
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 22

Bai Ling opened her white legs, exposing her lower body in front of me. The woman in Baihu's body has a special charm, and I can't stand it just looking at it.

Slowly stretched out both hands to touch her private parts, and felt soft and slippery as soon as he touched her, Bai Ling couldn't help but shivered, his body shook like an electric shock, she obviously didn't expect it to change from a demon to a human The human body is so sensitive.

That fresh feeling made her feel inexplicably excited, she couldn't help but whisper softly, and looked at me in surprise.

I pointed to her private parts and said, "The inside of this is the small lips!" Compared with the biology teacher when I was in middle school that day, I explained it in much more detail.

At this moment, Bai Ling is not so interested in the names of private parts, and is completely immersed in the comfortable feeling of being touched by me.My Beautiful Mistress 22

"Qiuqiu, I..., I feel so uncomfortable down here, what's going on? Why does it feel like an electric shock when you touch me?" Bai Ling looked at me nervously with his legs clamped. , I thought it was something I did.

A woman's body is sensitive, especially virgins, the private parts are even more sensitive, it's not surprising that Bai Ling has such a reaction, not only her, but also my lower body is swollen and tight!

I don't know how to answer Bai Ling. If you say that you need a man to relieve her itching, it will be bad if this word reaches the teacher's wife. After all, I just broke through the relationship with the teacher. I love the teacher. But it is hard for me to resist the temptation of a woman's body.

"Hmm..." I just wanted to take my hand from between Bai Ling's thighs, but I accidentally touched her most sensitive place, which made her unable to help but let out a warning.

This sound is like a catalyst, and my blood is almost boiling!

Bai Ling said with some embarrassment: "It seems that you felt very comfortable when you touched my place just now, Qiuqiu, you..., can you touch my place again!"

I don't think any man can refuse such a request!

I'm not a gentleman, nor a villain. I express what I want in my heart, no matter whether the way of expressing it is explicit or dark, but I will say it after all. Unlike those real villains, who clearly want to die, but still say it Just words.

"Okay, open your legs and I'll touch them for you!"

Bai Ling slowly opened her white thighs, and showed me her private parts again.

Deep in my index finger, I gently stroked something like soybeans in her private parts, and Bai Ling's body trembled quickly. After a few minutes, I could faintly see the shiny liquid flowing out of her private parts, and Bai Ling suddenly grabbed her. Grabbing my arm, he swayed and said, "No, I'm so touched by you that I want to pee!"

I had no choice but to give up, Bai Ling got up and ran to the bathroom, but she didn't urinate for a long time. In fact, she didn't want to urinate at all, but she was about to reach Gao Peng!

"What's the matter? Why can't the bird come out now?" Bai Ling sat on the toilet for a long time without urinating, so he stood up, put on his skirt, washed his face in front of the sink, and looked at his own face in the mirror. Her face was flushed, and when she walked out of the bathroom, I found that the unbearable burning feeling she had just seemed to have disappeared.

"Qiuqiu, don't tell your mistress what happened today, okay?" Bai Ling begged me worried that what we just said would leak out.

I can't wait to ask for it, even if she doesn't say it, I will say it. I deliberately showed a embarrassed expression and smiled: "Is this not good? I can't hide it from anyone!"

Seeing Bai Ling's nervous expression, I continued: "But sister Bai Ling, if you let me continue to touch your bottom in the future, I promise no one will tell. Just treat it as a secret between us, okay?"

Sister Bai Ling nodded ecstatically. As long as I don't say anything, how can she care about anything else?It doesn't matter if I watch it today, and more importantly, Sister Bai Ling feels that it will be very exciting and comfortable for me to touch her body.

"Then is it my turn to see you below?" Sister Bai Ling came over and looked at my underpants which were still propped up by the tent and said curiously. She also wanted to see the difference between men and women.

I seldom refuse a request from a beautiful woman, and I will never refuse a request like Sister Bai Ling's!My Beautiful Mistress 22

He took off his pants and took out the gun under his body, "It's just like this, nothing interesting!"

But Sister Bai Ling didn't think so, she couldn't take her eyes off the big guy with his head held high under me, walked over and suddenly grabbed my genitals, "It's so hard! Oh...why is it so hot here? "

Sister Bai Ling let go of her hand as if she was frightened. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, so they are particularly sensitive to high temperatures. Now that she has forgotten that she is already a human body, she doesn't have to be afraid of high temperatures. Besides, although the temperature below me is higher than other parts of the body, It won't burn her either.

I chuckled, "Sister Bai Ling, don't make a fuss, in fact, your inside is hotter than mine!" I didn't know it before, but I only found out after I had sex with my wife. Make me feel good.

"Really? Why can't I feel it?" Sister Bai Ling felt her private parts, but it didn't have the hot feeling I mentioned.

How could there be a reaction without being stimulated?I explained: "It only happens when you want to mate! Sister Bai Ling, have you ever mate with anyone?"

"Get out..." Sister Bai Ling blushed and gave me a sideways glance, her shy look was very charming.