
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 44

"This... this, how is this possible!?" Zhu Weiwei looked at the photo and couldn't believe it. As a girl, she had many opportunities to meet her mother honestly, so she thought about it for a while and recalled her mother's private parts There does not seem to be such a small birthmark next to it.

Zhu Weiwei took a closer look at the photo, and suddenly found that the woman in the photo had two pierced ears on her left earlobe. Now she firmly believed that the person in the photo was definitely not her mother.

Because when they first saw the people in the photos, they instinctively thought of their mother. The more they subconsciously thought of it, the less suspicious they would be. They just wondered and regretted why their mother did such a shameful thing.

Now that I pointed out the birthmark, Zhu Weiwei also began to check the photos with a scrutiny attitude. After all, they are people who have been together for more than ten years, so there will still be subtle differences when carefully identifying.

"How do you know that my mother... there is no birthmark?" Zhu Weiwei suddenly realized this strange thing.My Beautiful Mistress 44

My heart skipped a beat, shit, why does she still care about this at this time!

"Idiot, of course I'm guessing! I'm just not sure, so I came to ask you, otherwise how do you think I know?" Zhu Weiwei was immediately speechless when I asked such a rhetorical question.

I was afraid that she would not die of suspicion, so I hurriedly urged: "If you are sure that there is no birthmark on your mother's place, it means that your father is lying. It seems that what your mother said is true, go out and prove your mother's innocence! "

Zhu Weiwei hesitated for a moment, her eyes turned red, and she choked up: "But...but I don't want my parents to divorce!"

No one wants their family to be fragmented. Zhu Weiwei has always been proud of her family. She has a capable father, a beautiful mother and a cute younger brother, but once her parents divorce, these will become incomplete.

Most of the problem students in the class are single-parent families. It is conceivable how much impact the divorce of parents has on children!

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage!

The temple can be rebuilt if it is demolished, but if the marriage is destroyed but cannot be reunited, it is tantamount to destroying the whole family.

I have no intention of breaking up other people's marriages and families, but Zhu Chengshan's actions are really disgusting, in the end it depends on Lin Yazhi's own choice!

"Sister Weiwei, I know some words are not pleasant to say, but you can't force anything! If your parents have room for redemption, that's the best. If their marriage is in name only, they won't be happy together, and there will only be more in the future. Sooner or later, the conflict will still erupt. Whatever the outcome, we'll let your parents choose!" I patted Zhu Weiwei on the back to comfort her.

Zhu Weiwei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded: "Well, thank you Ye Qiu!"

"Idiot, do we still need to say thank you? Your business is my business!" I took her out and walked out: "Okay, stop thinking about it, everyone needs to calm down now, go out and talk to your parents talk!"

I was also quite worried at the beginning, fearing that Lin Yazhi's exposure of having sex with me would lead to their divorce. When I saw the photos, I realized that Lin Yazhi had never mentioned that matter, and I was secretly relieved, but their divorce is certain. , How could Lin Yazhi be with a man who beat her?

Although she is in her 30s, her appearance is unrecognizable at all, her figure is good and her skin is not bad. With Lin Yazhi's conditions, even if she remarries, it is not difficult to find a man with good conditions.

After Zhu Weiwei and I came out, the husband and wife were still arguing, Zhu Xiaobao didn't pull Zhu Chengshan, but sat by impatiently smoking a cigarette, damn, this kid is so brave, he dares to be Watching my parents smoke!What a fucking wonderful flower!

"Dad, Mom, stop arguing, okay! What can the family have to sit down and talk about peacefully!" Zhu Weiwei walked over and interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"Weiwei, you're going to be an adult soon, why don't you understand?" Zhu Chengshan said angrily, "It's your mother who is sorry for me. She steals men outside and you still let me calm down? There is no need to talk about it today. I brought the divorce agreement, and I have to sign it or not!"

Zhu Chengshan took out the divorce agreement from his pocket, put it on the table and slapped it fiercely, "Lin Yazhi, I feel disgusted when I see you now, sign it quickly and we will go our separate ways!"

"Zhu Chengshan, don't bully people too much. I said I have no objection to the divorce. It is a shame for me to spend more than ten years with a man like you! Let me say it again, I don't want a penny of your property. Xiaobao and Weiwei, and all the things you framed me have been destroyed by me, and I will not pursue it anymore!" Lin Yazhi said angrily with red eyes.My Beautiful Mistress 44

"You still want to argue? Lin Yazhi, you shameless woman, why don't you admit it when you dare to do it!" Zhu Chengshan sneered, "Do you still want to go out and fool around with other men under the name of my wife?"

"Enough!" Zhu Weiwei roared angrily.

Zhu Weiwei's eyes fluttered, and she took out the photo just now, pointed at the woman's birthmark and said, "Dad, I didn't expect you to use such despicable means to force my mother to divorce! This woman is not a mother at all, even if you want to divorce Is it necessary to be so vicious? I am also a woman, and I will marry and have children in the future. I can understand my mother's feelings, and I will definitely marry my mother when you divorce!"

Lin Yazhi's heart became hot, everyone said that her daughter was her mother's little padded jacket, it seems that this is true!

Zhu Xiaobao took a puff of cigarette, threw the cigarette butt away, walked over expressionlessly, looked at the photo in Zhu Weiwei's hand and said, "Sister, is what you said true?"