broke the door to grab things in broad daylight! "

"It may be that the female thief is so poor and vicious that she frightened the two of them. They didn't suffer any physical injuries, but they were too frightened and their minds were a little blurred. They are still in the hospital, and the mother and daughter are crying for a while. Laughing for a while, the two of you are crazy!" Lin Yazhi sighed and shook her head, "I heard that their mother and daughter were so frightened that they fell into a coma and were rescued by a kind nun." My beauty Yan Mistress 76

Sure enough, that's where the evil spirit really came from!

Lin Yazhi thought that woman was a female thief, how could a female thief scare two people unconscious?Even if a group of gangsters rushed in to rob it, it would be difficult to scare people crazy!

He must have seen something horrible to be frightened, if Mrs. Jingyi hadn't happened to pass by, the mother and daughter would have died!

I looked at Lin Yazhi very worriedly, and persuaded me: "Aunt Lin, this place has very bad feng shui, and it is not accidental that what happened to your neighbors, there is too much evil here, and it is easy to affect people from the point of view of feng shui. Luck and fortune, I think you and Sister Weiwei should change places earlier."

Lin Yazhi smiled: "I know your master is a Feng Shui master, but we found this place with great difficulty. It is cheap and convenient. If we change to another place, either the traffic is bad or the rent is too expensive. I also know The environment here is poor, let's talk about it later when I save some money after work!"

I took out the bank card with 2 yuan in it, and said firmly: "Aunt Lin, don't say that you are embarrassed to take my money, even if I borrowed from you, you have to change places immediately! There are not only The environment is poor, according to Feng Shui, this is a place of evil spirits, and some unclean things are likely to appear here!"

Seeing that Lin Yazhi didn't plan to change places, I was a little anxious. Don't take it seriously now, and if something happens, it's too late to regret it!

I don't want Aunt Lin and Sister Weiwei to have any mistakes, and I don't want to lose them. The mother and daughter next door are a living example!

Lin Yazhi obviously didn't believe what I said, she was a little embarrassed, she didn't seem to want my money and she didn't want to move out of here.

"Aunt Lin, you have to trust me, I can't lie to you, and besides, I'm not in a hurry to ask you to return it." I put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said tirelessly: "My master and the teacher who passed by here that day are friends. So I know something, but I can't tell you, if you know, I'm afraid you will have nightmares every night. Aunt Lin, I beg you, you and Sister Weiwei will find a room tomorrow and move out of here immediately. "

Seeing how determined I was, Lin Yazhi nodded, "Okay, Aunt Lin will listen to you. I will look for a house tomorrow, and change places as soon as I find it! However, I really can't accept the money. Qiuqiu, let Aunt Lin Save some dignity, please!"

What a stubborn woman!I picked up the bank card and said, "You don't need my money, but you must move out as soon as possible. This place is really not clean, and it will be too late until July [-]th!" When I said unclean, I didn't mean the environment. , but refers to those demons and ghosts.

"Well, Aunt Lin promised you will do it!" Lin Yazhi nodded and said, I felt a lot relieved, it seems that this time it was not in vain.

I said to Lin Yazhi again: "Aunt Lin, when you move, I will ask my wife to drive over to help you. Don't be polite to me! This time it's your neighbors, maybe you will come here someday in the morning, so The sooner you get out of here, the better."

Lin Yazhi heard my words in a mysterious way, she was both curious and scared, "Xiaoqiu, do you think there are really ghosts in this world?"

I didn't want to say it because I was worried that Lin Yazhi was afraid, but now that she took the initiative to ask me, I had no choice but to reveal, "Aunt Lin, do you think Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio was fabricated? Let me tell you, most of them exist. What really happened, demons and ghosts do exist in this world."

Lin Yazhi shuddered, subconsciously looked at the dark window, and asked with some fear: "Then the mother and daughter next door to us really met a ghost!"

"The things that harm the mother and daughter are more terrifying than ghosts. Ghosts are like ghosts and cannot come out to harm people in broad daylight, unless the place is extremely dark. The mother and daughter were killed by evil spirits. Demons can use corpses to revive their souls and even go to human bodies. The most frightening thing is that powerful demons are not afraid of day and night, and can come out to harm people at any time, so I am here today to worry about you encountering demons, Aunt Lin, don't hesitate or doubt, get out of here as soon as possible, okay?" I looked at Lin Yazhi eyes sincerely said.