
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 10

My wife was not satisfied after playing in the shallow water area for a while. She said that she wanted to go to a deeper place to play. Swimming in the sea is riskier. Although there is a protective net on the outside to prevent being swept away by the waves, I am still worried that my wife will be in the deep water area again. I was exhausted, so I rented a lifebuoy and asked my wife to sit on it. I leaned on the side of the lifebuoy and pushed her to the deep water area.

My wife was very happy sitting on the lifebuoy, her white and smooth feet kept patting the sea surface, and I pushed beside me and soon came to a deeper place. Within a dozen meters, there were seven or eight people floating in the life buoy as the waves rose and fell.

Suddenly, an evil idea came up in my heart, I wanted to scare my wife on purpose, so I took a deep breath and suddenly sank down. My wife was having a good time, and suddenly found that I was gone. My heart felt cold, and I hurriedly shouted, "Autumn Qiu, Qiuqiu... where are you?"

I was sinking in the bottom of the sea and could vaguely hear anxious and slightly trembling voices, knowing that I could not continue the spoof, I was afraid that my wife would be sad if she mistakenly thought that I was really drowning, and I was also worried that she would be in danger because she came down to save me.

So I floated up from behind my mistress, but I heard my mistress crying slightly: "Qiuqiu..." She was about to come down from the lifebuoy, when I suddenly patted my wife on the back and said with a smile: "My wife , I'm behind you!" My glamorous wife 10

Maybe it was because my wife was very nervous, she was frightened when I slapped her, and she was so frightened that she swayed over, and the center of gravity of the life buoy was unstable, and suddenly it flipped up from under her buttocks, and she fell into the sea water immediately.

I hurriedly embraced my mistress in my arms, and suddenly a soft and creamy touch came from my mistress. I held my mistress with one hand and put the other on the lifebuoy. My mistress looked at me coldly with wet eyes. I knew she would definitely Angry.

Because my wife's soft body gave me too much stimulation, even though I knew she was angry, my body still had a physiological reaction involuntarily.

"You're going to die!" Mistress slapped me hard on the forehead, it seems that she saw through me and deliberately teased her just now.

Mistress's anger meant that she was concerned about my safety, so I was not angry, and said with a deadpan smile: "Mistress, I never thought you would be so worried about me, I swear I will never make such a joke again!"

"I'm worried about your ass! I'm not afraid of being implicated by you. If you go here for no reason, who am I going to take care of? Little bastard, if you dare to play tricks on Mistress in the future, see if I won't spank your ass!" Shi Niangxiu He frowned slightly, although he was angry but still had a charming taste.

Suddenly, Mistress quieted down and looked down at me. I thought it was broken, and Mistress must have noticed that I was upside down.

I just wanted to shrink my body back, because the bottom is right on the private parts of my wife, so it's strange if I don't get noticed!

Unexpectedly, Master's speed was even faster, she reached into the sea and pinched my big bird, and then said with a smile: "Little villain, how dare you have evil thoughts against Teacher!"

My face was flushed, I coughed in embarrassment, and said falteringly: "Master, I... I didn't mean it, and you are so close to me, normal people will react, okay, I can't help it, it suddenly turned up on its own Woke up!"

The teacher did not continue to tease me, but directly stuffed her hands into my swimming trunks, and I was trembling all over. At this moment, a motorboat suddenly drove towards us, and the person sitting on it was wearing an armband, pointing at us With more than ten meters left, he shouted, "Everyone, don't go to the outside, please return to the shallow water area as soon as possible!"

Only then did Mistress let go of her hand, took a sip, and said, "I'll settle the score with you later!"

The two of us put our hands on the life buoy and swam to the shallow water area together, but at this time, there were more and more people on the beach, like dumplings, and there was no place to stand. Seeing this scene, my wife lost her interest and continued swimming , suddenly said to me: "Why don't we go to the deserted island over there to have fun!"

I looked in the direction of the teacher's wife's finger, and there was a small island in the distance that had just crossed the sea level and was not very high. Isn't that the small uninhabited island I saw on the Internet?I nodded, "Okay, I can go wherever my wife says!"

After disembarking, we went to the speedboat rental office to inquire. They said that the deserted island was not clean. Someone once went there to explore and never came back.

But the teacher said: "We pay double the price, and if something goes wrong, we will take care of it and you won't have to take any responsibility!"

The proprietress of the rental office hesitated for a while, and finally said with a smile on her face: "In this case, then we will risk our lives to accompany the gentleman. It's okay to go, but I warn you, it's best to leave before sunset, don't Stay there until sunset!" When she said this, the proprietress had a look of horror on her face, as if going to the island to play was such a terrible thing.

"Thank you, you can leave as soon as you send us to the island, and you can pick us up in the afternoon!" The teacher took out five hundred yuan and gave it to the proprietress.

The teacher brought a backpack full of food and water, and a small emergency kit inside.

Following the master who drove the speedboat, we walked to the beach and boarded a red and white speedboat. It was moving... After the motor started, there was a roar. After turning the direction, the speedboat gradually accelerated. It's cool.

I don't know why, but I always feel a little restless. My wife sat on the speedboat and looked ahead with a calm face.