
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 75

After Zhu Weiwei returned to her room, she prepared to surprise Ye Qiu and her mother with her college admission letter. The letter had already arrived, but they changed their address, so Zhu Weiwei only received it today. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw Ye Qiu just now. Forget about it.

When she came out with the acceptance letter, I was not seen in the living room. When she found that the kitchen door was closed, she came over quietly and was about to open the door, but suddenly heard the ambiguous love words between Lin Yazhi and me in the kitchen. , She stood there as if struck by lightning, her mind went blank.

Tears were pouring down, she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying, and slowly put her ears on the door to listen, but she heard me and Lin Yazhi's even hotter love words.

Zhu Weiwei's heart was twisted like a knife, and she was about to suffocate in pain. The person she liked had a relationship with her mother. She couldn't imagine why this happened, and it was even more unacceptable!

It hurts, it hurts, Zhu Weiwei's chest is like being stabbed with a sharp knife!My Beautiful Mistress 75

Lin Yazhi and I were in the kitchen without realizing that Zhu Weiwei was eavesdropping on our lingering love conversation outside.

The admission notice in Zhu Weiwei's hands was crumpled by her and she didn't notice it. She dragged her heavy steps back to the room, curled up on the bed with red eyes and sobbed softly. The ambiguous words between me and Lin Yazhi lingered in her mind for a long time, lingering. go.


Lin Yazhi asked while washing the vegetables, "You don't need to talk about the money, Xiaoqiu, it's impossible for Aunt Lin to ask for your money! Although our mother and daughter are struggling now, there will always be a turning point."

I put my arms around Lin Yazhi's waist from behind and said, "Aunt Lin, I'm not here to discuss money, you know! I heard that a mother and daughter were injured and hospitalized in Yuxi Street. Ma, rushed over non-stop, seeing that sister Weiwei and you are safe and sound, I let go of my hanging heart."

"I don't know myself, when did you have such a high status in my heart, I was thinking at the time, I would rather be the one who gets hurt than you mother and daughter!"

Lin Yazhi suddenly looked in the direction of the door. I thought Zhu Weiwei was coming, so she stopped talking.

I walked over and opened the door, looked outside, there was no Zhu Weiwei in the living room, the door was still closed, I went back to Lin Yazhi and whispered: "Aunt Lin, when sister Weiwei goes to college, I can come here often Looking for you! I will be busy during this period, and may not have so much time to accompany you!"

Lin Yazhi smiled and said: "It's okay, I have to go to work after tomorrow, if you have time, I'll be satisfied once a week!" Lin Yazhi also suffers once a day, she is worried that I won't be able to spare the time.

I teased and said, "Aunt Lin, can you bear it once in such a long time?"

"Ask for a beating!" Lin Yazhi smiled and raised her hand to hit me, but before I touched my hand, I retracted it, and said seriously: "Okay, I won't tell your little friend anymore, Aunt Lin has to do it. Fan, you go outside and watch TV for a while!"

"Okay then!" I was also worried that staying in the kitchen for a long time would arouse Zhu Weiwei's suspicion.

I walked out of the kitchen and saw that the door of Zhu Weiwei's room was still closed. I walked over and knocked on the door curiously: "Sister Weiwei, what are you doing? Why haven't you come out for so long!"

After waiting for a minute or two, she ignored me, did she fall asleep?

I put my ear on the door and listened, and it was quiet inside. Suddenly, a sobbing sound like an exhortation came into my ears, it seemed to be crying or laughter.

"Sister Weiwei!?" I knocked on her door again anxiously.

After a while, Zhu Weiwei endured the severe pain in her heart in the room, and pretended to be calm and said: "I'm fine, maybe I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while, Ye Qiu, you can eat with my mother and don't wait for me!" Zhu Weiwei seemed Leaning against the door, the voice seemed a little hoarse, it was fine just now, why did it become like this all of a sudden?

Forget it, maybe you are really tired!I said secretly in my heart.

After watching TV for a while, Lin Yazhi prepared the meal half an hour later. She brought the bowls and chopsticks, and seeing that I was alone, she asked, "Where is Weiwei? Has she come out yet?" My beautiful mistress 75

I turned off the TV and said, "Sister Weiwei said she was tired and wanted to rest for a while, let's eat first when the rice is ready, maybe she will get up later to eat!"

Lin Yazhi was still a little worried, thinking that her daughter was ill, she went to knock on the door and said, "Weiwei, are you feeling unwell, do you want mom to accompany you to the hospital?"

With a creak, Zhu Weiwei opened the door a small gap in the room, her eyes were still slightly red, but her beautiful eyes were extremely cold, and she said in a deep voice: "I'm fine, maybe my aunt is coming, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable , you and Ye Qiu eat first and leave me alone!"

Before Lin Yazhi could ask another question, Zhu Weiwei slammed the door shut.

Lin Yazhi frowned, and said to herself: "This silly girl, that one is coming soon, and I'm going out for a day today, and I don't know how to rest!" Lin Yazhi didn't care too much about Zhu Weiwei's temper, thinking that she was an aunt Come get a little fidgety.

I always feel that something is wrong there, but I can't explain why.