
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 17

I don't know if Bai Ling is not used to wearing clothes. The t-shirt on her body was pulled down by her, revealing her fair and even shoulders, and half of her white breasts were exposed. You could almost see her That raised little cherry.

And the jeans on her lower body were also opened, the zipper slid to the bottom, and a part of her secret private parts were exposed. The flat lower abdomen did not have a trace of fat, and the round belly button looked more sexy at the moment, lying there like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. If it wasn't for the teacher's wife, I think I can't help but put her under my body for joy.

I swallowed my saliva and remembered the scene of having a good time with my wife last night. Although I didn't get it in at the end, the feeling of ecstasy still existed because Bai Ling and my wife were interrupted. , since you ruined the good thing between me and my wife, I will find it on you in the future!

I took a closer look at Bai Ling's charming private parts, but suddenly found that since there was no hair underneath, it was as bald as a little girl with no development. I just wanted to squat down and study it carefully, but Bai Ling suddenly turned around and fell asleep on his stomach. I was startled, thinking she was about to wake up, and hurried away.

At this time, my mistress was still sound asleep, so I quietly walked to the other side, wanting to see if my mistress was happy too. Although Bai Ling is young and sexy, I still only have a good impression of her body.My wife is my favorite. After all, we have lived together for more than ten years, and the relationship is there. Since I was a child, my wife has been the woman I admired. No one can shake her position in my heart.My Beautiful Mistress 17

The sky was getting brighter outside, and I suddenly thought it would be quite romantic to watch the sunrise here, so I walked up to my wife, stretched out my hand and patted her on the shoulder twice, and my wife slowly opened her sleepy eyes, I don't know what I did when I went out last night. I was so tired that I couldn't bear to wake her up.

Mistress raised her head and looked at Bai Ling next to her, she saw that her back and buttocks were all exposed, and she smiled at me: "Did you do something bad last night, little pervert?"

I knew that Mistress was teasing me on purpose, so I was not in a hurry to explain. I smiled and said, "Yes, Mistress, you and I did bad things together last night, don't you remember?" She almost had a relationship.

Mistress didn't speak but got up slowly, glanced at Bai Ling who was still sleeping soundly, then pulled me out of the cave with a smile on her face, and stopped a few dozen meters away from the cave, Mistress looked at me with burning eyes , "Qiuqiu, do you want to continue what happened last night?"

"I don't want to be a fool!" My body trembled with excitement when I heard my wife's words. I thought things were going wrong, but I didn't expect to turn around early in the morning. My wife still wanted to continue the good things that I didn't finish last night, and I couldn't care about anything else. Pull up my wife and run to the east coast.

I'm afraid that the distance is too close and our good deeds will be ruined when Bai Ling wakes up, and I can watch the sunrise by the way.

The seaside scenery in the early morning is pleasant, and the air is fresher than on the land. As the saying goes, people are refreshed on happy occasions. I think everything is beautiful now, including my wife of course.

When I came to the beach, I hugged my mistress tightly in my arms, and kissed her frantically, my hands wandered around her plump body dishonestly, and gently kneaded her plump breasts.

After a while, my wife and I gasped, feeling that my wife's body became hot just like mine, and her face was a little rosy, like a young girl in bud.

"Ah..." When my hand reached into Mistress's lower body and stroked the gate of Taoyuan, she let out a coquettish cry. The glutinous voice made me feel numb all over, and the movements of my hands became more vigorous. After a while, Mistress's lower body became moist. stand up.

Mistress suddenly squatted down and took off the only swimming trunks on my body, pushed me to the ground, and quickly took off all the clothes on my body. Sit up lightly.


The mistress made a pained and happy voice, and I saw a streak of bright red blood flow out of our combined private parts!virgin! ?The teacher's wife is still a virgin, which I never expected. She and the master have been married for more than ten years and have not broken their bodies!Is it Master's fault, or is there something else hidden?

This idea just flashed in my mind, I didn't have the heart to think about other things at the moment, the warm and humid feeling under my body wrapped my bird, it was very tight and slippery, and the feeling of being ecstatic soon made me feel Fascinated, my wife slowly undulated while riding on me.

Maybe it was because I had just broke my body, so my wife didn't dare to move too much. When I turned over, I simply pressed my wife under me and changed the position. The posture just now was not suitable for my first time breaking my body.

Our male and female mingle together, our eyes are facing each other, my mistress touched my face with both hands, and my body was under my impact, "Qiuqiu, you are really my mistress' little friend! You don't look too big down there, But after the reaction, it turned out to be so much bigger, it is a bad thing, and I don't know how many women it will harm in the future!"

I leaned on Mistress, kissed her red lips, and said: "Miss, I love you! I only have Mistress in my heart, and I just want to have sex with you every night!"

It is said that to get a woman's heart, you must first get her body. My wife may have been tempted by me before, but it was hidden very deep. The ambiguity between my wife and me is also close, and I have never broken through the last line of defense. But now I can get away from it. In the teacher's eyes, I saw a love that I didn't have before, a deep love!

Li Xiangjun was crushed by the little man she liked in her heart, and she was also very happy. It is a woman's instinct to dedicate her first time to the person she loves. She felt a sense of crisis after seeing Bai Ling transforming into a human form last night. Bai Ling is like a young and beautiful girl, so she is worried that Qiuqiu will fall in love with Bai Ling, so she can't wait to have sex with him. A man's obsession with a woman is often when he gets her body.