
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 78

After I left Zhu Weiwei's house, I didn't leave. Instead, I wandered in the dark alleys of the densely packed rented houses. Looking around, I found that the house where Zhu Weiwei's mother and daughter lived was the most sinister.

Back at the entrance of the alley, I found a remote corner to cast Yin-Yang Eye, "Urgently like a law, the universe borrows the law, the Yin-Yang Eye...open!" I passed my hands in front of my eyes, and the Yin-Yang Eye opened immediately, but it didn't work. With the aid of the talisman paper, the effect of the yin and yang eyes is much worse, and they can only see a radius of five or six meters.

I slowly turned my eyes and carefully stared at every place my eyes scanned, and what I saw was a desolation and some long-corroded bones under the ground. This place should have been a cemetery.

I scanned half a circle and found nothing but a few bones, which surprised me. I turned around 360 degrees and scanned the surrounding six meters with yin and yang eyes. Unfortunately, other Nothing was found.

I walked six meters into the alley, opened my eyes, and suddenly, in the direction of my right, four or five meters below the ground, there was a group of female ghosts with disheveled hair and white clothes. There were at least five female ghosts with long and short hair. It's different, some hair just reaches the waist, and some are almost dragging to the ground.My Beautiful Mistress 78

The face is completely covered by jet-black hair, and it is impossible to see the face clearly, which is almost the same as what you see in ghost movies!

The five female ghosts seemed to be holding something in their hands and walked forward in a line. I didn't dare to vent my anger. I silently told myself not to make a sound. If I disturbed those female ghosts, I might lose my life. , I slowly followed behind them and walked about ten meters. I took a closer look, isn't this under the house where Aunt Lin lives! ?

What are these five female ghosts doing under this house?I was extremely nervous, they didn't seem to stop and were still walking forward. After I followed five meters, I suddenly found that there was a cloud of fog shrouded in front of me. The five female ghosts came out not long after getting into the fog. What was there is gone!

At this moment, my vision returned to normal, my body was covered with cold sweat, I felt like I was going to collapse, and my legs trembled a little.

This yin and yang eye consumes too much energy, it seems that you have to hurry up and practice it!

With my current level, it will take four hours for the yin and yang eyes to open again. Since I can no longer observe the movements of those female ghosts, I will first tell the master what I see. He has a lot of experience. what is going on.

I turned around and walked towards the entrance of the alley, suddenly my back felt cold, and when I looked back, there was nothing.

I walked three steps and stopped suddenly. When I looked back, I still saw nothing, but I felt that someone was following me again!I quickened my pace and walked out of the alley, but the thing behind me didn't seem to follow, which made me breathe a sigh of relief.

In the shadows of the alley, a pair of green eyes were staring at my movements, but I didn't notice it.

Walked to the street and stopped a taxi to go back to Fengyue Street.

When I got off the bus at Fengyue Street, I felt a sense of intimacy. This is our territory, and ordinary ghosts and snakes dare not come.

When I got home, I knocked on the door: "Master, I'm back, open the door!"

Because this house was built relatively early, there was no doorbell installed at that time, and the door opened after a while, but it was Bai Ling who opened the door, and said with a sour taste: "Is it so late to pick up girls? I thought you Don't come back to spend the night!"

I went into the room and put on my slippers, and said, "Sister Bai Ling, who are you listening to nonsense, I went out to do some business, okay?"

Bai Ling whispered contemptuously: "Work on business! I think it's on the bed!"

I looked at Bai Ling inexplicably, why did she look like she had eaten gunpowder today?Why are you targeting me everywhere?I don't seem to have offended her!

"Sister Bai Ling, you want to do business in bed with me!" I said with a smile.

Bai Ling's fair face turned red immediately, and he gave me a hard look, "Hmph, I'll clean you up another day!"

The mistress was in the room, she heard me and came out, "Qiuqiu, have you eaten yet? The rice cooker is warming up for you!" My beautiful mistress78

Fortunately, my wife didn't hear what I said to Sister Bai Ling, so I looked at my wife and said, "Master, I've already eaten! But, I'm going to practice later, if I'm hungry, come down and eat some!" , I don't want to let you down!

"Well, now is the time to grow your body, don't be hungry!" Mistress smiled and asked: "I heard that you went to pick up girls? How is it? Did you cheat!"

"Where is this going? Didn't I just go out for a few hours! Who said I went to pick up girls? There are so many girls at home waiting for me to pick up!" I looked at my wife and Bai Ling with a smirk. .

Damn, it must be a rumor spread by Master, I didn't expect him to be so keen on gossip news!

"Come here if you can!" Bai Ling waved his pink fist.Did this little girl know that my wife and I were making love at noon while looking at her?Otherwise, why did she confront me everywhere from the moment I entered the door!Or is she jealous?

The teacher knocked on my head and said brokenly: "Soak you big-headed ghost!"

"Xiaoqiu is back! How's things going!" The master walked down the stairs with a grimace, pretending that he had nothing to do with him.

But I think of those female ghosts I saw with my yin and yang eyes, and I'm not in the mood to care about other things with them now.

"Master, wife, sister Bai Ling, you all come here!" I pointed to the sofa and said, "I have something to announce to everyone!"

After everyone sat down, I said, "Master, guess what I saw with my yin and yang eyes in the alleys of Yuxi Street?"

"What?" Master also looked at this matter squarely, and asked with a serious expression.He had heard Mrs. Jingyi mention it, so he always took it to heart, and he planned to go and see it himself.

Bai Ling and Master's Wife were also attracted by my words, and their ears were perked up, waiting for me to say more.I said eloquently, "At first I opened my yin and yang eyes and found nothing, but when I walked more than ten meters into the alley, I saw five female ghosts!"

Master frowned after hearing this, Mistress also looked thoughtful, and Bai Ling still had a lukewarm expression.

I continued: "The five female ghosts were holding something in their hands. They walked forward in a row. After I followed for a short distance, I suddenly saw a large cloud of white mist, and I couldn't see anything clearly inside. Then The five female ghosts came out soon after entering, but they didn't have anything in their hands!"

Master and wife exclaimed at the same time: "The Charming Emperor!"

"What's the matter?" I asked puzzled.

The master said with a serious face: "The Charming Emperor is the king of demons, as powerful as the ghost king. It is said that once in a thousand years, what you see is only a clone of the Charming Emperor. When the fog rises, the Charming Emperor will come out! Generally, it is impossible for fog to appear in the world of Yin and Yang. Yes, the only explanation is that the Meihuang avatar has awakened! Those female ghosts you saw are not real female ghosts, but ghost servants enslaved by the Meihuang!"

"From today onwards, don't go there anymore. Master will join some fellow Taoists to take a look tomorrow! It would be best if you can suppress it, but if you open your yin and yang eyes to peek, that Charming Emperor may have remembered your aura, so you must Don't go there again, let alone use Yin-Yang eyes there!" The master paused and said, "From now on, let your mistress protect you 24 hours a day!"