
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 18

In fact, Li Xiangjun's age is much older than she looks. She is more than 100 years old, but this is just a few years of adulthood among goblins. Li Xiangjun's age is equivalent to 24 years old when replaced by humans. age.Generally like fairies and human young girls at her age, she has a simple mind and is full of beautiful visions for everything.

However, Li Xiangjun's childhood was not ordinary. Since he was a child, he had shouldered the heavy responsibility of life and death for his clan, and he still resolutely embarked on a thorny road. Therefore, after experiencing too many things that did not meet his age, his heart became more mature.

Another point is that Li Xiangjun hides her true appearance, and her current appearance only reveals eight layers. Once she completely reveals her true face, one can imagine how amazing it will be!

But even so, Li Xiangjun was still worried that he would not be able to control Ye Qiu, so he wanted to give her his body and mind while Ye Qiu was young and at the age when he longed for sex.

I don't know what my mistress is thinking, I am intoxicated by looking at the body of my mistress with a trace of protection. On this perfect and fascinating body, I bid farewell to my virgin, and my wife's chastity is also dedicated to me 0 My Beautiful Mistress 18

After being happy, my nervous and excited mood gradually calmed down. At this moment, I was thinking more about responsibility and how to face Master!

Master and wife have treated me well, I don't want any of them to be sad, I even want to confess to the old man that I and my wife have cheated on each other when Master comes!

Maybe the master will drive me out of the teacher's door and drive me out of the house, but I don't regret it!Love is selfish, and the teacher's wife is not physically present, which shows that the teacher and her are only husband and wife in name but not in reality.

Mistress seemed to see my thoughts, she held me in her arms, kissed my forehead lightly, looked into my eyes and said softly: "Is Qiuqiu worried about how we will explain to your master? I also wonder why Master Mistress is still a virgin?"

I found that there was no sense of guilt or embarrassment in the eyes of the teacher's wife, which made me happy. Could there be something hidden about the marriage between the teacher's wife and the master?If they have been a couple for more than ten years, even if they have no feelings, at least they have lived with the reputation of husband and wife for so long. It shouldn't be so easy after cheating!

"Could it be that... Teacher and Master are not husband and wife?" I happily guessed, hoping to give me an affirmative answer in my heart. If they are not husband and wife, then I can be with Teacher in an open and aboveboard manner!

Mistress took a deep breath, lay her pillow on my arm and looked up at the blue sky. After thinking for a while, she turned her head and said to me: "Actually, I am not married to your master, nor did I do anything against morality. !We are only together because we have a shared responsibility!"

"And that responsibility is to guard and raise you safely by your side!" Master's attitude was very firm when she said this, as if nothing could stop her and Master from fulfilling this responsibility!

"Me? Why!" I was both shocked and curious in my heart. Master and wife are not related to me, why should they guard me, an abandoned child, for no reason?

I know that Master is a Taoist priest with some morals. He often travels all over the country to help people look at Feng Shui, determine fortune, look at fortune, and test fate. He also deals with some weird phenomena that cannot be overcome by common sense. Why do some people often dream of their deceased relatives complaining about how to solve it, and why some mountain villages often disappear for no reason, etc. Those things that sound absurd and tinged with horror.

Ever since I knew the identity of Master Daoist, I have often wondered whether the world we live in is as real as it appears on the surface, whether there is another world unknown to most people, whether demons and ghosts are just legends or do they really exist!

Even someone like Master wants to protect me, so who am I? I have mixed feelings!

Mistress sighed, "It is not good for you to know some things early. Master and Mistress will tell you everything when you are waiting! Now just be your student and live happily, and don't worry about other things!"

Li Xiangjun knew that once he told Ye Qiu the truth, his happy life would come to an end. She didn't want to see Qiuqiu burdened too much, and she didn't want him to be stressed again. After all, he was still a 16-year-old child!

I know that once Mistress decides not to speak, she won't say even if I stalk her, but I don't know what they are hiding. Although I am curious, I still nodded: "Well, Mistress, I promise you that you will not ask about this matter in the future. When the time comes, I will ask you personally!"

At this time, the sea surface in the east was glowing, and the first ray of sunlight shone from the sea level. The scenery was so beautiful!

My wife is leaning on my shoulders like a girl, and I am holding my wife's soft and slender waist to watch the sunrise together!

I don't know how long it took for us to be awakened by Bai Ling's cry, and wake up from that beautiful artistic conception.

When we returned to the cave, Bai Ling's clothes were half undressed, he kept looking at his body, and his face was confused: "How did I become like this, it's so ugly!" Bai Ling woke up and forgot what happened last night. It was completely wiped out, this was the master's hand and foot, because she was worried that Bai Ling would have a psychological shadow of the catastrophe and affect her cultivation path, so she cast a spell to erase part of her memory.My Beautiful Mistress 18

Although I bid farewell to being a virgin, I still couldn't help feeling excited when I saw Bai Ling's happy life. Ugly women are all kinds of strange things, but beauties are different from each other.

Mistress and Bai Ling are both beautiful women without a doubt, but they have different styles and temperaments!Bai Ling looks more youthful and lively, with a plump body but a little youthful!

Mistress walked over to Bai Ling and said a few words beside Bai Ling. Bai Ling immediately put on his clothes and was not nervous. We packed up our things and prepared to call the boatman on the other side, but they came to find us. They were relieved when they saw that we were safe and sound. Take a breath.