
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 14

This hill is small in size, but its shape is very strange.The heavy rain was coming, my wife and I didn't care so much, we walked around the hill, walked more than 100 meters, and suddenly found that there was a cave in this hill.

The cave is not big, only a little over 1.8 meters high, and only two meters wide, but it is very deep. It is dark inside, and there is an old smell of corruption after entering.

I don't know if God has pity on us, the outside of the cave became dark as soon as we entered the cave, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole island was covered with bean-sized raindrops!

At this time, my mobile phone rang suddenly. I saw that it was an unfamiliar number. After answering the answer, there was a hurried voice from the inside, "Young man, are you all right? The wind and rain are too heavy and the sea is rough. My boat tried a few times before leaving. If you can't get through, you should find a place to shelter from the rain first, and I'll come to pick you up as soon as the wind and rain stop, don't wander around on the island!"

I recognized that the voice on the phone was the uncle who drove me and my wife over in a speedboat today.My glamorous wife 14

"Well, I got it, uncle, we're fine, we're sheltering from the rain in a cave right now!" I just finished speaking when there was a beeping sound on the phone, and when I took a closer look, the phone had no signal at all!

"Master, it was the uncle who sailed the boat. He said that the wind and waves on the sea are too big for the boat to pass. He will come to pick us up immediately after the wind and rain stop! I saw that the storm came and went quickly, maybe it will happen in a blink of an eye. It's sunny!" I told my wife what the uncle said just now, I didn't want my wife to worry, so I took the opportunity to comfort her.

The mistress didn't speak, she stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the dark cloudy sky, and after a while she said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to hear the storm for a while, let's have something to eat while there is some light!" Then the mistress took out The tablecloth is spread on the ground, you can eat and rest on it.

"Well, Master, what would you like to do if we were trapped here forever?" I suddenly thought of this very philosophical question, and I didn't know how I expected Master to answer.

The teacher took out a ham and peeled it off. After hearing what I asked, she raised her head and looked at me with a strange smile. After coming over for a while, she said, "Of course it's what I want to do most! What about you?" Teacher's answer Very cunning, no specific content, who knows what is the thing I want to do the most?

"I..." I smiled, looked at my wife with some embarrassment, and then said bravely, "I most want... to eat my wife!" After I finished speaking, my heart was beating wildly.

The teacher gasped and smiled: "Little bastard, you have such a nasty idea! Then tell me, why is this what you want to do the most?"

"Because I love you, Mistress!" I said what I thought in my heart without hesitation. I held this sentence in my heart for a long time, and I wanted to say it that night, but I was worried that Mistress would be angry. environment, so I finally mustered up the courage to speak out.

At this moment, it suddenly became completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers inside the cave, and there was the sound of rain outside, but it was very quiet inside, only the breathing of my wife and me.

It took me a while to get used to this dark environment, and I could vaguely see the outline of my wife. When I saw her movements clearly, I was completely dumbfounded, as if my wife was taking off her clothes.

Mistress took off all the clothes on her body and walked towards me slowly. In this dark environment, Mistress seemed to be able to move freely without being restrained at all.

I swallowed, not knowing what would happen next.

Suddenly, a soft and creamy fragrant lip was attached to my mouth, and then my wife's naked body hugged me tightly. I was stunned for 2 minutes before I realized it. I was ecstatic and responded enthusiastically to my wife. kiss.

Mistress suddenly put her silky and moist tongue into my mouth, it was so soft and slippery that I sucked it up involuntarily.

The scene that I had fantasized about countless times is now being performed on this small island. The happiness came so suddenly that I was a little caught off guard. I only knew how to kiss my wife and forgot to do other actions.

Fortunately, my wife, like a teacher, taught me hand in hand. She grabbed my hand and put it on her chest. It was soft and smooth. I only felt these two words popping up in my mind.My wife's chest was held in my hands and I played with it wantonly. After a while, my wife gasped, and my body had already reacted.

"Don't you want to eat Mistress? Mistress will eat it for you now!" Mistress supported my head with both hands and pressed it gently on her chest. My mouth quickly touched Mistress's plump breasts, and I found the little cherry in it. Mouth allowed to suck up.

The mistress let out a low humming sound, which seemed to be in pain or joy, and it was impossible to tell the difference.

"Miss, I want you!" After sucking for a while, I felt that the bottom was uncomfortable, and said softly in the ear of my mistress.

My wife pulled me back, and when I came to the tablecloth, my wife knelt down with her back facing me, because my wife still had injuries under her buttocks, it was inconvenient to lie down or lie on my stomach, only this posture was the most suitable .

I took off my swimming trunks and half lay on my wife's smooth back. I thrust my lower body against my wife's private parts for a while, but I couldn't find the position after several times. I was so anxious that I wanted to jump.

Mistress straightened her buttocks and moved twice, I seemed to have found a place, and pushed hard, but heard Mistress let out a strange cry, and said cautiously: "Idiot, you made a mistake, there is Mistress's chrysanthemum! Do you have that chrysanthemum? Is it a hobby?"