
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 13

What my wife said is not wrong. I have read about this knowledge in popular science books. Snake venom can penetrate into the body through the ulcerated mucous membrane of the mouth.

Seeing that my wife is much better than before, and the place where I was bitten was not so bruised, I sucked out two more mouthfuls of blood, this time it was all bright red blood, and I was relieved knowing that all the snake venom in my wife's body was cleared by me Come.

I took out Yunnan Baiyao powder from the medicine box and sprinkled it on my wife's wound, and then wrapped it with gauze. I clapped my hands and let out a long breath, "You're done!"

Perhaps it was because of the sudden relaxation of the previous tension, I suddenly saw her private part from the bottom of the groin, under the curly hair was a piece of tender meat like a virgin, and my whole body became hot , I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Mistress saw that I hadn't moved for a long time after I finished speaking, she turned her head and saw me staring at her body, her face flushed slightly, but she was not angry, but showed a shy face which is rare, and said angrily: "Little pervert, where are you looking!" My beautiful wife 13

I hurriedly shifted my gaze to look elsewhere, a little at a loss, feeling extremely embarrassed.

After finishing talking, Mistress clamped her legs in embarrassment to prevent me from looking at her private parts. Mistress rummaged through her bag for a while, trying to find a pair of underwear, but found that she didn't bring any extra underwear. It was torn apart in a hurry by me just now, so I definitely can't wear it again.

Putting on the trousers directly will hurt the wound, so my wife looked at me and said, "Qiuqiu, take off your beach pants and give it to my wife!" Can cover the spring scenery.

I took off the beach shorts and handed them to my wife, leaving only swimming trunks on me.

The teacher took the beach pants and asked me to turn around before slowly starting to put them on. The teacher's wife hurt her buttocks so she couldn't sit and wear them. Standing up would inevitably make me happy.

I turned around obediently, and I don't know how long it took, my wife came over lightly and patted me on the back, and said with a smile: "Idiot, I don't know how to peek at such a good opportunity. If you must turn around and see enough!"

I had the urge to vomit blood. If I had known my wife would think this way, I would have turned around and shouted in my heart, what a loss, what a big loss, if there is such an opportunity in the future, I must seize it!

"Master, stop teasing me. If I really turn around, I will definitely be beaten all over the head by you!"

"Hehe..." Mistress covered her mouth and chuckled, blinking her big eyes charmingly, "What's the matter? Is Mistress such a violent person? It's all my family who saw me and I really can't do anything to you!"

My heart twitched violently when I heard this sentence, why didn't you say this earlier, Mistress!

"Then I'll strip you off, Mrs. Mistress, and I'll take a good look at you, and I will definitely live up to your expectations!" After being teased by Mrs. Mistress repeatedly, I gradually became more courageous, and I was going to take off the bottom of my wife's lower body on the beach pants.

But Mistress hastily moved away, and said with a smile: "Little pervert, you really dare to take off Mistress's pants! But it's too late now, I mean just now, Mistress has changed her mind!"

Although my wife is injured, her movements are still extremely flexible. The upper body is still wearing a swimsuit, but the lower part is covered by the beach pants I took off for my wife. It looks a bit nondescript, but it still can't stop my wife's charm.

When a woman wears more clothes, men tend to focus on the parts that are not exposed much, and when women wear less clothes, men focus on the parts that are covered.

I knew that Mistress would definitely not let me take advantage of her, so I said resentfully: "It's getting late, Mistress, let's go back to shore!" I was exhausted after playing all afternoon, Mistress was injured again, so I stayed It doesn't make much sense here either.

In fact, I am looking forward to living in the same room with my wife at night!

It's more than four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's probably after five o'clock when I get back to the shore. After returning to the hotel for dinner, I'm basically about to rest.

But Mistress shook her head, looked at the sea in the distance and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to leave today!"

I looked along the trend, and saw the overwhelming dark clouds sweeping over the boundless sea, while our side was still sunny.I wanted to get out of my phone and call the uncle who drove us in the speedboat, but my wife stopped me and said, "It's too late, this storm is too big, let's find a place to hide!" My beautiful wife 13

I had no choice but to give up, pack up my things and walk to the center of the island with my mother-in-law. We just played around for a while, and I don't know if there is a place to escape the wind and rain on this deserted island.

After not much walking, the wind on the island, which was still calm just now, gradually became stronger, the branches began to sway gently with the wind, and the sun was slightly dimmed.

The island is densely covered with forests, but no birds, beasts or insects are heard, only the sound of leaves being blown by the wind.

I'm just getting started with stargazing and divination. I always feel that this small island is weird, but I can't see through the essence. My wife looks at the sky from time to time, and then leads me through the woods. It didn't take long for us to see a 30 Mi Gao's hill appeared in front of him.