
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 16

Although I can't see her face clearly, through the hazy moonlight, I can still distinguish the figure of the woman behind my wife. Compared with my wife, she is not too shy. Against the background of the moonlight, there is a white luster, which makes people want to Go up and touch it.

After a while, Mistress and the naked woman came over.

"Miss, are you okay? Who is this?" I hurriedly asked my wife and the naked woman when they entered the cave. What made me very curious was that the naked beauty didn't care. I wasn't surprised either, as if the naked body belonged to someone else.

In fact, those demons of the demon clan who have just transformed into human forms often make jokes when they enter the human world. Although their bodies have changed into human forms, their thinking and common sense are still temporarily at the level of demons.

When they were demons, they were all naked from birth to adulthood, so after transforming into human form, they didn't feel anything wrong even if they were naked, and they were accustomed to eating raw meat.My Beautiful Mistress 16

But after entering the human world for a long time, those monster women have gradually accepted the human ethics, laws and regulations and so on.

"This is my wife's good friend Miss Bai Ling. She was rescued from the sea just now, and all her clothes fell into the sea. Go and take out my wife's underwear!" My wife didn't want me to know the truth, so I casually Said a reason.

Although I didn't believe the reason for the glance, I still went to the travel bag and took out the teacher's jeans and T-shirt.

Mistress took the clothes in my hand and handed them to Bai Ling, "Put them on quickly, don't catch a cold!"

In fact, the body of the monster race is much stronger than that of humans, even if they are naked in winter, they will not catch cold. The reason why Li Xiangjun is doing this is because he doesn't want Qiuqiu to stare at other women's bodies. She doesn't know why she thinks this way!

When Bai Ling and Li Xiangjun came over, she simply said some moral rules about the human world. People are not allowed to go outside naked, especially women, which puzzled her. Naked?Why wear clothes?

However, when Bai Ling saw the jeans and T-shirts, he became curious. Women are very receptive to beautiful things. Although it was a bit awkward, Bai Ling still put the clothes on, but the inside was empty, with no bra or bra. panties.

"Sister Li, who is this son?" Bai Ling looked at me after getting dressed, and asked his wife.

Li Xiangjun was only focused on explaining the moral rules to her just now, but forgot to mention Qiuqiu.

"He's my nephew! His name is Ye Qiu!" My wife didn't say my nickname, which made me feel relieved.

Bai Ling suddenly came over and rubbed her face against mine. The Yaozu expressed close relatives and kindness with such gestures, and Bai Ling had just transformed into a human form, so she didn't know how humans greeted her. She heard Li Xiangjun Said that Ye Qiu was her nephew, but just wanted to express the intimacy in her heart, but it was self-defeating.

I was startled, I didn't dare to get so close to other women in front of my wife, so I hurriedly took a few steps back.

Bai Ling panted and smiled, "Why are you hiding, I'm afraid I'll eat you!"

Mistress came over and took Bai Ling's hand, and whispered a few words in her ear, only to see Bai Ling's face turned red, making her already beautiful even more charming.

I don't know what the teacher told her to make her become like this in an instant.

The good thing was interrupted. I was still a little uncomfortable. I almost went in just a little bit, but the movement outside attracted the mistress to go out, but seeing the mistress brought back a face that was comparable to her Dissatisfaction also dissipated.

"It's getting late, let's spend the night in the cave first, and go back tomorrow and have a good rest!" Now that there is one more person here, the teacher's wife must not have that kind of thought.

Bai Lingwu didn't see him, so he lay down on the tablecloth on the ground, "Sister is right, take this time to rest your mind, and tomorrow I will go see the outside world with my sister!"

This Bai Ling spoke strangely, but I didn't take it too seriously, there are quite a few women like Fengyue Street!My Beautiful Mistress 16

Mistress also lay down next to Bai Ling, and in the end there was only a little space left for me. I naturally squeezed beside her and fell asleep next to her. Although the storm outside stopped, the temperature at night was a bit low , When I fell asleep, I felt a little cold, as if I was hugging a soft body in a daze.

When I woke up, it was already dawn, and the person I held in my arms was not my wife but Bai Ling. Last night I slept next to my wife, but when I woke up, the person next to me became Bai Ling.

It wasn't me who moved, it was Ghost!

Fortunately, she hasn't woken up yet, I let go of my hand in embarrassment, moved away quietly, and then stood up!

Looking at the two stunning beauties lying on the ground, I couldn't help but my heart fluttered. I didn't look at Bai Ling carefully last night. Now that the sky is bright, Bai Ling is lying peacefully on the ground and sleeping on his side, and he can clearly see her face. Outline.

Shi Niang is mature and beautiful, while Bai Ling is pure and smart, each with its own merits.