
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 23

From her expression, I guessed that Sister Bai Ling must still be a virgin, and for some reason, I was very happy knowing that she was a virgin, so I laughed, "Sister Bai Ling, I was joking with you, don't be angry!"

"Hmph, if you're talking nonsense, be careful I'll bite you!" Bai Ling subconsciously uttered a bite word, what is the most powerful snake?Of course, the mouth is the most powerful. In Bai Ling's subconscious mind, the mouth is his most powerful weapon, so he wanted to scare Ye Qiu, but she didn't know that when a girl said to a boy to bite him, it didn't sound scary at all, but it seemed to be a little scary. Very ambiguous.

bite me?My nephew wants to give you my bottom, but now I don't dare to make such a request.

Sister Bai Ling snorted coldly, then continued to stare at my crotch and said, "Why are you so big? It seems to be a little different from the picture in the book. The one on the book is facing down, but why is your head up?" ?"

Being praised by others would make a man feel happy, especially being praised by a beautiful woman. I couldn't help but shake the baby under me, and teased: "Sister Bai Ling, you don't know about it! The reason why I become big and hold my head up is because only when I meet someone I like will behave like this, what is drawn in the book is the normal state!" My glamorous wife 23

Sister Bai Ling was taken aback for a moment, then she blushed and asked me charmingly: "Do you like me?"

I felt that when Bai Ling said this, her heart beat a little faster, she seemed very excited and nervous.

"Of course, Sister Bai Ling has such a good figure, and she is also beautiful. It's not just me, any normal man will like you!" What I mean by liking is not love, but liking for beautiful things.

After hearing what I said, Sister Bai Ling said with some displeasure: "I don't want other men to like me! Everyone likes me. Doesn't every man's bottom stick up? Eh... It's disgusting to think about it! "

Seeing Sister Bai Ling's exaggerated expression, I had evil thoughts again. I was naked, talking about these ambiguous topics with such a lively beauty, and my whole body was already hot. I really wanted to think of a way to let Sister Bai Ling expose her lower body. Come on, just let me hit it twice.

After hesitating for a moment, I suddenly said to Sister Bai Ling: "Sister Bai Ling, didn't you feel itchy in your lower body before? Actually, I can help you solve it!"

When Sister Bai Ling heard it, she immediately caught her attention, and was about to ask me for advice, when a voice came from downstairs: "Ye Sui...Ye Qiu, are you at home, it's me!"

Fuck, don't come sooner or later, this shitty day really comes at the right time!How could I not recognize this voice, isn't it my good friend Zhu Xiaobao!

I was startled by his voice, and hurriedly put on my trousers. Sister Bai Ling also looked at myself and adjusted the clothes a few times. I said to Sister Bai Ling: "Sister Bai Ling, next time we have a chance to continue discussing this issue, My friend may have something to do with me!"

"Well, you go! I'll just read a book in your room!" Sister Bai Ling was very reasonable.

I went to the bathroom to let the floor soften before I dared to go downstairs, Zhu Xiaobao is an expert in this field, it would be bad if he saw something.

When I came downstairs and opened the door, I saw Zhu Xiaobao wearing new clothes and looking at me with a smile.Zhu Xiaobao looks a bit like the pheasant in Young and Dangerous, and has a similar personality. He is extremely lustful. He stole the underwear worn by his sister and his mother in the middle of the day and masturbated!

His family lives at the top of Fengyue Street. Our house is in the middle of Fengyue Street. We are not very far apart, and there are only two children on this street, so we have played together since we were young. The two have a good relationship. He has He will tell me all kinds of secrets, even peeking at his mother and her sister taking a shower!

"Xiaobao, what do you want from me?" I opened the door to let Xiaobao in, went to the refrigerator and got a bottle of Coke and asked him.

Zhu Xiaobao doesn't seem to be in the mood to drink Coke. I remember that he likes to drink it most. I saw him put down the Coke and whispered to me: "Ye Qiu, didn't you learn some Taoism from your master? My mother seems to be bewitched recently. I often cry in the room in the middle of the night, and I seldom eat. No matter how much my sister and I persuade her, I won't listen to her, and won't tell us what happened. I think she may be bewitched, you go and I go home Let's see!"

I remember that Zhu Xiaobao's mother is Lin Yazhi, a very beautiful young woman with a plump figure and a charming figure. His father is the boss of the company, but he is not at home all the year round. My master once even checked the feng shui for his father's company.

I wanted to shirk it, because my half bucket of water is good enough to fool people, but I don't have the ability to dispel evil spirits, but seeing Zhu Xiaobao's anxious look, as a friend, I think it's better to go and have a look. When my master comes, I will ask him to take a look.

"Okay, I'll go back with you and have a look!" I nodded and said.

Zhu Xiaobao dragged me to the house without further ado, and I hurriedly said, "Wait, I'll get the mahogany sword and talisman paper!" magic weapon.I went upstairs to get the Taoist equipment and said hello to Sister Bai Ling. If my wife came back, I would tell her that I went to Xiaobao's house.My Beautiful Mistress 23

When I came downstairs, I walked to his house with Zhu Xiaobao. In fact, I was also eager to see Zhu Xiaobao's mother, because her mother's breasts were the biggest I had ever seen, bigger than my teacher's wife.