
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 20

Obviously she asked me about it herself, so I kindly answered her questions and my nephew became a hooligan, but a woman has a heart attack, I heard that women often listen to the wrong way, if she is not really angry and says you are a hooligan It means that she doesn't think you are a hooligan, but just an excuse to resolve the embarrassment.

If a woman half-pushes and says no, it means that she really wants it, and when a girl, especially a woman who likes to bicker with you, says she hates you, it may be just the opposite that she doesn't hate you but likes it.

Although Bai Ling has just transformed into a human form, and her spiritual wisdom has not been activated for a long time, she also knew what mating was for when she was a demon. After listening to my explanation, Bai Ling seemed to understand it all at once, because she hadn't used human's before. Each organ corresponds to the body of the demon, and there are some parts, such as the chest, which the demon body does not have.

Thinking of showing her breasts and breasts in front of me in the cave before, Bai Ling's pretty face became even more rosy.

Bai Ling noticed that my eyes were fixed on her private parts, pulled down her skirt hastily, and glared at me, "Little villain, where are you looking? If you don't learn well at a young age, you can do it when you grow up!" My beauty Yan Shi Niang 20

Relying on being three years older than me, Bai Ling always acted like a big sister in front of me, I retorted: "How do you know I'm looking at you if you don't look at me?"

Bai Ling didn't take it seriously, she said disdainfully, "I know you're looking at me even if I don't look at you!"

Of course I don't believe what she said, so I can't because she has eyes on her buttocks, so I smiled and said, "Sister Bai Ling, you want to fool me, tell you I'm not so easy to be fooled!"

But Bai Ling didn't refute, but turned around and turned her back to me. Today she is wearing the clothes of the teacher's wife. The upper body is a floral shirt, which is translucent, and the black bra inside is faintly visible.The lower body is wearing a short skirt. Although the legs are not as slender as my wife's, they are white and smooth, a little whiter than my wife's white legs.

I stared at her calf and moved my gaze up slowly until I saw the place covered by the skirt. Bai Ling suddenly turned his back to me and said, "You just stared at my calf, then kept going up, and finally fixed on the thigh place! isn't it?"

Bai Ling turned around to look at me with a triumphant smile after speaking, but I was secretly stunned. This woman has superpowers, but it may be her random guess. I really don't believe she can do it with her back to me. Know where my eyes are on her.

"Who knows if you guessed it randomly, maybe you just happened to meet a dead mouse with your blind cat—good luck!"

Bai Ling's nature is similar to that of a five or six-year-old child, so he was easily bluffed by me, so he turned around again, "Hmph, well, let's do it again, this time I see what you have to say!"

Hearing what she said seemed to be true, I also wanted to test whether she had that ability. This time I didn't move my eyes around, but stared at her upright buttocks intently.

"You're staring at my...my ass!" Bai Ling paused when he said the word butt, as if he was a little embarrassed to say it. I remember that yesterday she was able to hang all parts of the girl on the body without any scruples. Talking non-stop, it seems that he has gained a lot of knowledge overnight after being taught by his wife.

But I'm not that stupid. Even if she knows that I'm staring at her butt, it's fine if I don't admit it, "No? I just stared at your feet and looked again. Does your butt grow on your feet? ?"

"Hmph, you're stupid, I won't play with you anymore, it's boring!" Bai Ling suddenly turned his head and ignored me, and started to flip through the biology book again, but just after turning a page, he came to a page about women. The picture of the physiological structure comes, but there are many words that she does not know.

So Bai Ling returned to his eagerness to learn, and kept asking me questions like a good student, "Qiuqiu, what is the name of this place?"

I looked at her and pointed to the diagram of female reproductive organs in the picture. It was the perineum of a woman, and she couldn't pronounce the negative word.

"That's called the perineum!" Suddenly, there was an inexplicable throbbing in my heart. Discussing this with a girl made me feel very excited and exciting. It is a very fulfilling thing for a girl to know her private parts. .

"Oh, that word is Yin Yin! I remember it!" Bai Ling discussed with me this lesson that even the teacher couldn't talk about!It's not that she doesn't know how to be shy, but that she hasn't figured out her body structure yet, and she doesn't know much about those private places.

"Which part does that refer to?" Bai Ling stared at me curiously.

For a good student with such a strong desire for knowledge, my temporary teacher will certainly not disappoint her. Suddenly, a very attractive picture appeared in my mind, and I jokingly said: "Don't you have it? This light explains you It's hard to understand, but if you take off your pants and I show you, you'll understand right away!"

After saying this sentence, my heart began to beat faster again, and I even thought that I was a little too evil, but what I didn't expect was that Bai Ling took it seriously when I thought it was a joke, " Well, that's right, then I'll take it off and you can point it out to me, point out the other big lips and small lips, and that c-female!"