
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 45

Zhu Weiwei nodded: "The woman in this photo has a small birthmark on the base of her thigh, but mother's does not have one, and this woman has two pierced ears on her left earlobe. I remember that my mother has only one ear piercing!"

Lin Yazhi didn't expect things to turn around. After seeing those photos, she felt dark in front of her eyes. That woman was so similar to herself that she thought that the person in the photos was herself, but that woman was really not herself.

Lin Yazhi wondered if her daughter deliberately used a tactic to deceive her father. She walked over and looked at the photos, and sure enough, as her daughter said, there was a mung bean-sized birthmark on the skin next to her private parts, and she could see two on the left earlobe. pierced ears.

Zhu Chengshan smiled angrily: "Hehe...you actually use such a cover to defend your mother, are you two determined to want to be with your mother? You should think clearly, everything you have now is given to me. Yes, the houses you live in, the famous brands you wear, and the tuition fees you go to school, which one is not paid by me? In any case, the marriage is divorced, you can choose between me or your mother!"

"However, I want to remind you that if you follow your mother, you will have nothing!" Zhu Chengshan looked at his son and daughter, and then said, "If you follow me, you will never have to worry about money to spend in your life!"

Zhu Xiaobao was expressionless, but her chest was heaving violently. Suddenly, she snatched the photo from her mother and walked up to Zhu Chengshan with complicated eyes: "Dad, I'm with you!"

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Lin Yazhi swayed a little in front of her eyes and almost fell to the ground. Zhu Weiwei and I hurriedly supported her.

"Little Treasure, are you really unwilling to be with your mother?" Lin Yazhi asked weakly with two lines of tears on her beautiful face.Although she is not patriarchal, Chinese people have a kind of thinking, to have children to prevent old age, after all, Zhu Weiwei is a girl who will marry sooner or later, and mother and daughter can't do many jobs, it will be much more difficult without a man in the family.

"Zhu Xiaobao, if you are with him, we will make a clean break from now on!" Zhu Weiwei also said coldly with tears, I have never seen Zhu Weiwei so indifferent, that kind of coldness from the bottom of my heart makes people shudder, she is really chilling!

Although I am an outsider, Xiaobao is my best friend after all. If I want to choose one of their parents, I will definitely support him and stand on his mother's side. A man should support a family!

"Xiaobao, think clearly! However, no matter what decision you make, I will respect you!" In my heart, I hope that Xiaobao will stand by his mother, but the choice is in his hands, and it is his freedom to choose. .

I saw that Zhu Xiaobao's body trembled slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were already a little wet, and he forced a smile and said: "I think clearly, I will follow my father, mother and sister, I'm sorry! Ye Qiu, I If not, you must help me take care of them, and don't let them be bullied by others!"

Lin Yazhi sobbed, nodded and stopped talking, while Zhu Weiwei looked at Zhu Xiaobao and Zhu Chengshan coldly!

I sighed deeply. Although I was a little disappointed with Xiaobao's choice, I have no right to interfere, "Xiaobao, I hope you will not regret today's choice in the future. Don't worry, I will take care of you when you are not here." Sister Weiwei and Aunt Lin!"

Even if Xiaobao doesn't bring it up, I can't just sit idly by.

Zhu Chengshan patted Zhu Xiaobao's shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, you are indeed my son, Zhu Chengshan. Your choice is wise!"

Lin Yazhi felt that Zhu Chengshan's voice was a kind of torment, wiped away her tears, and said in a deep voice: "Here, I will sign it! From now on, we will never violate the river!" Lin Yazhi asked to sign the divorce agreement.

Zhu Weiwei grabbed her thighs with both hands, her white and tender skin was pinched red, I knew she was suppressing the anger in her heart!

Lin Yazhi picked up the divorce agreement and signed it with her name, then pressed her thumbprint!

"Okay, since you are so straightforward, I won't make things difficult for you in terms of our years of husband and wife relationship. This house still has 10,000+ in your bank card, so you can keep it and live a good life with Weiwei!" Zhu Chengshan's face was full of pride. smile.Divorcing Lin Yazhi didn't touch her in any way, as if she had done a very ordinary thing.

Lin Yazhi's heart was as cold as ice, and she said coldly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for your kindness. I don't need it. Our mother and daughter will go out tomorrow. You take the bank card yourself. I told you I won't ask you for a penny!"

Once a woman gives up her heart to a man, the gods can't make her revive!

Love is so bizarre and tortuous. When it comes, it makes people feel as sweet as soaking in a honeypot every day, but when it leaves, it is so unsloppy. As the saying goes, sharing the same bed for more than ten years, a paper agreement can change passers-by!

Suddenly a disdainful smile appeared on Zhu Chengshan's face, and he said sarcastically, "Hey, don't you see that you still have such a backbone? If you really have a backbone, why don't you get out immediately!" My beautiful wife 45

"Okay, stop talking!" Zhu Xiaobao glanced at Zhu Chengshan dissatisfied and said: "Although I followed you, she is my mother after all, so there is no need to be so sarcastic!"

Zhu Chengshan smiled, "Okay, today I will give my son face and not give her ordinary knowledge. I will send someone to take back the house in three days! Let's go!"

Zhu Chengshan left, Zhu Xiaobao took one last look at his mother and sister and left heartbroken!

I wanted to keep him but I couldn't say a word. I kept watching Zhu Xiaobao's back disappear from my sight!

After Zhu Xiaobao walked out of the house, he secretly wiped away his tears, and followed his father into the car while crying!

A complete family was torn apart and incomplete in an instant, and now only Lin Yazhi and Zhu Weiwei are orphans and widows. My heart is very confused, and I can't understand their feelings at this moment. I am an orphan, and the love of parents is very strange and out of reach. .