
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 46

Fortunately, I have a teacher who loves me and loves me. Although they are not my parents, they also give me the same care as my parents. After Lin Yazhi's divorce, I suddenly imagined who my parents were and how they were doing.Could it be because of divorce or a broken relationship that I was abandoned!

Wait for the master to come back and ask him about the past!

"Aunt Li Weiwei, everything will pass, don't be sad!" I walked up to the two of them to comfort them. What they need most at the moment is care, and nothing is more sad than heartbreak. Divorce can be regarded as a part of life. No one can face a relatively major change as if nothing had happened.

Lin Yazhi forced a smile, looked at me and said, "Xiaoqiu, please accompany Weiwei, Auntie feels a little unwell, so go back to her room to rest!"

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will watch over Sister Weiwei! You can rest at ease!" I think Lin Yazhi must be very sad at the moment. If it was just a divorce, she might not be so sad. The main reason is that Xiaobao followed his father. , it can be seen that this incident has hit her hard.My Beautiful Mistress 46

After Lin Yazhi went upstairs, she covered the quilt and sobbed on the bed. Since she was a child, her son was a headache, but at the critical moment, he left her. How could she not feel sad!

After crying for a while, Lin Yazhi remembered that she was going to leave here tomorrow, this place where she had lived for more than ten years, she felt a little bit reluctant and helpless, but she had to leave, she didn't want to have anything to do with Zhu Chengshan anymore.

The sweetness of the past flashed through my mind until half a year ago when Zhu Chengshan's company recruited a new female secretary, everything changed. In just half a year, she was defeated by Zhu Chengshan's original partner who had been with Zhu Chengshan for more than ten years. It's a complete failure!

Maybe this is fate!Lin Yazhi sat on the bed and sighed deeply. When she thought about the future, she became melancholy. At the beginning, Zhu Chengshan was just a small self-employed person, and the early stage of starting a business was very difficult. In order not to distract him, she quit her job and raised her at home. Parenting, a lot of youth is spent on raising children.

She was an accountant at the beginning, but she has become acquainted with her after so many years.

Fortunately, I saved some private money at the beginning. Although it is not much, it is no problem to rent a house to live with my daughter. It is just that my daughter needs a lot of expenses to go to college. I will find a job when I settle down, otherwise the little private money Not enough at all.

Zhu Weiwei was persuaded by me to sit down on the sofa, only then did I realize that her thigh was about to be pinched, and I blamed her heartbrokenly: "Miss Wei Wei, why are you doing this? Can ruining yourself prevent this from happening? Look at you, your skin is about to bleed, take your hand away, and I'll rub it for you!"

I pulled away Zhu Weiwei, who was still pinching my hand, and rubbed it on her white and tender thigh.

I wish Weiwei's icy expression had some color, and she was no longer as cold as before. She laughed at herself and said, "Hehe... Is there anyone else in this world who cares about me besides my mother? Ye Qiu, are you feeling sorry for me? Are you pitying me? ?"

I stopped what I was doing and raised my head to look into her eyes, and said solemnly: "Sister Weiwei, we have known each other for not a day or two, if you still can't understand my heart, then I will tell you now, I love you, I don't want you to get hurt a little bit!"

When we were young, the three of us were tired of playing together all day long. The relationship was no worse than that of biological siblings. We were not so close until we reached puberty, and I often had sexual fantasies about Wei Wei, and I had sex with her countless times in my dreams!

Zhu Weiwei burst into tears again, and I hurriedly reached out to wipe her face, "Why are you talking and crying again, sister Weiwei, it doesn't look good to cry!"

"Fool!" Zhu Weiwei laughed from the bottom of her heart, and suddenly pulled me into her arms and said in a low voice, "I'm so happy! Ye Qiu...kiss me!"

I put my hands on the sofa and lowered my head to kiss Zhu Weiwei's cherry mouth. It was very sweet, soft and creamy, and the taste was a little different from her mother's.

Xiaobao asked me to take care of his sister and mother before, but now it has become a special care.

My hand reached into Zhu Weiwei's neckline, and I held her bouncy big tits and kneaded them.

"Well...don't!" Zhu Weiwei said nervously and coquettishly.

"Ahem..." Just as we were kissing passionately, there was a cough upstairs, we both let go in fright, both of us blushed, looked up secretly, and found that Lin Yazhi hadn't come out.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief, if she saw me kissing Sister Weiwei, I don't know what she would think, I'm afraid it would be impossible to sleep with her again!My Beautiful Mistress 46

After we sat down, there was a sound of the door opening upstairs, and Lin Yazhi came down, "Weiwei, go to the room and pack your luggage, we will move out of here tomorrow!"

"Mom, where are you going to move?" Zhu Weiwei got up and asked.

Lin Yazhi was taken aback, she just wanted to move out of this place, but she didn't know exactly where to go, and she had to check the rental information tomorrow to decide.

"I'll see where to go tomorrow. Let's pack up the things first so we won't be too late!" Lin Ya went downstairs to Zhu Weiwei and said slowly, stroking her head.

"Well, I got it, mom! I'll go out and find a job when we get a good house!" Zhu Weiwei guessed that her mother definitely didn't have much money in her hands. The rent in Yangcheng is not cheap, and she has to go to college, so that's a lot of money. No small overhead.

Lin Yazhi held Zhu Weiwei in her arms, "Silly boy, mom still has money in hand, don't worry about the money and spend the summer vacation with peace of mind, after school you won't be so leisurely!"