
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 11

"Uncle, are there any wild animals on the island?" I am worried that my wife will be in danger. We are here to travel, not to take risks. This uncle who runs a boat should be very familiar with this area, so you have to play for fun, but you must be safe. .

The uncle looked at my wife and me with an ambiguous expression, and said with a smile: "Where did the beasts come from on this small island of two square kilometers? You can just go and play. The scenery on the island is beautiful! It's just that there were a few beasts on the island the year before last. The young couple went to the island to play, and it is said that they never came back. Some people said that the island was not clean, and some said that it was eaten by sea monsters. I think it is pure nonsense. There are no monsters in this world. Those couples played a prank! Maybe some dude came from somewhere, and in the middle of the night they sent a boat to pick them up!"

This uncle is very talkative. I asked him something and he talked for a long time. My wife laughed lightly when she heard him say that there are no ghosts and ghosts in the world. I don't really believe that there are ghosts in this world, even though they say the island is not clean. I'm not scared at all.

More than half an hour later, a small island that was only as big as a house appeared in front of our eyes, but it was much larger than what we saw just now. The island is surrounded by natural sea sand and coconut groves.

The speedboat drove until it was about to run aground more than ten meters from the edge of the island. "It's here, the boat can't get any closer, you two take your time, and I'll come pick you up in the afternoon! This is my number, if you get tired of playing You can call me in advance!" After speaking, the uncle gave me a business card with his company and phone number on it.My glamorous wife 11

I jumped out of the boat first, and the seawater submerged up to my thighs. My wife was carrying a bag, which contained water and food, as well as some emergency medicine and flashlights. I carried my wife and walked to the shore of the island.

The speedboat left quickly.

I carried my mistress all the way to the shore, but I was still a little reluctant to rest assured. Mistress's body is soft and fragrant, which makes me feel like I can't put it down. Mistress knocked on my forehead again. She seemed to see the bad thoughts in my heart and glared at me. , laughed angrily and said, "Qiuqiu is becoming more and more dishonest!"

How many men in such a stunner-like woman can feel calm?Unless it's not a man!What's more, in today's society, women fall in love with women more and more!

I put my mistress down, took off the backpack on her back, and asked, "Master, what are we going to do next?"

Unexpectedly, my wife looked at me with a smirk, "Anyway, it's not what you think in your head!"

My wife's words choked me so much that I didn't dare to speak, this woman is so enchanting, every word seems to have magical power, I can't extricate myself, I really can't hide anything from my wife's eyes.

We found a place under the shade of a tree, laid out the tablecloth, took out cooked food and sat on it to eat. The sea breeze was blowing, and the gulls were singing low. Looking at the sea level of the sea and the sky, we seemed to be in a beautiful picture. , Looking at the glamorous mistress beside me, I feel like I can eat something.

"There were too many people there just now, we couldn't let go of our hands and feet, let's go swimming for a while!" After eating the cooked food, the wife collected the garbage, put it in a plastic bag and put it back in the bag. She got up and said.

In fact, I don't care if I swim or not. I just want to see my wife in a swimsuit. When I heard her say that she wants to swim in the sea, I naturally agreed with joy.In order to see her body in a swimsuit, I said shamelessly: "Okay, Mrs. Ma, I like swimming the most!"

"Really? You want to see Mistress's body!" Mistress said shockingly, I'm a little messy, do I have roundworms raised by Mistress in my stomach?How come she can clearly understand everything I think?Thinking about it makes me a little scared, I don't know if I dreamed of having sex with my wife, does she also know about it!

Mistress saw that I didn't speak and giggled twice, then began to take off the outer clothes in front of me, and the inside was still the swimsuit that wasn't too sexy or too conservative.

I was a little hot all over. It was the first time I saw my wife take off my clothes in front of me. Although there was a swimsuit inside, this action made my blood boil. I took off my T-shirt and beach pants and put on swimming trunks to go to the elementary school with my wife. Walk in the water on the edge of the island.

We had a lot of fun this time. My wife and I competed to see who could swim faster. I have always been strong in sports, but my wife is not weaker than me. I swam more than 100 meters horizontally and there was no winner. But this island There seems to be seaweed floating in the shallow sea next to it, which looks disgusting.

Mistress played crazy. I don't know if it was to get revenge on me for scaring her. She dived to hide from time to time to scare me. Once, Mistress ripped off half of my swimming trunks directly from behind me, almost being taken off. I was angry and ashamed.

I yelled and said, "Master, you are not allowed to be like this, otherwise I will take off your swimsuit, Mistress!"

Mistress smiled and hooked her fingers at me, and said very charmingly: "Come on, as long as you can catch up with Mistress, it doesn't matter if I let you take off your swimsuit!"

This sentence made me feel as excited as chicken blood. I tried my best to chase after my wife, but no matter how hard I tried, I was always two or three meters away from my wife. I was so angry that I almost vomited blood. If I could catch up with my wife, I would definitely take off my clothes She, never kidding!