
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 12

My wife's breasts are very full, and the shape of the breasts is also super beautiful. It is very round and straight, but I have never had the opportunity to see the true face of Lushan. Not only the other parts of the breasts, but also every inch of skin. I want to take a good look. When I think of this, I happily chased my wife even harder.

I thought in my heart, as soon as I caught her, I would immediately peel off all her clothes like a lychee, so as not to make excuses and say that she was joking, and act first to give my wife no time to think.

It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. No matter how hard you try, you will always be left behind by your wife.

Mistress is moving around in the water as nimbly as a fish. I can only look at it and sigh. It seems that Mistress is confident enough to say that, otherwise I will catch her right away. How could she say such an attractive condition? Come.

It seems that it is impossible to catch her without using tactics.My glamorous mistress 12

"Ouch..." I screamed, and then fell into the sea with a painful expression on my face. Maybe my performance was too realistic, and my wife was really fooled. She stopped and turned around to look at her. with me.

I was thinking about whether I should take the opportunity to chase after it, because there was still more than two meters away, and the starting speed in the water was very slow. I was not sure that I could catch up with my wife at such a long distance, but my wife came towards me.

Mistress, is she stupid?Or is she trying to deliberately lose to me so that I can see her body?

I was puzzled in my heart, my heart began to beat violently, and I thought to myself, the opportunity has come!

"Don't move, don't look back!" Mistress looked at my back nervously, as if there was something terrifying behind me. When I heard what Mistress said, I was terrified, and suddenly remembered what the proprietress who rented out the speedboat said.

Is there really something unclean on this island?

Mistress slowly approached me, and when she was half a meter away from me, she whispered, "Give me your hand!"

My brain went blank and I didn't know what Mistress wanted to do. I stretched out my hand as she said, Mistress grabbed my hand and pulled it hard. I only felt that Mistress' strength was stronger than a man's, so I turned my whole body towards Mistress He swooped over.

Mistress caught me in her arms, then turned around and we exchanged positions. At this time, we happened to be face to face and stuck together tightly. Only then did I realize that there was a sea snake more than one meter long behind me just now. .The whole body of sea snakes is divided into red, extremely gorgeous, flat body, and looks very good-looking, but there is a characteristic of snakes, that is, the brighter the color looks, the more intense the poison it has.

"Little!" I yelled in horror, the pink sea snake jumped up from the sea, opened its mouth and bit towards Mistress, Mistress didn't even look at me and hugged me and flew towards the shore.

But the speed of the snake was really too fast. I saw the snake bite behind my wife, but I didn't see where it bit. I heard a low voice from my wife, which seemed to be very painful.

The two flew towards the diving area on the shore, causing a layer of waves, pushing the snake that landed on the sea surface more than one meter away. Mrs. Chen climbed up and ran to the shore, but the snake didn't dare to continue chasing it, and left angrily up.

"Master, are you okay, I really think I saw you bitten by that snake just now!" My wife was facing me, so I haven't seen clearly what's going on behind her.

The teacher's face was a little flushed, and she said: "Bring the first aid kit!" As soon as I heard it, I knew that the teacher must have been bitten, and hurriedly ran under the coconut tree.

Fortunately, we brought a first-aid kit with us when we went out. We opened our backpacks and picked up the first-aid kit. My wife had already walked over and lay down on the tablecloth.

The teacher's wife was pale, and her forehead was dripping with sweat. It seemed that the snake's venom was not light.

"Miss, there seems to be no antidote in the first aid kit!" I searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and I was not familiar with the medicine, so I directly gave the medicine box to my wife, but she couldn't find it after searching for a while.

Mistress looked at me, her lips moved as if she wanted to say something to me, but she still didn't say it.

I knew that organ failure would occur if the venom entered the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body, and it would be too late to rescue me. Without a word, I went to my wife and squatted down and tore open her swimming trunks. exposed.My Beautiful Mistress 12

I saw four teeth marks on the bottom of the buttocks near the inner thighs, which were bitten out by poisonous fangs. I didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of my wife, so I opened her thighs and leaned down to suck hard on the wound with my mouth. up.

"Ah..." Mistress let out an extremely charming cry, not sure if it was pain or what was going on.

Mistress's body couldn't help trembling when my mouth touched her sensitive and private parts. After she let out a soft cry, she silently let me suck the snake venom for her.

Soon I felt my mouth was full, and when I spit to the side, a mouthful of dark red blood was sprayed on the sand without stopping. I unconsciously held my hands on the white buttocks of my wife, and sucked on her wound again. , as I sucked out the snake venom from my wife's body one by one, she seemed to feel better.

"Okay, Qiuqiu, stop inhaling, if the venom stays in your mouth for a long time, you may be poisoned too!" The teacher's voice was very soft, I don't know if it was because of the poisoning, or if she had such a poison in the first place. It's a numbing sound, I've never heard it before anyway.