
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 21

Bai Ling asked several questions in one breath, all of which were exciting parts. I dragged out the chair under the desk and let Bai Ling sit on it. I was very excited and said, "You took off your pants and sat on it. , I will show you all!"

I was staring intently at Bai Ling's private parts, just waiting for her to take off her pants and take a closer look. Last time I had sex with my mistress at the seaside, I hadn't had time to explore her charming black mysterious area. This opportunity is right in front of me. , I don't want to miss it.

Bai Ling unbuttoned the side buttons of the short skirt and put her hands on her waist, she only needed to pull it down to reveal the little underwear inside, but she suddenly looked at me and asked with a slightly red face: "You smile so lewdly, What are you doing? Why do I seem to remember that Miss Xiangjun told me that a woman cannot take off her clothes in front of a man, is this your trap?"

At the critical moment, Bai Ling seemed to realize that it was not appropriate to expose her private parts. I was so anxious that I almost rushed to tear off her short skirt, but I still held back. Her ability to be a prophet alone was enough to deter me. And she seems to have a lot of strength. Last time when I saw her changing the water for the water dispenser, she could easily lift the bucket with one hand, and just turn it over while holding the handle of the water dispenser. I was shocked at that time!

It seems that such a weak girl has so much strength. If she punches me with all her strength, then I will probably have to spend this summer vacation in the hospital, so I quickly restrained myself, Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned , Said to Bai Ling: "Ms. is right, but you obviously misunderstood. What Mrs. said is that you can't show it to men outside. Now that you live here, it means that we are a family. It's okay to show me." Yes!" My beautiful wife 21

Bai Ling was still skeptical, his eyes turned wildly, "Really? Then why didn't I see your mistress take off her clothes in front of you?" Bai Ling was not stupid, but his intelligence was not fully activated. The defensiveness in front of me can basically be ignored, and the reason for asking this is only because she has never seen the teacher's wife naked in front of me.

I was afraid that Bai Ling would quit suddenly, so I quickly explained: "It's not what you think, okay? You've only come to our house for a few days? Teacher, she also stripped naked in front of me before, okay, but you didn't see it when you were away." That's all."

"Okay, then I'll take it off!" This time Bai Ling finally believed my words, and the hands on both sides of the waist pinched the short skirt and slowly faded it down. As the skirt moved down, the skin under Bai Ling's belly inch by inch Exposed, I stared at her private parts out of breath, and nearly had a nosebleed when her skirt came off.

She was not wearing anything under the skirt, and the grass on her lower body was withered. It was not as thick as the teacher's lower body, but had light-colored hair like when it was just growing up, and it was very short, so her lower body looked very tender. Without the cover of hair, you can see clearly below.

The red part is fresh and tender, and the protruding genitals are full of charming temptation.

My lower body involuntarily raised my head, and put my underpants up into a big tent, the heat was unbearable.

Bai Ling's lower body is so beautiful. I once heard my good friend Zhu Xiaobao talk about women's private parts. He said that women's private parts can be divided into two types, one is the most popular and common, and the other is famous. There are mortal utensils that can be called famous utensils, and Bai Ling's is exactly the body of the white tiger that Zhu Xiaobao said, but the number of white tigers is extremely rare.

According to legend, white tiger women have strong desires, like wolves and tigers, and are dissatisfied with their desires. Therefore, the folks despise white tiger women very much, thinking that they are sexual and lewd, and men who have sex with white tiger women will have bad luck.

But not all men are known by the white tiger girl. If a man with a green dragon body has sex with the white tiger girl, he will be one with nature and man, and he will be prosperous.

Originally, I thought that Baihu only existed in legends, but unexpectedly, I met Bai Ling who lived in the same room with me in reality. No wonder her surname is Bai, I randomly thought in my mind.

"Qiuqiu, why are you staring at her!" Bai Ling has been waiting for me to teach her to know her own genitals, but found that I was drooling and staring at her white tiger's private parts, my eyes were shining, and I was a little impatient to urge me : "Come here quickly and show me! But, you can't touch my bottom!"

Bai Ling's body is a white snake, and she lived naked in the wild before she transformed into a human form, so I didn't feel embarrassed when I saw it. Although she is now in a human form, she is still a snake subconsciously, and she is not seen. It feels inappropriate, but you can't touch it. Snakes are very defensive. Once a stranger approaches, it will cause hostility and defense.

In fact, I can't tell what the specific place is called, so I roughly pointed out a range, and explained to her one by one what each part of the private parts is called, where the yin emperor is, what function it has, etc. wait.

Bai Ling nodded half-understanding, and suddenly asked me where the small lips are. Most men who have seen a woman's private parts should know that the small lips are covered by the big lips, which can only be opened by hand. see clearly.

I swallowed and said, "It's covered right under there!"

"Here?" Bai Ling pointed to a place and said, although it was very close, it was still not accurate enough.

Seeing that she couldn't find it correctly every time, I mustered up my courage and said, "How about I turn it out with my hands and show you!"

Bai Ling tilted his head and looked at me thinking for a while, "Okay, you are only allowed to touch it!"